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2015/12/18 15:57
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  • First to get 10 points wins.

First to get 10 points wins. 先に10点とったほうが勝ち。 シンプルに訳してみました。First to 〜 で「先に〜した方」の意味の表現です。カジュアルに言う時は get も省略しちゃっても平気です。 例: Mark: First to 10 points wins! 先に10点とった方が勝ちね! Erik: You sure? That's not gonna take too long. そんなんでいいの?すぐ終わっちゃうよ。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • First to 10, wins

  • First person to 10 points - wins

  • Whoever gets to 10 first, wins

personally because the English are quite lazy when we speak natively I would say first to 10, wins Hope this helps Jane :)
私自身は、 ネイティブっぽく話すと英語は少し適当になるので、 First to 10, wins. と言うと思います。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Whoever scores ten points first wins

  • Whoever gets ten points first is the winner

スポーツなら whoever scores ten points first wins バスケのミニゲームなどで 10点先に取ったほうが勝ち Whoever scores ten points first wins 一般的に(スポーツだけじゃなくて) gets ten points
  • First to ten wins

Yes, you may be playing any one of a wide variety of games that require some system of points scoring to decide who the winner may or may not be. For example, if two people are having a quick and casual game of tennis one of them may say,"First one to ten wins.' "OK. loser pays for food and drinks, OK? "Sure!"
多分、ポイントが高い方が勝ち、というゲームをしているんだろうね。 例えば二人の人がカジュアルなテニスの試合を行っていたとしたらこんな会話になるね "First one to ten wins.' 先に10勝したほうね! "OK. loser pays for food and drinks, OK? わかった、負けた方が飯奢りね!いいかい? "Sure!" いいよ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The first person to gain 10 points wins the game.

  • Whoever gets 10 points first wins the game.

  • First to 10 points, wins the game.

You could use any of these expressions:- 1. The first person to gain 10 points wins the game. 2.Whoever gets 10 points first wins the game. 3. First to 10 points, wins the game. These statements all mean the same thing, which is that it takes 10 points to win the game, whoever reaches it first is the winner.
これらの表現を使うことが出来ます。 1. The first person to gain 10 points wins the game. 試合で10点を取った最初の人が勝ちです。 2.Whoever gets 10 points first wins the game. 試合で最初に10点を取った人が勝ちです。 3. First to 10 points, wins the game. 試合で最初に10点取れば勝ちです。 これらは全て同じ意味で、先に10点取った方が勝ち、と言う意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • First to 10 points, wins!

  • First to 10, wins!

  • First to get to 10 points, wins!

All of the following statements mean the same thing, that whichever team reaches 10 points first, will be the winner of the game: 1. First to 10 points, wins! 2. First to 10, wins! 3. First to get to 10 points, wins!
下記の表現は「10点先取したほうが勝ち」という意味です。 1. First to 10 points, wins! 2. First to 10, wins! 3. First to get to 10 points, wins!
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • first team to get 10 points wins

  • first to 10

  • the first to score ten points wins

examples "The first team to score ten points wins the game." or "The first team to get 10 wins the game." or "The first to ten are the winners." All of the above are appropriate ways of saying that whichever team manages to score ten points are the winners of the game.
"The first team to score ten points wins the game." はじめに10点取った方が勝ちです。   "The first team to get 10 wins the game."  はじめに10点取った方が勝ちです。 "The first to ten are the winners." 10点先取が勝者です。 上記全て、10点はじめに取った方が勝ちという言い方です。  
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • The first to score 10 points will be declared the winner!

Here is another fun way of expressing yourself when announcing 10 points will be the winner. "The first to score 10 points will be declared the winner!" By using the word "declare" this means you will be announcing the winner of the match/game. I hope this helps and works for you!
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • You can say, "The first person to reach 10 points wins."

  • Or, "First to get 10 points is the winner."

"First" here means the one that comes before or earlier than others. "Reach" and "get" mean "attain". It is used when playing a game or sport where the competitors count their score as "points", for example, some board games, games played by children, etc. The number of points referred to can vary, of course.
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • First to ten wins.

  • Whoever is first to get ten points wins.

  • The winner is the first to ten.

When playing a game, there are a lot of different ways to say that the first player to earn ten points will be the winner. Any of the above three phrases mean that the person who is first to get ten points is the winner. The simplest way to say this is first to ten wins.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • first to ten points wins

  • whoever gets 10 points first wins

you can either say "first to ten points wins" or you can say "whoever gets 10 points first wins" both of these sentences are casual and will mean the same thing.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
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