世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/08 13:42
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  • If it's too hot/too cold, let me know.

  • How is the temperature? If you want me to change it, please let me know.

  • Do you need me to adjust the temperature?

  • Is the car too hot or too cold?

  • Do you need the heater or the air conditioner?

These are different ways you can ask your friend if the temperature in your vehicle is comfortable or not. It is very good manners to make sure your passengers are comfortable. If they are hot, you can ask them if they need the heater. For those that are cold, you may adjust the air conditioner.
乗り物の中の温度が適温かどうか尋ねる方法は沢山あります。 一緒に乗ってくれる人が快適かどうか聞くのは良いことですね。 もし暑かったら、ヒーターが必要か尋ねられますし、寒かったら、エアコンを調整することができますね。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Is the temperature ok?

  • How's the temperature for you, is it too hot or too cold?

  • Do you prefer air conditioning?

The best way to ask about the climate in any room is "Is the temperature ok for you?" It is both polite and direct with no chance of misunderstanding.. "Is it too hot or too cold?" is more specific, where "too" means extreme or too much. Even more specific is "Do you prefer A.C in the car?" is very polite and specific, you can also add, "Or would you prefer to open your window?"
室内の温度について尋ねるベストな言い方は: "Is the temperature ok for you?"(この温度で大丈夫ですか) これは礼儀正しいのと同時に明快で誤解を与える余地がありません。 "Is it too hot or too cold?" (暑すぎたり寒すぎたりしますか)はより具体的です。"Too" は「極度に、過度に」という意味です。 さらに具体的なのは: "Do you prefer A.C in the car?" (車内で冷房を好みますか ) これはとても礼儀正しく具体的です。また: "Or would you prefer to open your window?"(または窓を開けた方がいいですか) と加えることもできます。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • Is the temperature ok?

  • Is it too hot/too cold?

  • Does it feel okay in here?

When asking someone if the temperature is suitable for them, you can simply just say "are you okay"? or "is the temperature okay?" These are very natural expressions to convey this message.
誰かに温度が彼らに適しているかどうかを尋ねる時、あなたは単純に"are you okay?”(大丈夫ですか)または”is the temperature okay?”(温度は大丈夫ですか)と言うことができます。 これらはこのメッセージを伝えるためにとても自然な表現です。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Is What's the temperature like for you?it hot for you in the car?

  • What's the temperature like for you?

  • Would you like the air conditioning on?

It really depends on the weather situation at the time. If it6's a very hot day and your buddy gets in the car, you may just ask: "What's the temperature like for you?" He will tell you if it's too hot or too cold or just about right. If you ask: "What's the temperature like for you?" it means that you (the speaker) proably thinks it's a but hot. "Would you like the air conditioning on?" is a simple yes/no question and your friend will probably follow up with more detail.
これは本当にその時の天気の状況によります。 6月がとても暑く友人が車に乗ったら、こう尋ねると良いでしょう。 温度はどう? 彼は、熱すぎる、寒すぎる、ちょうど良いと言うでしょう。 温度はどうと聞いている時は、おそらく話し手は少し暑いと思っているでしょう。 「エアコンを入れようか?」という質問は、はいかいいえで答えられる質問で おそらく友人は、引き続いて詳細を話すでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, is the aircon okay for you? Too cold or still to hot?

  • Hey, tell me if you want me to adjust the aircon for you.

>Hey, is the aircon okay for you? Too cold or still to hot? *aircon is short for air conditioner. #This sentence is asking if he/she like this aircon temperature as it is or if it is to cold or to hot. ............................. >Hey, tell me if you want me to adjust the aircon for you. *This sentence is simply telling the person to tell you if he/she do not like the temperature of the aircon. ......................***...............
Hey, is the aircon okay for you? Too cold or still to hot? *airconはair conditionerを省略した言い方です。 エアコンの温度が寒すぎたり、暑すぎたりしないか尋ねるときの表現です。 Hey, tell me if you want me to adjust the aircon for you. エアコンの温度がちょうど良いか尋ねる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How is the temperature?

  • Is the temperature comfortable enough for you?

Both of these sentences can be used to ask someone how they feel about the climate is for them.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Is the air conditioner okay with you?

  • Do you want me to crank up the AC?

  • Do you want me to raise the heat?

The first phrase shows a more general question for the condition of the car's temperature. The second phrase is usually asked in the summer and is a casual way of asking if they want the AC temperature to be lowered so the car would be cooler. crank it up: is slang for decreasing the temperature but it can also be used in other situations like "Crank up the music! It's too low!" The third phrase is in winter when the person is feeling cold and they want more heat. Hope this helps!
最初のフレーズでは、車の温度についてざっくり質問しています。 2番目のフレーズはたいてい夏に使います、車が涼しくなるように冷房の温度をもっと下げた方がいいかカジュアルに尋ねています。 Crank it up: 温度を下げることを表すスラングですが、他の状況でも使われます: "Crank up the music! It's too low!” (音楽のボリュームを上げてください。小さすぎです。) ご参考になりますように!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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