世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/14 17:01
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  • It's really cold outside today, isn't it?

  • It's so cold outside. Don't you think so?

とにかく、今日は寒いという表現を先にもってきて、 It's really cold outside today. 最後に、共感をもってもらうために、付加疑問文を使います。 It's really cold outside today, isn't it? または、もう少しシンプルにして、 It's so cold outside. Don't you think so? Don't you think so? で「そう思わない?」と意見を求めるような、言い方だと、会話の一部としては使いやすいかと思います。 以下のような「そう思わない?」「そうだよね?」の例もあります。 例 You're coming to the party, aren't you? パーティーに来るんだよね? This is tasty, isn't it? これ、美味しいでしょう? ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • It's freezing outside, isn't it?

  • It's freezing, isn't it?

freezing は凍てつくような寒さを指します。 It's freezing outside, isn't it? 「外は凍てつくような寒さだね」 (建物の中に入った時などに使えます) It's freezing, isn't it? 「凍てつくような寒さだね」 (外にいる時に使います) 自分がどこにいるかによって使い分けてみてください!
  • It's really cold out today, don't you think?

  • ain't it chilly/cold out here?

You may have never seen or heard the word "ain't" in the expression "ain't it chilly/cold out here?" but this is quite a casual or expression, some may consider it a little bit of a slang but many people in America use "ain't" instead of "isn't". So you could definitely say "isn't it chilly/cold out here" but you can also use "ain't" "ain't it cold today?" or you could throw a simple "it's coooooooooold" making the word "cold" long to emphasize how cold you feel.
"ain't it chilly/cold out here?"(ここは寒くないですか?)という表現で使われる、 "ain't"(ない)という言葉を見たことも聞いたこともないかもしれません。 しかし、これはかなりカジュアルな表現で、 一部の人たちはそれをスラングとみなしているかもしれないが、 アメリカで多くの人々は、"isn't"(ではない)の代わりに"ain't"(ない)を使います。 なので"isn't it chilly/cold out here" (ここは寒くないですか?) と言うことができますが、"ain't"の使用も可能です。 "ain't it cold today?" (今日、寒いね?) またはあなたは単純に"it's coooooooooold "(さむーーーーーーい) という風に単語"cold(寒さ)"を長くすることで寒いことを強調ことができます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Cold, isn't it?

挨拶でよく使うのは、これかなと思います。 Coldの部分ですが、これは It is cold の省略形です。 How are you? (元気?)に対して、I'm good.(私は元気です)の代わりにGood(元気だよ)と答えるのと同じで、主語と動詞がまるごと省略されたかたちですね。 会話ではこういった省略は会話ではよく起ります。 isn't it? はいわゆる付加疑問で「~だよ(です)ね」と、クッションのように語尾につけて使います。 Cold.だけだと「寒い」となりますが、isn't it?を付けることで「寒いよね」となります。 ぜひ、使ってみてください。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • It's turned out cold again today!

  • I am so tired of this freezing weather!

  • I wish I'd bought my scarf. I didn't think it would be this cold!

These three statements could be made when the weather is cold or it has become colder. Importantly these are not questions. People may or may not wish to get involved with small talk, By your making a simple statement, they will have the option of speaking to you or not.. You do not want to bother anyone or be a pest, I'm sure!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • 1. How about this weather?

  • 2. It is freezing, isn't it?

It is important that you phrase it is such a way that another person is able to respond to it. ___________________________________________________ Example A: How about this weather? B: I cannot stand this cold weather A: It is freezing, isn't it? B: Yes, it is. I cannot feel my face.
別の人が答えられるようなフレーズにすることが重要です。 ___________________________________________________ 例 A: How about this weather?(この天気はどうですか?) B: I cannot stand this cold weather(この寒い天気には耐えられません) A: It is freezing, isn't it?(とても寒いですね) B: Yes, it is. I cannot feel my face.(はい、顔の感覚がありません)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's freezing today, isn't it?

  • What a cold day it is today! What do you think?

In the first sentence, you may start by saying: It's freezing today'. But, this on it's own may not persuade the other person to put forward his/her opinion. If you carry on and turn this into a question by adding 'isn't it?', the other person will definitely be persuaded to answer it. By doing so, you will have started the small talk. In the second two sentences, You start by exclaiming: What a cold day it is today! You then carry on and immediately ask the question: What do you think? Again, the other person will be persuaded to answer the question. You will automatically have started the small talk.
最初の文章では、it's freeizing todayと言っていますが、この言葉だけでは相手の意見は出てきませんので、付加疑問文'isn't it?を付け足してみます。こういえば相手も回答してくれて、ちょっとした会話が成り立つでしょう。. 二つ目の文章では、What a cold day it is today!と簡単文から始め、その後質問 What do you think? をすぐに投げかけます。 これでも相手は答えてくれるでしょうからあ、会話がスタートするでしょうね。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It seems like it is colder today than yesterday.

  • Is it cold enough for you?

  • Wow, I didn't know it would be this cold today.

The most common smalltalk referring the cold weather is the age old... Is it cold enough for you? It gets the person you are speaking to an opportunity to answer a question. That in turn will open the door for more conversation. I like that today is colder than yesterday or the weather forecast did not say it would be this cold today.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Its a bit nippy out...

  • Its a bit nippy out...don't you think so?

Its a common colloquial usuage say "NIPPY",when we mean cold and fresh weather... its less formal and does not sound like its the Weatherman speaking:-) So its a more friendly way to start small talk... "Its a bit nippy out...don't you think so?"
"NIPPY"は寒い天気を言う時に一般的に日常会話で使われます。 堅苦しい表現ではないので、気象予報士が話しているようには聞こえません:-) たわいもない会話を始めるフレンドリーな言い方です。 Its a bit nippy out...don't you think so?(今日ちょっと寒いけど…そう思わない?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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