世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 15:34
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  • I'll get her/him.

  • I'll connect you to Mr./Ms. 〇〇. (the Sales department.)

  • I'll put you through to Mr./Ms. 〇〇. (the Sales department.)

電話口で、代わる人の名前を言われた場合には、簡単に、Hold on a second/moment. I'll get her/him.([少々お待ちください](。彼・彼女に[つなげます](で十分です。 丁寧に、誰それにおつなぎいたします。と転送等する場合には、I'll connect you, もしくは、I'll put you through to を使います。部署への転送も同様です。 I'll connect you to Mr./Ms. 〇〇. (the Sales department.) 誰々におつなぎします。 I'll put you through to Mr./Ms. 〇〇. (the Sales department.) 誰々におつなぎします。
  • I'll pass the phone to Jim.

  • Here's Jim.

カジュアルなニュアンスです。I'll pass the phone to 〜 [ビジネス](ならば、「One moment please. Let me call Jim.」など丁寧に言います。
  • put ○○ on the phone

この表現も電話の通話者を交代する時によく使われる言い方の一つです。 I'll put him on the phone. 「彼に電話代わります」
  • I'll hand you over to Mr A

  • I'll pass you over to Mr A

  • Here's Mr A

Example telephone conversation: Paul: "Hi Mark! How are you today?" Mark: "Fine thanks!" Paul: "Great! I was wondering of you wanted to go to the football match this afternoon?" Mark: "Well I do, but I'm with John. I'm not sure if he wants to do that." Paul:"Pass me over to him." John:"Hi Paul." Paul: "You'll come to the football match today, won't you?" John:"Sure." Paul: "OK. Pass me back to Mark."
電話での会話の例: Paul(ポール): "Hi Mark! How are you today? (やあマーク!今日の調子はどう?) Mark(マーク): "Fine thanks!" (大丈夫、ありがとう!) Paul: "Great! I was wondering of you wanted to go to the football match this afternoon?" (よかった!今日の午後フットボールの試合に行かない?) Mark: "Well I do, but I'm with John. I'm not sure if he wants to do that." (行きたいけれど今ジョンと一緒にいるんだ。彼がそれをしたいかどうかわからない。) Paul:"Pass me over to him." (彼にかわって。) John:"Hi Paul." (やあポール!) Paul: "You'll come to the football match today, won't you?"(一緒にフットボールの試合に来るよね?) John:"Sure." (いいよ。) Paul: "OK. Pass me back to Mark." (分かった。またマークにかわって。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Just a moment. I'm going to pass the phone to Mr. A.

  • I'm going to hand you over to Mr. A.

  • Hold on just a moment and I'll give the phone to Mr. A.

"Just a moment. I'm going to pass the phone to Mr. A." This is a great way to say you're going to pass the phone to someone. This is also a neutral expression, so you can use this in a formal or an informal situation. Example: Mr B: "I'd like to speak to Mr. A about this issue." You: "Just a moment. I'm going to pass the phone to Mr. A. "I'm going to hand you over to Mr. A." This is a more informal way to express the first phrase. "Hand you over" in this case does not refer to the person specifically in this case, but to a device like a cell phone, telephone, or laptop. You can also use this phrase in a business setting if you know both parties well. Mr. B: "Hey, can I talk to Mr. A for a moment?" You: "I'm going to hand you over to Mr. A." "Hold on just a moment and I'll give the phone to Mr. A." This is another great way to express what you want to say. It is also neutral, so you can again use this in both a formal and informal setting. You can also substitute the word "phone" for any other device you are using for communication in the moment. Laptop, cell phone, tablet, etc. This also asks the person to "hold on" so it is polite and implies that you are sorry for the wait. You can use this sentence at work or at home. Example: Mr. B: "Hey, can I talk to Mr. A?" You: "Hold on just a moment and I'll give the phone to Mr. A."
“Just a moment. I’m going to pass the phone to Mr. A.” (少々お待ちください。Aさんにお電話かわります。) これは電話を誰かにかわるとき言える良い表現です。 これは、フォーマルでもカジュアルにでも どのシチュエーションにも使うことができます。 例 Mr. B: “I’d like to speak to Mr. A about this issue.” (Aさんとこの問題について話したい。) You: “Just a moment. I’m going to pass the phone to Mr. A.” (あなた:少々お待ちください。Aさんにお電話かわります。) “I’m going to hand you over to Mr. A.” (Aさんにおつなぎいたします。) これはよりカジュアルな言い方です。 この場合、“hand you over”は 特に人物を表すのではなく、 携帯電話、電話やパソコンなどのデバイスのことを表します。 また、両方の人物をよく知っている場合は、 ビジネスにおいてもこのフレーズを使用することができます。 Mr. B: "Hey, can I talk to Mr. A for a moment?" (Bさん:こんにちは、Aさんと少し話せますか?) You: ”I’m going to hand you over to Mr. A.” (Aさんにおつなぎいたします。) “Hold on just a moment and I’ll give the phone to Mr. A.” (少々お待ちください。Aさんにお電話つなぎます。) これもまた、言いたいことを表現する良い方法です、 これも、フォーマル、カジュアル両方の場において使うことができます。 “phone”(電話)という言葉を使っている他のデバイスに変えて使うこともできます。 例えば、パソコンや携帯電話、またタブレットなどです。 これもまた、相手に “hold on” (待ってください) と頼んでいるので、 申し訳ないという気持ちを暗示しているので礼儀正しいです。 この文は職場や家で使われます。 例 Mr. B: “Hey, can I talk to Mr. A?” (Bさん:やぁ、Aさんと話せるかい?) You: “Hold on just a moment and I’ll give you the phone to Mr. A.” (あなた:少々お待ちください。Aさんにお電話つなぎます。)
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Just hold for Mr. A quick.

>Just hold for Mr. A quick. To hold is to hang on a little bit. So by saying "Just hold for Mr. A quick" means that he must hang on while you are giving the phone to Mr.A. Other sentences a. Ill give him the phone just hold on. b. Just a second, I'll pass the phone to him quick.
Just hold for Mr. A quick. 「Just hold for Mr. A quick」と言ってA氏に電話を取り継ぐ間少し待ってもらうときに使える表現です。 他にも以下のように表現することも可能です。 a. Ill give him the phone just hold on. b. Just a second, I'll pass the phone to him quick.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Mr B,Mr A would like to talk to you.

  • Please hold the line for Mr B.

Mr B,Mr A would like to talk to you. This is an acceptable way to relay the message that you are about to give the phone to someone else . Please hold the line for Mr B. This is a good way to ask someone to not drop the phone because you are about to connect them to another person.
Mr B,Mr A would like to talk to you. Bさん、Aさんがあなたと話したいそうです。 これは、誰かに電話をかわるのに使える表現です。   Please hold the line for Mr B. Bさんに代わりますのでお待ちください。 これは、別の人につなぐので電話を切らないように相手に伝える表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'll just pass you over.

  • One second, I will put him on.

If you want to pass the phone to the person next to you, or the person on the phone wants to speak with the person you are with, you can say one of these two sentences. For example. Hey, how are you? Good, you? Fine. Are you with Dave? Yeah, do you want to speak to him? Yeah. Okay, I'll pass you over. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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