世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 17:05
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  • I'm not doing well these days....

  • I feel like I'm out of luck all the time these days....

  • Where is all my luck?!

  • ① I've had a run of bad luck lately.

  • ② Things have not been good lately.

①、②、いずれとも返答として以下のように使えます: 例文: Julian: Hey John, how have you been?(最近どうだい?) John: Ah, not good. I've had a run of bad luck lately.(意訳:最近はついていないよ) 直訳として「① I've had a run of bad luck lately.」は「最近は、不運の連続です」(run=連発、連続)。 「② Things have not been good lately.」の直訳は「最近良くないです」。①、②は両方ともほぼ同じ意味です。 自分自身で「ついてないなー」と言うのは英語ではありません。「ちくしょー」ならありますが、それは暴言になります。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • It’s been one of those days lately.

  • This isn’t my week

  • I feel I’m not on the right rhythm.

1)It’s been one of those days lately. これは「そういう(ついてない)日もある」It's one of those days. の期間を長くしたバージョンの言い方です。It's been (It has been)にしてずっと続いているという意味になります。 2)This isn’t my week. 「今週はついてなかった」になりますが、「今月」「今年」と入れ替えて言うこともできますが、そんなに長い間ついてないなんてちょっと嫌ですね。 「今日だけ」ついていないのであれば、 It’s not my day. I’m out of luck today. 3) I feel I’m not on the right rhythm. 「なんか正しいリズムと合ってないな」 「ついてる・ついてない」というコンセプトを運のようなものと捉える代わりに、自然の法則、または宇宙のリズムのようなものと自分のリズムが「合っている・合っていない」と捉えた場合は、こんな言い方ができるかな。 I feel I’m not tuned in with the right rhythm. 「なんか、宇宙リズムとの調和が悪いな」
  • I've been down on my luck lately.

  • Things haven't been going well for me.

  • Things aren't clicking for me recently.

こういう表現は色々ありますね!上記の3番目の「clicking」は「スムーズに組み合わせている」という意味です。 他は: The gods haven't been smiling on me lately. (神様たちが最近私に笑顔を見せてくれていないな) I can't catch a break. (幸運をつまめないな)
Tim Young 主催
  • That's just my luck.

  • I've had a run of bad luck.

  • Luck is not on my side.

All of these refer to the fact that you feel that you have not been lucky lately. You have had a number of incidents or events that you feel have set you back - you have had a number of setbacks recently. Using luck as a reason/excuse means that you may feel that the incidents that happened are outside your control - you are not to blame for these things happening. You did not contribute to this bad luck.
どの言い方もあなたが最近あまり運に恵まれていないことを表現しています。問題が絶えない時、望まない出来事が連続して起っているような時かもしれません。 運(LUCK)に理由として言及する場合、その事象が自分のコントロールできないところで起こっているという感覚があります。つまり自分のせいでそれらの出来事が起こっている訳ではなく、自分が悪運を引き起こしたのではないという事です。
Adrianna DMM英会話講師
  • Lately, I've not had much luck.

  • Things aren't going my way at all.

1. Lately, I've not had much luck. This means that you have not had much success lately. 2. Things aren't going my way at all. This is another way of saying that you have not had much success lately.
1. Lately, I've not had much luck. (最近ついてない。) 最近ついてない出来事が多かったことを示します。 2. Things aren't going my way at all. (なんだか思い通りに行かないな。) 最近思い通りにいかなかったことが多いということを表します
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "down on my luck..(lately)"

  • So many things have gone wrong lately...I am really down on my luck!

LUCK comes in spates (bad and good)like stocks and shares it can go up or down. Regardless it changes... or even "runs out" now then... When things are not "going our way" ... We might say we "are all out of out luck!" or indeed "Down on our luck" EG "I had such a bad week... "I am really down on my luck lately"
いい運も悪い運も、確実にきます。株のように上がったり下がったりするものです。 事がうまくいかないときは、 "we are all out of out luck!" 「運がそこをついている!」や "Down on our luck"「運に見放されている」と言うことができます。 例:  "I had such a bad week... "I am really down on my luck lately" ついてない週だったよ。最近、本当に運に見放されているよ。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Things haven't been hunky-dory for me of late.

  • It has been really bad for me lately.

  • I have had a lot of bad luck recently.

If things have 'not been hunky-dory' as stated in the first statement, it means that one has not been succeeding in his/her daily endeavours, things have not been going well. It actually means that things have been 'really bad' as stated in the second statement. If things have been 'really bad' or 'haven't been going well', it means that one has had a lot of 'bad luck' recently. The phrase 'bad luck' used in the third statement is the opposite of 'good luck'. It means that you have been failing in everything or have been facing hinderances in everything that you have been trying to do. So you may say: Things haven't been hunky-dory for me of late. or It has been really bad for me lately. or I have had a lot of bad luck recently.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Things have not been going my way lately.

  • I have been out of luck lately.

  • I have been waking up on the wrong side of the bed lately.

I have been waking up on the wrong side of the bed lately- This expression means that things have not been going your way lately. It seems like everything is just going wrong.
I have been waking up on the wrong side of the bed lately -この表現は、最近色んなことにツいていないことを意味します。 すべてが悪いほうへ行っているようです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Things just get better and better!

  • Things are going from bad to worse

  • Things just aren't going my way recently

In the UK, we often use sarcasm in such situations. So when things are really bad and deteriorating we may say: "Things just get better and better!" A more standard phrase would be: "Things are going from bad to worse" or "Things just aren't going my way recently." We also may say: "If I didn't laugh, I'd cry!"
英国では、私たちはしばしばこのような状況に皮肉を使用しています。 物事は本当に悪化しているときに以下のようによく言いますね。 "Things just get better and better!" 皮肉なしのもっとスタンダードな言い回しは "Things are going from bad to worse" や"Things just aren't going my way recently." こんな風にも言えます。: "If I didn't laugh, I'd cry!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't had the best luck lately.

  • I have been having some bad luck recently.

When you have bad luck, it means things haven't been going your way, bad things have been happening to you, for example: you have a flat car tire, then the bus was also running late and this caused you to be late for work. When you mention the word lately or recently you are referring to the fact that these events have occurred a short time ago.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like I have been cursed lately, nothing has been going my way.

  • Lately it seems like I'm all out of luck.

If you would like to explain to someone that you feel very unlucky lately, you can say something like "I feel like I have been cursed lately, nothing has been going my way." or "Lately it seems like I'm all out of luck.". These are some easy ways to explain that you feel unlucky to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Things just arent going my way recently

  • I dont think god is on my side today

  • This isnt my week this week!

Things just arent going my way recently - your plans or actions seem to be not going right for you which explains the 'my way' I dont think god is on my side today - people who believe in God would say this or slightly religious as its almost like a term that nothing is going right.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I've had a streak of bad luck recently.

  • I've had a run of bad luck recently.

  • I've having a lot of bad luck recently.

All three of these sentences are grammatically structured very similarly and they can be used interchangeably. We can use the words, "run," or, "streak," to describe that there have been multiple instances in a row or in sequence. We can also just use the word, "a lot of," to describe how often it is happening.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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