世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/16 22:56
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  • You are the best teacher (that) I've ever met.

You are the best teacher (that) I've ever met! 直訳すると、 私がいままで会った先生の中で、あなたが最高でした。 になります。 thatはあってもなくてもオッケーです。 そんな風に生徒さんから言っていただけたら、先生もとても嬉しいですね(o^^o)
yui 英会話講師
  • I have learned so much from you, you are the best!

  • Wow, you really are the best teacher, I have learned so much.

These two sentences have the same meaning just swapped around. You are telling the teacher they are the best you've had because you have learned so much. You can end these sentences with a thank you to show your gratitude to their great teaching.
これら二つの文は、同じ意味で、置き換えが可能です。 講師に対して、たくさん学べて最高の先生だね、と伝える文になります。 こういった表現は、thnak youで締めて使うと感謝を相手に伝えることができます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • You are the number one teacher.

  • Out of all my previous teacher, I would say you are the best.

▪You are the number one teacher. Number one = this is indicating the he/she is the best. ● ▪Out of all my previous teacher, I would say you are the best. This is saying that he/she is better than all the other teachers that you had.
▪You are the number one teacher. あなたが最高の先生です。 Number one = 彼/彼女が最高であるということを示します。 ● ▪Out of all my previous teacher, I would say you are the best. これまでの全ての先生の中で、あなたが最高です。 これは、彼/彼女は私が授業を受けた全ての先生の中で最高であると言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher, you're simply the best!

  • You're the teacher with whom I have the best connection!

Simply The Best' is a famous song by Tina Turner and so this phrase is very well known. On the other hand, if you would like to be a little more formal, you could say: "You're the teacher with whom I have the best connection!" Either way, for sure, your teacher will be very appreciative of your praise and pleased that you took the time to mention this!
Simply The Best'(あなたは最高!)とはTina Turnerの有名な曲で、とても有名なフレーズです。 一方、もう少しフォーマルな言い方をしたい場合は次のように言うことが出来ます。 "You're the teacher with whom I have the best connection!" (あなたは最高の先生です) どちらの表現も間違いなく、先生は喜んであなたの言ったことをうれしく思ってくれるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You are the best teacher I have had!

  • You are the best teacher that I have met!

  • You are the best teacher I have been taught by!

When praising someone then you can use the term 'best' meaning you have not had a better teacher and think they are the best I have met means that you have seen I have been taught by means that you have had lessons with
誰かを褒めるときには、'best'(最高の)という言葉が使えます。ここでは「今までで最高の先生」と表しています。 'I have met'は「私が出会った」という意味です。 'I have been taught by'は「私が教えられた」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I have learned so much from you, you are the best teacher I've had"

  • "You are the best teacher I have ever had"

In order to tell this teacher that they are the best teacher that you have learned from, you could say "I have learned so much from you, you are the best teacher I've had". This tells the teacher that you are very grateful for what you have learnt from them.
「今まで教わった先生の中であなたが最高の先生です」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I have learned so much from you, you are the best teacher I've had". (あなたからたくさんのことを学びました、今まで教わった先生の中であなたが最高の先生です) このように言うと、その先生が教えてくれたことに感謝していることが伝わります。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • You are, by far, the best teacher I have learned.

  • I think you are the best teacher I have learned with.

If you want to let your teacher that he/she is the best teacher you have had, you can say, "You are, by far, the best teacher I have learned. " When using "by far" you are saying that something or someone stands out above all others/ all the rest.
先生に「あなたは今までで一番の先生です」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "You are, by far, the best teacher I have learned." (あなたは今まで教えてもらった先生の中でダントツ一番です) "by far" は「飛び抜けて」「群を抜いて」という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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