英語では、「大晦日」というのは「New Year's Eve」に相当します。
ちなみに、「元旦」は「New Year's Day」と言います。
A: Are you doing any thing for New Year's Eve?
B: Yes, I'm going to my friend's party.
A: Are you doing anything for the countdown?
B: Yes, I'm going to celebrate at Time's Square.
New Year's Eve = 大晦日
New Year's Day = 元旦
party = パーティー
countdown = カウントダウン
celebrate = お祝いする
Happy Holidays!
一般的には「New Year's Eve」と言います。
「The last day of the year」は少し形式ばった言い方です。
例:I can't believe today is the last day of the year...time flies!
New Year's Eve is the the way to say it.
New Year's Eve is night of the 31st of December. It is the night before New Year's Day (1 January) Eve is short for evening.
So you can say " Happy New Year's Eve!" on the 31st of December.
New Year's Eveと言えます。
New Year's Dayの前夜という意味ですね。
Eve はeveningの短縮形です。
Happy New Year's Eve と12/31に言えますね。
New Year's Eve is the last day of the year, the day before New Year's Day.
Example : On New Year's Eve we usually have a party.
New Year's Eveは大晦日でお正月の前日です。
例 : On New Year's Eve we usually have a party.
The last day of the year can be said with any of the above phrases. However, you can also say:
1. New year's eve.
The last day of the year is December 31st. On December 31st, it is also New Year's eve. Normally, we greet others by saying, Happy New Year's eve!
上記のフレーズで大晦日のことを表現する事ができます。 これも使えます:
1. New year's eve.
大晦日は12月31日です。12月31日はNew Years Eveでもあります。Happy New Year's eve!といってお祝いします。
New Year's Eve refers to the evening before the first day of the new year.
In other words, it refers to the evening of December 31st.
A: What are you doing to celebrate the new year?
B: I'm going to a New Year's Eve party
New Year's Eve は、新年の前日の夜のことを表します。
A: What are you doing to celebrate the new year?
B: I'm going to a New Year's Eve party
New years eve / The 31st of December
- the last day of the year; in the modern Western calendar, 31 December.
the evening of 31 December.
- I can't wait for this new years eve party!
I hope this helps :-)
New years eve / The 31st of December -大晦日;
31 December.(12/31) 、the evening of 31 December (12/31の夜)
- I can't wait for this new years eve party!
お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
「大晦日(おおみそか)」は英語で「New Year's Eve」といいます。
大晦日の次の日「元旦」は「New Year's Day」といいます。
My birthday is on New Year's Eve.
What are you doing for New Year's Eve?
What did you do for New Year's Eve?
New Year's Eve is my favorite holiday.
New Year's Eve
This is the last day of the year.Some people like to celebrate throughout the night into the new year and be together as the New Year begins.
「New Year's Eve」と表すことができます。
New Year は「新年」です。
Eve は「クリスマスイブ」などにも使われる表現です。
Today is New Year's Eve.
Do you want to eat dinner on New Year's Eve?