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2015/12/25 10:59
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  • The cream puffs here are delicious because they are made on-order.

分けて説明していきましょう。 「シュークリーム」ですが、こちらはフランス語の「chou」と英語の「cream」からなる和製外来語となります。 フランス語では「chou à la crème」(シュー・ア・ラ・クレーム)、英語では「cream puff」と言います。 そして、「注文が入ってから作る」という生産法は、「make on-order」と言います。 なので、原文の「ここのシュークリームは注文が入ってから作ってるから美味しい」を英語にすると、以下になります。 ↓ 「The cream puffs here are delicious because they are made on-order.」 より簡単な言い方として、以下も考えられます。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 「These cream puffs are always fresh.」(「このシュークリームはいつもできたて。」) 「These creams puffs are as fresh as they get.」(「これほど新鮮なシュークリームは他にない。」) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • The cream puffs are great because they are made to order.

  • Their deserts are made to order making them delicious!

In order to express the excellent service and dessert in a shop or cafe because they are made specifically to the customers' preference, you can say: The cream puffs are delicious/great because they are made to order. 'Made to order'- Made according to how the customer wants it. Another way of saying delicious, you can say great, excellent, fantastic, tasty. You can also give credit to the great customer service by saying: They have great customer service because they make desserts to order! I hope that helps!
お客さんの好みに特別に合わせて作られている、お店やカフェのすばらしいサービスとデザートについて表現するなら、このような言い方があります。 The cream puffs are delicious/great because they are made to order. made to order - お客さんのオーダーに合わせて作られる delicious (美味しい)の代わりに、 great, excellent, fantastic, tasty などを言うこともできます。 また、すばらしいカスタマーサービスを褒めるにはこう言うこともできます。 They have great customer service because they make desserts to order! (彼らはデザートをオーダーに合わせて作るので、すばらしいカスタマーサービスです!) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • The cream puffs are delicious, they are freshly made.

If something is freshly made or done, it has been recently made or done. ------------------------------- freshly baked bread Freshly squeezed orange juice really does taste better. I had some freshly made cream puffs.
新しく何かが作られた、または完了した場合、 それは最近作られたのか、完了したかです。 ------------------------------- freshly baked bread (焼きたてのパン) Freshly squeezed orange juice really does taste better. (絞りたてのオレンジジュースは本当に味が更においしいです。) I had some freshly made cream puffs. (私はできたてのシュークリームをいくつか食べました。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The cream puffs are super delicious because it is freshly made. I have noticed that they only make it as you order and that it is not pre-made

>The cream puffs are super delicious because it is freshly made. I have noticed that they only make it as you order and that it is not pre-made. *Super delicious= Very very delicious. Saying " I have noticed that they only make it as you order" is that you did not really know that it is made on order. *Pre-made=made in advanced.
>シュークリームは新鮮なのでとても美味いです。 私は注文してからシュークリームを作り始める事に気が付きました。 それはあらかじめ作られていないのです。 *Super delicious(超おいしい)=とても、とてもおいしい。 " I have noticed that they only make it as you order" (注文してからシュークリームを作り始める事に気が付きました)は、 それが注文時に作られることを知らなかった事を言っています。 *Pre-made=あらかじめ作られた
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Their cream puffs are really good. They are made to order.

Their cream puffs:ここのシュークリームは(彼らが作る)という意味になります。 「注文を受けてから作る」はmade to orderと言います。 「(シュークリームが)できたて」を表現するときは、fresh from the oven
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • Their cream puffs are always fresh as they are prepared on request.

  • Their cream puffs are freshly baked for each customer.

Their cream puffs are always fresh as they are prepared on request - this means that they are only prepared once the customer has placed an order. Their cream puffs are freshly baked for each customer - this means that the cream puffs were baked after the order was placed.
例文 Their cream puffs are always fresh as they are prepared on request このシュークリームは、注文を 受けてから作るから いつもおいしい。 この文は、この店では顧客が注文を して初めてシュークリームが作る ということです。 例文 Their cream puffs are freshly baked for each customer この店のシュークリームは、 お客さんの注文を受けてから 新たに焼かれている。 この文は、シュークリームは、注文後に 焼かれているということです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Freshly prepared

  • Foods prepared once an order is received.

  • Freshly baked

Also, freshly made, freshly cooked. Sentences: The aroma of their freshly baked bread is so inviting. The cream puffs here are freshly prepared and delicious. The cream puffs here are scrumptious as they are prepared once an order is received. I enjoy dining here as the food is freshly made
又, freshly made(新たに作られる) , freshly cooked(新たに調理される). 例文 The aroma of their freshly baked bread is so inviting. 新しく焼いたパンの香りが本当に魅力的だ。 The cream puffs here are freshly prepared and delicious. ここのシュークリームは出来たてでおいしい。 The cream puffs here are scrumptious as they are prepared once an order is received. ここのシュークリームは、注文を受けてから焼くから本当に美味しい。 I enjoy dining here as the food is freshly made 食べ物が出来たてだからここでの食事を楽しんでいる。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • The cream puffs are made to order

  • The cream puffs are freshly prepared with each order

  • The cream puffs taste great because they are prepared after every indiviual order

Cream puffs are so delicious, especially with a cup of creamy coffee or tea! If they are prepared anew with every order after the customer makes a request, then they may be even more delicious than usual. You can explain this phenomena by saying: "The cream puffs taste great because they are prepared after every indiviual order." Alternatively: "The cream puffs are made to order."
特にクリームが入ったコーヒー 又は紅茶と一緒に食べると シュークリームは本当に 美味しいです。 お客さんから注文を 受けた後にその都度 作っているのであれば 通常の物以上により一層 おいしいでしょう。 このことを以下のように 説明できます。 例文 "The cream puffs taste great because they are prepared after every indiviual order." そのシュークリームは注文を受けてから 作るので、とても美味しい。 又は "The cream puffs are made to order." そのシュークリームは注文を 受けてから作る。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "The cream puff are delicious because they make them on order and are fresh"

  • "These cream puffs are delicious because they are freshly made in the store"

  • "The cream puffs are not pre-made so they are fresh and tasty"

If you wanted to explain that the cream puffs at a store are delicious because they make them after the customer orders, you could say any of the following: "The cream puff are delicious because they make them on order and are fresh", "These cream puffs are delicious because they are freshly made in the store" or "The cream puffs are not pre-made so they are fresh and tasty".
「ここのシュークリームは注文を受けてから作るのでおいしい」は次のように言えます。 "The cream puff are delicious because they make them on order and are fresh"(ここのシュークリームは注文を受けてから作るのでおいしい) "These cream puffs are delicious because they are freshly made in the store"(ここのシュークリームは作りたてを出しているのでおいしい) "The cream puffs are not pre-made so they are fresh and tasty"(ここのシュークリームは注文を受けてから作るのでおいしい)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • The cream puffs are delicious in the store because they are made to order.

  • In the store, the cream puffs are made after the customer orders them, that's why they are so delicious.

  • The delicious cream puffs are made after the order is placed.

"The cream puffs are delicious in the store because they are made to order" - this tells you that each cream puff you order will be made fresh just for you. They will not have been sitting in the store all day. This will make them very popular as everything is nicer when it has just been made/prepared.
"The cream puffs are delicious in the store because they are made to order” (注文したのを作るので、このお店のシュークリームはおいしいです。) この文は、注文したシュークリームができたてあることが分かります。 シュークリームは終日店に置いていないでしょう。 (注文してすぐに)作ったり準備をする方が良いのでのでとても人気がでるでしょう。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • The cream puffs are so delicious because they made when you order.

  • The cream puffs are so delicious because they prepared after you place an order.

1)The cream puffs are so delicious because they made when you order.- This means that after you order they start preparing the puffs. This means they are really fresh and delicious.
1)The cream puffs are so delicious because they made when you order. これは、注文後にシュークリームの準備を始めることを意味します。 なので、シュークリームはできたでで本当に美味しいです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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