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2015/12/14 21:35
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  • What time does the store open/close?

  • What are your business hours?

直訳で"What time does the store open/close?"と言うことができます。ここでの"open"は開店を、"close"は閉店をそれぞれ指します。直接店員に質問する場合、"the store"を"you"に変えて"What time do you open/close?"と聞くことも可能です。また、特定の店舗名を使って"What time does [store name] open/close?"と聞くこともできます。 一方で、一日の全営業時間を知りたい場合、直接店員に対して"What are your business hours?"と尋ねるとより効果的です。このフレーズでは"business hours"が営業時間を表します。 例文: - Do you know what time the Starbucks around the corner opens? (近くの角にあるスターバックスは何時に開きますか?) - Excuse me, but could you tell me your business hours for the weekend? (失礼ですが、週末の営業時間を教えていただけますか?)
  • What are your operating hours?

  • What are your buisness hours?

  • When do your doors open and close?

1. 'What are your operating hours' and 'What are your buisness hours' are two phrases that have the same meaning. This tells the listener that you would like for them to list the time that they both open and close. Ex: A) "Hello I would like to know your business hours?" B) "Sure, we are open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. everyday" 2. "When do your doors open and close?" This is more a casual way of speaking. It may even be used in the inverse when a storeowner or even an employee in a resturaunt when they want to give you information. Ex.1 A) "Hi, when do your doors open and close?" B) "Doors open at 8 A.M. and close by 9 P.M. Ex. 2 A) "Our doors open at 10 A.M and close by 5 P.M" B) "Ok, thank you for the information!"
1. 「What are your operating hours」や「What are your buisness hours」は、同じ意味を持ちます。 どちらも開店と閉店の両方の時間をを聞き手に尋ねる文となります。 例文 A) ""Hello I would like to know your business hours?"" 営業時間を知りたいのですが。 B) ""Sure, we are open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. everyday"" もちろん朝8時から夜9時です。 2. ""When do your doors open and close?"" これは気軽な話しです。レストランの店長や店員が、情報を与えてほしいとき、逆に使われるかもしれません。 例文1 A) ""Hi, when do your doors open and close?"" こんにちは、開店と閉店はいつですか? B) ""Doors open at 8 A.M. and close by 9 P.M. ドアが開くのは8時で、閉まるのは9時です。 例文 2 A) ""Our doors open at 10 A.M and close by 5 P.M"" ドアが開くのは10時で閉まるのは5時です。 B) ""Ok, thank you for the information!"" 了解です。情報ありがとうございます。
OllieVee DMM英会話講師
  • How late/how early are you open?

  • What are the store's operating hours?

If you'd like to know all of their hours in general, then you might want to ask about the store's "operating hours" but if you'd like to come at a specific time then you ask a simple " how late are you open?" if you're running late or "how early are you open?" if you plan to show up early the next day. Let's say you've been procrastinating to go to this store. This is my usual experience. Me: Hello good evening! I'm just calling to check how late your store will be open tonight? Store: Hi, we're closing in 30 minutes. Me: Ok, thank you very much! (speed!) You can use the same type of question with "how early"
一般的な営業時間を知りたい場合、店の「operating hours」を尋ねると良いでしょう。 "how late are you open? " 夜はいつまでやっているのか尋ねます。 "how early are you open?" どれくらい早くからオープンしているのかを尋ねることができます。 店につくの遅延しているとしましょう。こういう風に言います。 Me: Hello good evening! I'm just calling to check how late your store will be open tonight? 私(こんばんわ、今日は何時までやっていますか?) Store: Hi, we're closing in 30 minutes. 店員(こんにちはあと30分で閉まりますよ。) Me: Ok, thank you very much! (speed!) 私(ありがとう!) how earlyで「どれくらい早く」なので、色んな応用がききますよ。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • What are your operating/trading hours?

  • What time does the shop open and what time does it close?

When you want to find out the business hours of the store, then you can ask in the following manner: -What are your operating hours (on Monday to Friday)? -What time does the shop open and what time does it close on (Sunday)? -When do you open and close the shop?
お店の営業時間を尋ねるときの表現です: -What are your operating hours (on Monday to Friday)? (月曜から金曜日の)営業時間を教えてください? -What time does the shop open and what time does it close on (Sunday)? (日曜日の)開店は何時で、閉店は何時ですか? -When do you open and close the shop? お店の開店と閉店時間は何時ですか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What are your opening hours please?

  • 2. What time do you open/close?

  • 3. What are your trading hours please?

1. Opening hours: "Our opening hours are 11am to 3pm." 2. "When do you close?" "We close at 5pm." 3. trading hours = the hours when you may buy or sell products or services. "We are open at 8am to give advice to customers. However our trading hours are 9am to 4pm."
1.Opening hours営業時間:"Our opening hours are 11am to 3pm."「営業時間は午前11時から午後3時です。」 2."When do you close?" 「いつ閉じる?」"We close at 5pm." 「午後5時に閉じる」 hours =製品やサービスの取引できる時間。 We are open at 8am to give advice to customers. However our trading hours are 9am to 4pm." 「私たちは8時に開店してお客にさんアドバイスしていますが、実際の営業時間は午前9時から午後4時です」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When are your opening times?

  • When are you open?

  • What time do you close?

Example "When are your opening times?" or "When are you open?" or "What time do you close?" or "Can you tell me your opening and closing times?"
"When are your opening times?" 開店は何時ですか?   "When are you open?"  いつ開きますか? "What time do you close?"  何時に閉まりますか? "Can you tell me your opening and closing times?" 開店と閉店の時間を教えてもらえますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • What are your operating hours for your store?

  • What days and times is your store operational?

  • What time do you open and what days are you open on?

Above are the straight forward answers on how to request operational times
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • What are your business hours?

  • What are your trading hours?

  • What time do you open the store and what time do you close?

When people want to find out what the operating hours of a particular business are, the usual question is: What are your business hours? Since this is a store, you may vary this by asking: What are your trading hours? or you may be more precise and ask: What time do you open the store and what time do you close?
特定のビジネスの営業時間が知りたい場合、一般的な質問は次のとおりです: What are your business hours? お店の開いている時間は、次のように質問を変更することができます: What are your trading hours? または以下の様に店の開店・営業時間を聞くこともできます: What time do you open the store and what time do you close?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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