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2017/02/12 06:20
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  • Can you separate everything into two bags?

  • Can I have two bags?

These are common, simple ways to say this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Could I have them in two bags, please?

Could I have them in two bags? pleaseは、なくても大丈夫です。言った方が丁寧です。 どのように分けますかと聞かれて、特に指定しない場合。 It doesn’t matter. Thank you. 「これらを一つのバッグに、残りをもう一つに」と、さらにお願いしたい場合。 I’d like these in one, and the rest in the other. これを応用して、食料品と洋服を分けてもらうこともできます。 I’d like the food in one, and the clothes in the other.
Eri Takigawa トランスメディア・ソリューションズ(有)代表 英語研修講師 語学書ライター
  • Can I have 2 bags please?

You can say : "Can I have two bags please?" "Please divide my items in two bags." "Please give me another bag, I don't want all the items in one bag." "Can you separate the items in two bags?"
以下のように言うことができます。 Can I have two bags please? 2つ袋をください。 Please divide my items in two bags. 2つの袋に分けてください。 Please give me another bag, I don't want all the items in one bag. もう1つ袋をください。1つの袋の全ての商品を入れたくないです。 Can you separate the items in two bags? 商品を2つの袋に分けていただけますか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could I have two plastic bags please?

  • 2. I need two bags please

Could I have ......? - we use this construction when politely asking for something. "Could I have a beer and a packet of crisps please?" In the UK you have to pay for plastic bags so 'more' or 'some' is not a clear instruction. "I need two bags please," is a clear instruction.
Could I have ......? - 何かをお願いする時に使う丁寧な表現です。 例:"Could I have a beer and a packet of crisps please?" UKではビニール袋にもお金がかかります。そのため、moreやsomeというのは相手が困ります。 "I need two bags please," とはっきり言いましょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please can you put them into two bags?

Open by saying please as it is polite to say this when asking for something. To put something 'into' something else is to say that they are going to be put inside of it.
人に何かを頼むときには「please」で始めると丁寧です。「put A into B」で「Bの中にAを入れる」という意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Can you give me another bag please?

  • Could you please give me two bags instead?

  • Would you be so kind to pack these items in two bags?

"May I have them in separate bags, please?" "Can you give me another bag please?" "Could you please give me two bags instead?" "Would you be so kind to pack these items in two bags?" These are common ways to ask the packer at the supermarket to use two bags instead of one. You could ask her to give you two bags instead of one to make the bag lighter to carry. You could request another bag to separate your detergents from your food items. You can ask for two bags to reinforce the bag. Reinforcement is done due to fear of the bag breaking.
"May I have them in separate bags, please?" 別々の袋に入れてもらえますか? "Can you give me another bag please?" もう一つ袋をもらえますか? "Could you please give me two bags instead?" 袋を2つもらえますか? "Would you be so kind to pack these items in two bags?" これらの商品を別々に入れていただくことはできますか? 上記の質問文はどれもスーパーなどで、袋を二つください、という言い方です。袋を2つもらうことで、1つを軽くすることもできますし、洗剤と食品を分けることもできます。袋を重ねて使うことで強度を上げることもできます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have two bags please?

  • Can you please put them in two bags?

Could you please put the items into two bags for me please?
【例文】 Could you please put the items into two bags for me please? 〔訳〕商品を2つの袋に分けて貰えますか?
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
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