世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/14 17:23
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  • Sounds like we have the same interests/hobbies

  • We seem to be into the same things

"Sounds like we have the same interests/hobbies" for this expression notice the beginning where I wrote "sounds like". This is similar to adding 「だね」or 「ですね」at the end of the sentence in Japanese to express that your realization that you both have the same "interests" or "hobbies". Also you can say "Sounds like we're into(interested in) the same stuff/things" or "We seem to be into(interested in)the same things/stuff". The word "stuff" is pretty casual, same as the word "things" so if you're trying to be polite avoid using those words. To be "into" something means to be interested in something. And I usually hear younger people use, although depending on the person some older people might use it. Examples: "I'm into Japanese fashion" "I'm into college football" "I'm into playing piano on Sundays at 4pm in my pajamas" "Oh, I like playing piano at 4pm in my pajamas on Sundays too. Sounds like we're into the same stuff."
"Sounds like we have the same interests/hobbies" 文頭の"sounds like"は、日本語で言うところの「だね」「ですね」「のようだね」の意味合いがあり、相手が自分と同じ興味や趣味があることに気づいた時の表現となります。 また他にも、 "Sounds like we're into(interested in) the same stuff/things"  や "We seem to be into(interested in)the same things/stuff". のようにも言えます。 "stuff" は、"things"と同じ意味で、カジュアルな状況の時に使う言葉なので、丁寧な言い回しをするときは、これらの言葉を使うのは避けた方が良いでしょう。 To be "into" somethingは、 to be interested in something.(~に興味がある)と同じ意味です。 若い世代の人が使う傾向にありますが、人によりますので、年上でも使う方はいると思います。 「はまっている」というニュアンスで使うこともできます。 例: "I'm into Japanese fashion" (日本のファッションに興味があります)  "I'm into college football" (大学サッカーに夢中です) "I'm into playing piano on Sundays at 4pm in my pajamas" (日曜日の午後4時にパジャマのままピアノを弾くのにハマってます) "Oh, I like playing piano at 4pm in my pajamas on Sundays too. Sounds like we're into the same stuff." (私も午後4時にパジャマでピアノ弾くのが好きなの。同じだね。)
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same hobby.

  • We have the same taste in --

お互い趣味がテニスだった場合、 We have the same hobbyと言えます。 洋服などの"趣味"が同じと言いたい場合は、 We have the same taste in fashion. と言います。
  • Our hobbies are the same.

  • Our interests are similar.

  • We have the same tastes.

英訳1:sameは「同じ」の意味ですね。 英訳2:similarは「似ている」の意味。 英訳3:tasteは、「味」を表すだけでなく、「趣味、趣向」の意味もあります。 その他にも、組み合わせれば、いくつもの言い回しが可能になりますよ: - We have the same hobbies. - Our hobbies are similar. - We have similar hobbies. - We have the same interests. - We're into the same things. *be into ...「…に夢中で」 - We share the same interests. *share「共有する」
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • 1. That's a coincidence!

  • 2. Great minds think alike!

  • 3. We have something in common.

1. We say this when two things are alike or happen at the same time, when the odds of that happening are quite low.. 2. This is a well-used phrase for when two intelligent people have a similar thought process. It is a little humorous! 3. When two people have similar interests or are similar in some way.
1. 同じことまたは似たようなことが同時に起こることに対して使われます。特に一緒に起こる可能性が極めて低いときに使います。 2. ユーモアのあるフレーズですが、頭の良い人は同じ考え方をするときに使います。 3. 2人共に同じ興味を持っていたり、何か共通点があったときに使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We have similar hobbies.

  • We seem to like the same things.

You are telling someone else that you have something in common. 'Similar hobbies' says to that person that you both enjoy the same things. This is worded exactly like that in the example above - 'like the same things'. You are looking for common ground - sharing the same interests.
ここでは何か共通点があることを相手に伝えています。'Similar hobbies'(似たような趣味)という表現で、相手とあなたが同じことを楽しんでいることを伝えています。このことは上記の例で、'like the same things'と正確に表されています。 You are looking for common ground - 同じ興味を共有する
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • A) Ditto!

  • B) Really?! mine too!

A) Ditto! -the same thing again B) Really?! mine too! *Really actual fact, as opposed to what is said or imagined to be true or possible. Example -"so what really happened? *Mine -used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the speaker. Example -"you go your way and I'll go mine" *Too-to a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively. "he was driving too fast" I hope this helps :-)!
A) Ditto! -再び同じ B) Really?! mine too! *Really -.実際に。真実や可能性があると言われていることや信じられていることの反対。 Example -"so what really happened? *Mine -話者に属していたり関連しているもの Example -"you go your way and I'll go mine" *Too-好ましいよりももっと高い程度 "he was driving too fast" 役立ちますように!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same interests/hobbies.

  • We seem to like the same things.

*We have the same interests/hobbies. This means that you have something in common. For example: A: I enjoy watching movies and travelling B: Me too. It seems like we have the same interests/hobbies. *We seem to like the same things. This means from the conversation you had with them it appears that you like the same things.
*We have the same interests/hobbies. これは共通のものがあることを意味します。 【例文】 A: I enjoy watching movies and travelling(私は映画鑑賞と旅行を楽しみます) B: Me too. It seems like we have the same interests/hobbies.(私もです。同じ興味/趣味があるようですね) *We seem to like the same things. これは会話によると同じことが好きそうであることを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "It seems like we have very similar interests"

  • "Our tastes seem very similar"

  • "We both have the same hobby"

If the person you are talking to has the same hobby as you, you could say any of the following to express this: "It seems like we have very similar interests", "Our tastes seem very similar" or "We both have the same hobby".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same hobbies.

same - matching hobbies - activities done regularly for pleasure A : What are your hobbies? B : I like swimming, hiking and watching movies. A : Wow! We have the same hobbies!
same-マッチング hobbies - 趣味 A : What are your hobbies? A:あなたの趣味は何ですか? B : I like swimming, hiking and watching movies. B:私は水泳、ハイキング、映画観戦が好きです。 A : Wow! We have the same hobbies! A:うわー! 私たちは同じ趣味ですね!
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Me too!

  • I love (hobby) too.

Me too' will let the other person know that you also have an interest in the same hobby. Example A: What are your hobbies? B: I play tennis in my spare time. A: Me too! B: We should play together some time. ___________________________________________________________________________ 'I love (bobby) too' will let the other know that your partake in the same hobby. This can inspire a conversation about that specific hobby. Example A: What do you do in your spare time? B: I read. A: I love reading too. B: What is your favorite genre?
Me too' will let the other person know that you also have an interest in the same hobby. Example A: What are your hobbies? B: I play tennis in my spare time. A: Me too! B: We should play together some time. ___________________________________________________________________________ 'I love (bobby) too' will let the other know that your partake in the same hobby. This can inspire a conversation about that specific hobby. Example A: What do you do in your spare time? B: I read. A: I love reading too. B: What is your favorite genre?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We enjoy the same hobby.

  • We have something in common.

A hobby is something that you do for pleasure in your free time. It is something that you have to must enjoy doing. So, using the verb 'enjoy' makes it more acceptable to the other person because he/she also definitely enjoys his/her hobby. In the second sentence, by using the idiom, 'have something in common', you are implying that you share the same interests. The other person will clearly understand this and concur with you. The idiom to 'have something in common' can also be used where you have similar job titles, have similar characteristics or have the same experience.
A hobbyとは、余暇にする趣味のことです。つまり、enjoyという言葉がよりhobbyという言葉には合うでしょう。 二つ目の文章では、have something in commonという文を使って、共通の興味を持つことを示唆しています。 もう一方の人は、意味をしっかりと理解して答えてくれるでしょう。 'have something in common' これは、同じような職業、キャラクター、経験に対しても言える言葉です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We share a common interest...

  • We shared a common model aircraft.

When we are said to share a common interest...Or we have "something in common". This applies to hobbies and other things we enjoy doing...It can be a great way to connect with other "like minded" folks...and make new friends. I was delighted to find..."We shared a common model aircraft."
”share a common interest ”または "something in common"というと、趣味やその他の好きなことに言及しています。これは同じような考え方をする人達と出会い友達を作るのに、最適な方法ですね。 例文: I was delighted to find..."We shared a common model aircraft." (飛行機のプラモデル作りは私達の共通の趣味なんですね。嬉しいです。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same hobbies!

Examples: Our hobbies are the same! You have the same hobbies as me! We have a lot of common interests! We like a lot of the same things! We enjoy doing a lot of the same activities during our spare time!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • We have similar interests.

  • We have a similar taste in hobbies.

  • We are one in the same.

The first two are talking about the similarities between the two of you through using the word, "similar interests," or, "similar tastes." The last example using the expression, "one in the same," means that your personality or interests are so similar that you are almost the same person.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • We have the same hobby.

  • We have the same taste in ○○

  • We like the same things.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) We have the same hobby. 「私たちは同じ趣味を持っている」 We have the same taste in ○○ 「私たちには○○に同じ趣味を持っている」 *この場合のtaste「好み、趣向」ということで、 We have the same taste in movies. 「私たちは映画の趣味が同じだ」のように使います。 あとは、一番シンプルには We like the same things. 「私たちは同じものが好きです」 のように表現すれば良いですね。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • Same hobby as me

  • Similar hobbies

  • Similar interests

Same hobby as mine example sentence: Hello, Joey I like to go hiking in the summer.. I think you have the same hobby as me because I also enjoy hiking in the summer season. Similar hobbies example sentence: Joey and Tim have similar interests because they both enjoy playing baseball and badminton in their free time.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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