世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/13 12:17
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  • I was/got interviewed on TV.

他の参考になれる文章も確認しましょう! I was interviewed as part of a TV program. I was interviewed on a talk show. I gave a media interview. I got interviewd for a TV show/radio show/magazine etc.
  • I was accepted for an interview

  • I have been offered an interview

The sentence "I got an interview" implies you applied for something, for example a job, and the employer has offered you an interview. The sentence is fine but it is better to say something like, "I have been offered an interview" If you were interviewed on the street for example, you would say something like, "I was interviewed today."
"I got an interview" (インタビューを受けた)という文は例えば仕事に応募したことを表し、雇用主が面接をしたということです。 この文でも大丈夫ですが、 "I have been offered an interview"と言った方が良いでしょう。 街でインタビューを受けた場合は "I was interviewed today."と良いでしょう。
Matt We DMM英会話講師
  • I got an interview.

I got an interview on the street.=路上の上でインタビューを受けた。 この場合の"got"(getの過去形)は「〇〇を受けた/もらった」などのニュアンスを伝えたいときに使えます。 他にも、「プレゼントをもらった」="I got a present"となります。
  • A tv reporter interviewed me at the event/concert/street corner.

"A tv reporter interviewed me at the event/concert/street corner." You were interviewed by a tv reporter, but you want to tell your friends where. You can tell that you were interviewed and then explain where or you could say, "....interviewed about the concert/crime. " And so on!
"A tv reporter interviewed me at the event/concert/street corner." (テレビレポーターにインタビューされ、友達にそれを報告したい。) その場合、まず自分がインタビューされたことを伝え、そのあとに、どこでされたのか、または何についてのインタビューであったのかを以下の文体などで説明します。 "....interviewed about the concert/crime. "
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I was interviewed on the street for a tv show

  • I got to be on tv to do an interview

People can be asked to do interviews anywhere and they are sometimes unexpected. When you tell your friends you can say, "I got to be on tv to do an interview." Depending on where you were interviewed you would say the location as well. So if you were interviewed on the street you can say, "I was interviewed on the street for a tv show." Or if you were interviewed at home you can say, "They came to my house to do an interview for tv."
人はどこででもインタビューをするように頼まれることがあり、思いもよらない時に頼まれることもあります。友人に "I got to be on tv to do an interview." (インタビューを受けてテレビに出た)という時は、インタビューを受けた場所によって、場所を言うかもしれません。 ですから通りでインタビューを受けたのであれば、"I was interviewed on the street for a tv show."(テレビ番組のために通りでインタビューを受けた)ということが出来ます。又は家でインタビューを受けたのであれば、"They came to my house to do an interview for tv."(テレビのインタビューを受けるために家にテレビ局の人が来た)ということが出来ます。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • I was randomly interviewed in the street for a TV show yesterday.

  • I was unexpectedly interviewed in the street for a TV show this morning

It often happens that a TV station does send out a team (reporter and camera person) to interview random people on the street to get their opinions regarding a particular topic or topics. Any person can be picked without prior notice or arrangement. The adverb 'randomly' in this context means that you were picked on for the interview without prior arrangement or notice. The adverb 'unexpectedly' in this context means that you did not expect to be interviewed by a TV crew at that time. If this was the case with you, you may tell your friend or family at home as follows: I was randomly interviewed in the street for a TV show yesterday. or I was unexpectedly interviewed in the street for a TV show this morning.
テレビ局が、チーム(レポーターとカメラマン)を派遣して、特定のトピックについて意見を集めるために通りの人に無作為にインタビューすることはよくあります。事前告知又は事前準備なく、インタビューする人は選ばれます。 この文のrandomlyという副詞は、事前準備又は事前に知らされることなくインタビュー対象として選ばれたということです。この文のunexpectedlyという副詞は、その時テレビ局の人にインタビューされるとは思っていなかったということです。もしそうであるなら、友人や家にいる家族に以下のように話すことが出来ます。 例文 I was randomly interviewed in the street for a TV show yesterday. 昨日通りで無作為にテレビ番組のインタビューを受けた I was unexpectedly interviewed in the street for a TV show this morning. 今朝通りで思いもよらずテレビ番組のインタビューを受けた
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I had an impromptu interview on the street yesterday for a TV show yesterday.

  • I had my interview on the street yesterday for a TV show yesterday.

If you have an impromptu interview it means you had an interview without expecting it. The interviewer just interviewed you on the spot and you were not prepared for it. I had my interview on the street yesterday for a TV show yesterday. - This means that you were aware of this interview and you want to tell your friends about it.
imprompt interviewとは、予期せずにインタビューを受けることを言いますインタビュワーは、何も準備などをしていない、その場にいたあなたに突然インタビューする意味合いです。 I had my interview on the street yesterday for a TV show yesterday. -これは、インタビューに気づいて、友達に知らせたいときに使います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I was interviewed on the street for a TV show.

  • A TV show interviewed me when I was walking down the street

You are walking down the street and are stopping to be interviewed by a TV show, you can use one of these sentences or phrases to help you out. For example. I am going to be famous. Why? A TV show interviewed me when I was walking down the street I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will あなたは通りを歩いていて、テレビ番組のインタビューを受けることを止めています。これらの文章またはフレーズのいずれかを使用して、あなたを助けることができます。 例えば。 私は有名になります。 どうして? 私が通りを歩いていたときにテレビ番組が私にインタビューしました それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を。 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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