気が進まない、行きたくない、は unwilling や reluctantで言えます。飲み会はdrinking partyです。逆に「気が進む、したい」は willing to です。酒はsakeと良く言われています。Sushiと同じなのでしょう。
「Tsuの日常 (^ ^)」
feel like ~ing ~したい気がする
I don't feel like going to the drinking party today.
I don't feel like drinking today.でしたら
また、don't want to したくない
I don't want to go to the drinking party today.
▪Not in the mood for any parties today.
Mood= state of mind or feeling
▪This is saying directly that you are not feeling like going to the drinking party.
▪Not in the mood for any parties today.
Mood= 心や感情の状態
To be in the mood for something = to feel like doing or having something:
"We could go out to eat, if you're in the mood."
"I'm not really in the mood for shopping."
"He seemed to be in the mood to fight."
Demon drink = A derogatory phrase for alcohol that emphasizes its negative effects. "Woe be to any of you who fall under the spell of the demon drink!"
To be in the mood for something =何かをやりたい気分:
(英文)"We could go out to eat, if you're in the mood."
"I'm not really in the mood for shopping."
"He seemed to be in the mood to fight."
Demon drink = アルコールの事、アルコールの悪い面を強調するために使われている。
(英文)"Woe be to any of you who fall under the spell of the demon drink!"
(訳)「Demon drinkの呪文にかかってしまった人に災いあれ」
You can use both of these phrases to express the fact you do not want to go to the party. They both contain the right information just in a different order.
Generally, the first phrase "I don't feel like..." can be used when talking to a person who knows about the party, or is going themselves.
The second phrase would be better used with someone who isn't aware there is a party because you are telling them there is by saying "There is a party tonight" then explaining your feeling about the party by saying "but I don't want to go".
I hope this helps.
一般的に始めの例文"I don't feel like..."は、その飲み会に行く人、またはその飲み会の事を知っている人と話している時に使えます。
二つ目の例文は"There is a party tonight(今夜飲み会がある)"と始めに言い、”but I don't want to go(でも行きたくないな)"と自分の感情を伝えているので、その飲み会に参加しない人と会話する際に使えるフレーズでしょう。
★ポイント:twitterでつぶやきたい、ということですので、つぶやきらしく(笑)→My friends asked me to go out for a drink, but I'm not up for it.
I'm not up for it.→ 自分の体も気持ちも起き上がっていない (upしていない)イメージです。やる気があったり、乗り気だったら、心身ともにupしますね(^^;
I am not in the mood for the drinking party.
If you not in the mood for something it means you don't feel like going.
For example:" I am not in the mood for talking today."
I am not feeling up for the party tonight.
"I'm not feeling up for it" is an expression used in the US to indicate that, while the speaker might be willing to engage in the proposed activity some time in the future, right now they're so tired/ill/busy/nauseated by the other party that they don't feel like participating at the current moment.
*I am not in the mood for the drinking party.
例えば、" I am not in the mood for talking today."
*I am not feeling up for the party tonight.
"I'm not feeling up for it"とは、アメリカで良く聞く表現で、話し手が誘われた活動に対してまたいつか参加したいが、
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
The word 'smashed' is an English slang word used for getting drunk and not being able to remember what you did that night. Saying 'I dont want to go out and get smashed tonight' would indicate that you didnt want to attend tonights party. This type of phrase would be accepted on Twitter as it is informal.
You could also use some of the other sentences above on twitter to express the same thing!
Hope this helps
Teacher Jemxi
"I dont want to go out and get smashed tonight"と言えば今夜の飲み会に参加したくないと表現出来ます。このようなフレーズはカジュアルな表現なので、Twitterでよく見かけるでしょう。
DMM英会話講師 Jemxi(ジェムクシ)
When declining an invitation to a party, its always very important to give the reason why you are declining. In the first sentence, you have given the reason as 'prior family commitments. In the second sentence, you have given the reason as 'I don't feel like drinking'.
So, you may say in the tweet:
I won't come to the party tonight because of prior family commitments.
I don't feel like drinking and so I won't come to the party tonight.
最初の文では、その理由を'prior family commitments.`(先にしてある家族との約束)としています。
2番目の文では、'I don't feel like drinking'.(私は飲む気分ではない)という理由を付けました。
I won't come to the party tonight because of prior family commitments.
I don't feel like drinking and so I won't come to the party tonight.
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)