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ジュースばかりおかわりしたがる子供に対して、 「じゃぁ、牛乳はどう?」 と、軽く、提案するようなニュアンスで言いたいです。よろしくお願いします。
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2017/02/02 09:51
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  • Well, how about milk?

  • Well, try some milk.

「じゃぁ、牛乳はどう?」は、 ”Well, how about milk?” が言いやすいと思います。 How about ~? ~はどう? "Well, try some milk." も軽く提案している感じで良いと思います。
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • How about (trying) some milk?

  • Let's have some milk this time!

  • Want some milk, too?

How about trying some milk, then? 牛乳を試してみるのはどう? 「〜はどう」の提案で便利なのは"How about-?"です。 Let's have some milk this time! 今回は牛乳にしよう! 一緒に「〜しようね」というように誘うのはいかがでしょうか? Want some milk, too? 牛乳も欲しい? →子どもの意思を訪ねてみる聞き方です!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Why don't you have some milk instead?

Insteadを最後につけると、「じゃあその代わりに...」という意味をつけることができます。 もちろん、why don't youだけに限らず付けられます。 語勢次第で提案にも注意にも、呆れにも取れます。 長ったらしくなりますが Why don't you have some milk instead? 代わりに牛乳でも飲んだらどう? Why don't you have some salad instead. 代わりにサラダでも食べたら?
  • How about some milk instead?

  • Why don't you try some milk instead?

  • Milk is a tasty drink too! Try it!

When you want to suggest milk to a child that is always drinking juice, you can say: How about some milk instead? How about - This is a casual way of suggesting something. Instead - This means 'in place of.' In this case you want to suggest milk instead of juice. Another useful phrase can be: Why don't you try some milk instead? Why don't you - This is another casual way of suggesting something. Try - to taste or to trial something. You can also try and convince your child that milk is tasty: Milk is a tasty drink too! Try it! Tasty - delicious. You can also try drinking some milk yourself and talking about how tasty it is! I hope that helps!
ジュースばかり飲んでいるお子さんに牛乳を勧めるなら、このように言うことができます。 How about some milk instead? how about - これはなにかを勧めるときに使うカジュアルなフレーズです。 instead - これは in place of と同じ意味です。この場合、ジュースの「代わりに」牛乳をオススメしたいということです。 他にも、このような便利なフレーズがあります。 Why don't you try some milk instead? why don't you - これもまたなにかを勧めるときに使うカジュアルなフレーズです。 try - 食べたり飲んだりする、試してみる また、お子さんには牛乳が美味しいよと説得してみてもいいでしょう。 Milk is a tasty drink too! Try it! tasty - 美味しい 自分で牛乳を飲んでみて、どんなにそれが美味しいかを説明してみてもいいでしょう! 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Why don't you try some juice?

  • How about some juice instead?

How about...? = We use this phrase when we want to make a suggestion to someone, or give an instruction in a friendly way: "How about we take the car to the garage and do some shopping while it's being repaired?" Why don't you...? This is very similar to 'how about' although it is more direct, using a personal pronoun, so better for issuing soft instructions: "Why don't you take that box to the back of the shop?" It seems like a question, but it's an instruction.
How about...? = 誰かに提案をしたい時や、フレンドリーに指導したい時にこのフレーズを使います。 例:"How about we take the car to the garage and do some shopping while it's being repaired?" (車をガレージに持って行って修理している間にショッピングするのはどうですか?) Why don't you...? =これは`how about`にとても似ていますが人称代名詞を使っているので少し直接的な言い方ですので、 軽い指示の物に使うのが望ましいでしょう。 例:"Why don't you take that box to the back of the shop?" (店の裏にこの箱を持って行ってくれるかしら?) 質問文のようですが、これは指示です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I think you've had enough juice now. Please have some milk.

  • I think you should drink milk now. You've already had juice.

  • You can have a glass of milk instead.

When you want to tell your child that they should have milk instead of more juice, then you can say: -I think you've had enough juice now. Please have some milk. -I think you should drink milk now. You've already had juice. -You can have a glass of milk instead.
子どもに、ジュースの代わりに牛乳を飲むよう言いたいなら、以下のように言えます: I think you've had enough juice now. Please have some milk. (ジュースは十分飲んだから、牛乳を飲みましょう。) I think you should drink milk now. You've already had juice. (もうジュースは飲んだから、牛乳を飲みましょう。) You can have a glass of milk instead. (代わりに牛乳を飲みましょう。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to try some milk instead

  • Maybe you should have some milk this time

  • Shall we try some milk now

All these would be good things to say asking if the child would like to try something might make them more likely to try something rather than telling them they have to drink something instead means in place of something so instead of having the juice they are having the milk in place of it
子どもにミルクを勧める時に使える言い方です。命令するよりもこのような聞き方をした方が飲んでくれる可能性が高いかもしれません。 「instead」は「代わりに」という意味です。ジュースの代わりに、ミルクを飲むということです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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