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2016/12/13 19:52
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  • Do you know what day this is?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳例} Do you know what day this is? [今日](何の日か知ってる。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {解説} 「今日何の日か知ってる」という意味です。 this は today(今日)を指します。 [曜日](などを尋ねるときにも使います。 記念日だということを相手が完全に忘れている場合、「金曜日」などと答えられる可能性もあります。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {例} "Do you know what day this is?" "I sure do. It's our wedding anniversary." ⇒「今日何の日か知ってる」。「もちろん、結婚記念日だよね」。 【出典:Executive's Treasury of Humor for Every Occasion】 You know what day this is, don't you? ⇒今日何の日か知ってるよね。 "Do you know what day this is?" "It's Sunday, isn't it?" ⇒「今日何曜日か知ってる」。「日曜だよね」。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ お役に立てば幸いです。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • So, aren't you forgetting something???

質問者さんへ だいぶ以前のご質問への回答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 「今日は何の日」とダイレクトに聞くこともできますし Aren't you forgetting something??? 「[何か、忘れてない???](」 と聞くことも可能です。 So, と文頭に置くと、 So, aren't you forgetting something??? 「それはさておき」(話題を変えるので) というニュアンスも出せます。 forget = [忘れる]( something = 何か ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 質問者さんの英語学習の成功を願っております。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • Do you remember what happened 6 years ago, today?

  • Do you remember what is special about today?

"Do you remember what happened, 6 years ago, today?" This sentence gives information about your special day, (six years ago, today). This is a good way to ask a question if you want to hint at the day's importance, but not tell him exactly why it is important. Do you remember what is special about today? Here you are asking him to recall what is special about the day. You might need to give a hint as to why the day is special.
6年前の今日、何が起こったか覚えているかい? この文は、あなたの特別な日について情報を与える時に使います。(six years ago, today).これは、その日の重要性についてヒントを出すきき方として良いでしょうね。 Do you remember what is special about today? これも今日が何の日か思い出せるか相手に尋ねる言い方です。何故重要なのか相手にヒントを出す必要があるかもしれません。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Babe do you now what day it is today?

  • I hope you didn't forget what day it is today?

Babe do you now what day it is today? - You can call him any pet names you use e.g sweety,love,babe etc. When you now have their attention you can then ask them if they remembered what day it is. I hope you didn't forget what day it is today? - You can use this sentence to see if they remembered. For example: You: I hope you didn't forget what day it is today? Him/Her: How can I forget our special day (with a smiley face)
Babe do you now what day it is today? -sweety,love,babe などの呼称で呼んでもいいでしょう。 相手の注意をひきつけたら、今日が何の日なのか覚えてるか尋ねることができるでしょう。 I hope you didn't forget what day it is today? 相手が覚えているかこう尋ねることもできます。 例 You: I hope you didn't forget what day it is today? 今日が何の日か覚えてくれてることを願うよ。 Him/Her: How can I forget our special day (笑顔) 私たちの特別な日をどうして忘れられるのかしら。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Is it a special day tomorrow?

  • Have we got anything planned for tomorrow?

  • I wonder what day it is tomorrow...

Is it a special day tomorrow? Have we got anything planned for tomorrow? I wonder what day it is tomorrow... These are all hints you can drop to you boyfriend which will hopefully jog his memory! *You can also say...* *Are you forgetting what tomorrow is? *Does tomorrow's date ring a bell? (ring a bell= remind you of anything) *Are you forgetting something? *I hope you've got something planned for tomorrow... *I wonder if you've remembered what tomorrow is... Hope this helps! ^ ^
Is it a special day tomorrow? 明日は特別な日? Have we got anything planned for tomorrow? 明日何かあったっけ? I wonder what day it is tomorrow... 明日は何の日かな。 これらは、全て彼氏の記憶にヒントを与えるような表現です。    以下のようにも表現できます。 *Are you forgetting what tomorrow is? 明日は何の日が忘れているの? *Does tomorrow's date ring a bell? 明日のデートでぴんときた?(ring a bellとは、何かを思い出すこと) *Are you forgetting something? 何か忘れていない? *I hope you've got something planned for tomorrow... 明日の何か計画しているといいんだけど。 *I wonder if you've remembered what tomorrow is... 明日が何の日か覚えているかな。  
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what today is?

  • Guess what today is?

  • I hope you remembered what today is!

In the second sentence suggestion, you can use it to play a guessing game with your boyfriend in jest. The direct approach would be to use the first sentence suggestion. The third example is really direct and if you do not use the proper tone, it can come off as if you are upset. I would smile if I were to use the last example.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Any plans for today?

I have to say this to my husband every year :) The best way to say it is to make sure you are sharing eye contact and as you say it and immediately afterwards give him a 'wry smile'. A wry smile is when your face shows a combination of happiness and disapointment or shock. The way to do it is to smile while raising your eyebrows, or smile while pursing your lips. That will he will know something is up and he better have a gift planned for you!
私は、旦那に毎年こういわないといけません。 一番いい方法は、目を合わせて、このフレーズを言った後すぐに「皮肉な笑顔」をすることです。wry smileとは、あなたの顔に、うれしい感じと、がっかり、もしくはショックな感じを出すといった様子です。眉毛をあげて笑顔を見せる、もしくは口をすぼめながら笑顔を作るといった感じでしょうか。こうすることで、彼は何かあるんだ、とかプレゼントを用意した方がいいかなと気づくでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • "Do you know what day it is today?"

  • "Do you know what is special about today?"

  • "Do you remember what the day is today?"

If you wanted to ask your boyfriend if he knows what day it is today (it is an anniversary date for you), you could ask any of the following: "Do you know what day it is today?", "Do you know what is special about today?" or "Do you remember what the day is today?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Do you remember what day it is today?

Examples: Do you know what day it is today? Today is a special day! Do you remember what day it is? Today is a special day for us, do you remember why? Guess what day it is for us today? It's a special day!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what day it is today?

  • Do you know what today is?

When it has been six months since you started dating your boyfriend and want to ask him if he knows what day today is; then you may ask in the following ways: -Do you know what day it is today? (We've been dating for 6 months) -Do you know what today is? (We have been together for 6 months) Please note that the word "anniversary" refers to a year to the day something happened. So, it isn't grammatically correct to say "6 month anniversary" even though some people would say this in casual/informal conversation.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Hey babe, do you know what day it is today?

  • Hey hun, do you know what today is?

If you would like to tease what day it is to someone for example a boyfriend if it is your 6 month anniversary, you can say something like "Hey babe, do you know what day it is today?" or "Hey hun, do you know what today is?". These are some ways to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what day it is today?

  • Today is an important day for us. Do you know why?

Many times people forget their anniversaries. The woman is usually the one who remembers and when she knows that her husband has forgotten, she tries asking him questions about the day to make him remember. In the first sentence, we are directly asking someone about today's date. It may be understood that it is a normal day and there is no significance to it. In the second sentence, we are portraying that something is special about the day. This should make the listener aware that something happened on this day and they will probably think of special occasions that have happened. in the past.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what day it is today?

  • Hey, guess what day it is today.

There two sentences are the best way to ask this. Saying 'guess what day it is today" is hinting at the person that it might be a special day or a day that they should remember.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Do you know what today is?

  • Do you know what is special about today?

  • Do you remember what is special about today?

Here are three example of how we can ask our boyfriend/girlfriend if they know or remember what is special about today. Notice that in the second and third example that we can interchangeably use the verbs, "to know," and, "to remember," to ask this question and still keep the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • You know what day it is today, don't you?

  • You know it's a special day today?

If you want to ask your boyfriend if he is aware that today is your 6 month anniversary, then either of the above suggestions may fit your scenario. Both of the above suggestions are written in the affirmative. The first is a positive sentence with a question tag. The second is a statement but intonation will indicate it is a query.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Guess what day it is today? 6 months ago you made an honest woman out of me!

  • Know what's special about today?

1. Guess what day it is today? 6 months ago you made an honest woman out of me! The expression "Make an honest woman out of me"means that you had been in a relationship for a few years and then decided to make it official by tying the knot/getting married. 2. Know what's special about today? Unlike women, most men do not keep track of small, special events that mean the world to women. It would help to give him a hint like using the the word, "special" to indicate this. If he still does not get the hint then simply spell it out clearly: "We started dating 6 months ago, today!"
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what today is?

  • Is there anything special about today?

  • What do you think today is?

Do you know what today is? Is there anything special about today? What do you think today is? When you want to ask someone, your boyfriend or girlfriend, if they know what day it is, and you want to give them a gentle reminder, you can ask one of these three questions. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what day it is?

  • Do you remember what day today is?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば以下のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Do you know what day it is? 今日が何の日かわかる? Do you remember what day today is? 今日が何の日か覚えてる? It's our six-month anniversary! 半年記念日だよ! anniversary は「記念日」「周年」などの意味で使われる英語表現です。 例えば 5th anniversary なら「5年記念日」や「5周年」となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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