世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




たとえば化粧品が好きだけど化粧品メーカーに勤めようとは思わないなど。趣味は趣味だから楽しいのであって、仕事にしたらまた違いますよね。 「趣味を仕事にしたら嫌いになってしまうかもしれないから、趣味は仕事にしたくないんだ。」は何と表現したらよいでしょうか。
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2018/02/09 22:51
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  • I don't want to mix business with pleasure

Don't mix business with pleasure' is a common idiom in English. It means that by mixing the things in life that you find enjoyable and pleasurable, with your work and business life, the outcome will most likely lead to failure and difficulties. For example, if two people begin a romantic relationship in the workplace, this could lead to distraction and mean they are not as productive as they would be without such a relationship in the office.
Don't mix business with pleasure' (仕事と遊びを混同するな)は、英語の有名なイディオムです。その意味は、人生において楽しいと思えることと仕事や経済活動を混同すると、結果は失敗に終わり、困ったことになるということです。 例えば、職場で2人が恋人同士になると、そのために注意散漫になり、職場で恋人関係ではなかった時と比較すると、生産性が悪くなるということです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I like to keep my hobby and my job separate

  • My hobby and my job are two different things

  • I don't want to turn my hobby into my job incase I stop enjoying my hobby.

I think it's important to remember the difference between "work" and "job". You can always work at a job, but you can't job at a work.... :) A job is something you are employed to do, but work is something you ARE doing, a verb (doing word). "I like to keep my hobby and my job separate." This clearly shows that these two things are (separate) being kept apart from each other. "My hobby and my job are two different things." This sentence states that your job and your hobby are NOT the same things. "I don't want to turn my hobby into my job in case I stop enjoying my hobby." If you don't want to ruin your hobby by turning it into your job then this statement explains that.
workとjobの違いを覚えておくことは大事なことかもしれません。jobとは、何かをするのに雇われていることで、workとは、動詞で、あなたが実際にしていることです。  "I like to keep my hobby and my job separate." 趣味と仕事をわけるのが好んでいる。 この文は、2つのことを分けた状態にしていることを表します。   "My hobby and my job are two different things." 趣味と仕事は、全く違うこと。 これは、仕事と趣味は全く違うことを表します。   "I don't want to turn my hobby into my job in case I stop enjoying my hobby." 趣味を楽しめなくなるかもしれないので、趣味を仕事にはしたくない。 この文は、趣味を仕事にしてしまうことで、趣味を台無しにしたくないということを表します。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Keep it as my hobby

  • I want to keep this as a past time and not do it for work

example "i enjoy my hobby, as a past time. I wouldn't want to do it as my fully time job. I'm worried it will take the pleasure out of it". "its pleasure and not work, I like it that way". or "its sacred, i don't want to spoil the enjoyment i get from it".
例文 "I enjoy my hobby, as a pastime. I wouldn't want to do it as my fully time job. I'm worried it will take the pleasure out of it". 娯楽として趣味を楽しんでいる。それを仕事とには絶対にしたくない。 趣味が楽しくなくなるのではないかと心配だ。 "It's pleasure and not work, I like it that way". 趣味は楽しみであって、仕事ではない。私は趣味を楽しみたい "It's sacred, I don't want to spoil the enjoyment I get from it". 趣味を仕事にするのが怖い。趣味から得られる楽しみを無くしたくない
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I want to keep my hobby and work seperate.

*I want to keep my hobby and work seperate.-A hobby is something that one does for leisure or to pass time. Leisure is free time. The plural for hobby is hobbies. A: What are your hobbies? B: My hobbies are swimming, stamp collection and gardening.
例文 *I want to keep my hobby and work seperate. 趣味は趣味のままにしておいて、仕事にはしたくない hobby(趣味)は、leisure(楽しみ)や時間を過ごすためにすることです。leisureは自由な時間のことです。hobbyの複数形はhobbiesです。 例文 A: What are your hobbies? あなたの趣味は何ですか? B: My hobbies are swimming, stamp collection and gardening. 私の趣味は、水泳、切手収集とガーデニングです
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • When a hobby becomes an obligation then it ceases to be fun

  • If I have to rely on my hobby to survive, it may become tedious

A hobby is something that one does for personal enjoyment as a choice not connected with financial concerns. When a hobby becomes a means of income, the fun element may be taken away and monotony set in, although in some cases such as film making for example, it is possible to make a successful transition.
hobby (趣味)とは稼ぐこととは関係のない個人的な楽しみのことです。 趣味が収入の手段になると、楽しい要素を奪われてしまい単調になってしまうかもしれません。しかし、映画製作のように転換に成功することも可能です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to keep my hobbies and career separate.

  • My career is (enter in your job), but my hobby/hobbies are (list of hobbies).

"I want to keep my hobbies and career separate." - Here you imply a desire to have a different career path from what you enjoy doing for fun, and have no desire in having them merge and become one. "My career is (enter in your job), but my hobby/hobbies are (list of hobbies)." - Most of the time people in English express their hobbies and career as separate things, and will often say what their career is and what their hobbies are.
"I want to keep my hobbies and career separate."〔仕事と趣味を一緒にしたくない〕 - ここでは「趣味を仕事にはしたくない、仕事と趣味は別々にしておきたい」と伝えています。 "My career is (enter in your job), but my hobby/hobbies are (list of hobbies)." 〔私の仕事は(あなたの仕事)ですが、趣味は(あなたの趣味)です〕 - 英語では一般的に、趣味と仕事は別のものとされていて、しばしば「私の仕事は...趣味は...」という言い方がされます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid if I turn my hobby into my job, I won't enjoy it anymore.

  • I'm scared to turn my hobby into my job out of fear that I won't like doing it anymore.

  • I want to keep my hobby non-professional so I can enjoy it.

The first two sentences use the idea of fear to express why you don't want to turn your hobby into your job. To "be afraid" and to "be scared" are the same thing. "Won't enjoy" and "won't like doing it" are also equivalents. If something is non-professional, you do not get paid for doing it.
一つ目と二つ目の例では、趣味を仕事にすることへの不安を伝えています。 "be afraid" と "be scared" は同じ意味です。 "won't enjoy" と "won't like doing it" もまた、同じことを表します。 "non-professional" は、お金をもらわずにする事をいいます。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to turn my hobby into my job.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I don't want to turn my hobby into my job. 「趣味を仕事にしたくない」 のように表現しても良いと思います。 turn A into B 「AをBに変える」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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