世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


海外オフィスにて。見たことない外部の業者っぽい人がオフィスにいたのですが、 一体誰なのか質問したい時。
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2015/12/18 16:17
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  • May I ask your name?

  • May I ask who is calling?

「どちら様ですか?」 フェイストフェィスなら May I ask your name? お電話なら May I ask who is calling? この言い方ならビジネスでバッチリ丁寧です。
  • May I ask your name?

  • May I have your name?

  • May I know your name?

お名前を尋ねる時に、一般的な言い方はWhat’s your name?ですが、受付で少しフォーマルな感じで聞きたいのであれば、 May I ask your name?と言います。 他のMay I have your name?, May I know your name?の動詞が違うのですが、意味と印象が一緒です。 この言い方はお名前と限らず、いろんな場面で使います。 住所を尋ねるとき May I ask your address? May I have your address? May I know your address?
  • Excuse me, may I know who you are?

  • Excuse me, may I know who I am speaking to?

名前というより、何者なのかを訊く質問です。 2番目は電話で訊く場合です。
  • What is your name please?

  • May I have your name?

Both of these questions are a proper way to ask in a business setting.
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • Hello, may I ask who you are?

  • Hello, I am (your name), and you are?

Hello- will get their attention. "May I ask who you are?" Asks them to tell you their name. Hello, I am (your name) - will get their attention and introduces yourself. "And you are?" Will prompt them to introduce themselves.
"Helloで相手の注意を引きます。 May I ask who you are? 相手に名前を尋ねる表現です。 Hello, I am (あなたの名前) 相手の注意を引き、自己紹介を始めます。 And you are? 相手に自己紹介をするように促す表現です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry you are?

  • My name is ... and you are?

you are?, means who are you and what is your name.
「you are?」はあなたは誰ですか、名前は何ですかという意味です。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Hi, my name's Mike. You're new here, aren't you?

  • 2. Excuse me, who are you?

  • 3. Excuse me, what are you doing here?

1. Here you introduce yourself and explain that you believe this person to be a new employee. Unless this person is socially inept, they will introduce themselves. Socially inept = such a person either has little skill in socialising, or is clumsy in the way that they do. 2. In these days of security and terrorism, everyone expects to be challenged if it is not obvious that they are authorised to be in a place such as a business office or manufacturing plant. Usual forms of politeness do not apply here. 3. A direct challenge to the person concerned to state his reason for being in that location.
1.自身を紹介し、この人物が新入社員でだろうと思っての質問です。この人が常識があれば自己紹介するでしょう。 Socially inept = 社交のスキルがほとんどないか、やり方で不器用な人のことをいいます。 2.安全保障やテロリズムの時代において、ビジネスオフィスや製造工場などの場所にいる理由が明白でない場合、なぜいるのかと質問されるだろうと思いますよね。通常の礼儀正しさはここでは適用されません。 3.関係者にその場所にいる理由を述べさせるための直接的な質問例です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hello! Who are you?

  • Hi there! What's your name?

A: Hello! I'm Denton. Who are you? B: I'm Kelly. I am new here. A: Hi there! What is your name? B: I'm Susan. Who are you?
例1 A: Hello! I'm Denton. Who are you?(こんにちは!デントンです。あなたは誰?) B: I'm Kelly. I am new here.(ケリーです。新人です) 例2 A: Hi there! What is your name?(やあ!あなたの名前は?) B: I'm Susan. Who are you?(スーザンです。あなたは誰?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please introduce yourself...

  • Hi there stranger! My name is Scobie, please introduce yourself...

It is quite in order to ask some one to formally "introduce themselves..." In a friendly manner ...we would start by giving our own name...and then ask the stranger to identify themselves, (by name and position...) "Hi there stranger! My name is Scobie, please introduce yourself."
きちんと自己紹介をするようにお願いすることは極めて適切なことです。気さくなやり取りでは、自分の名前を言ってから、相手に自己紹介(名前、職業)するように言います。 例文 "Hi there stranger! My name is Scobie, please introduce yourself." こんにちは。私はScobieです、自己紹介をお願いします
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What is your name?

  • Hello, may I ask your name?

  • Excuse me, may I know who I'm speaking to?

The first example is the easiest and most direct way to ask someone, "what is your name." Secondly we can ask for the permission of knowing their name with the phrase, "may I ask," or also to ask, "who I'm speaking to," to have the same information.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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