例)Your lesson was very useful to me.
・effective 「効果的」という単語が使えます。
例) Your lesson was pretty effective to me.
例) The lesson was beneficial to me.
a lot of ~ は、〜の部分に名詞を入れて、「たくさんの〜」という意味で使いますが、a lot は、「とても」や「たくさん」という意味で副詞的に使える、便利な表現です。
She changed a lot.
He knows a lot about Japan.
You are travelling to London tomorrow and during your online English lesson, your teacher has role-played with you some different situations you are likely to come across on your travels: the airport, buying a train ticket, asking directions. You feel the lesson has been totally tailored to your needs and wish to thank the teacher:
"Thanks a lot. That was a very practical lesson!"
"Thanks a lot. That was a very practical lesson!"
Thank you for the lesson today. I found it very useful.
I find it 形容詞 = 形容詞だとわかる/思う
I find it very interesting to play chess.=チェスってすっごく面白いんだね。
I found it difficult to answer that question =この問題答えるのは難しいや。
Today's lesson provided assistance.
The lesson today was very useful/helpful.
The lesson gave aid.
Your lesson was very beneficial to me.
Your lesson provided much needed assistance to me.
Today's lesson served a functional purpose.
The lesson today was very helpful to me.
The lesson I had today was extremely helpful to me.
Today's lesson provided assistance.
The lesson today was very useful/helpful.
The lesson gave aid.
Your lesson was very beneficial to me.
Your lesson provided much needed assistance to me.
Today's lesson served a functional purpose.
The lesson today was very helpful to me.
The lesson I had today was extremely helpful to me.
In English we use the words valuable, constructive, and practical(as you see in these three sentences) to express that someone or something is useful. I would say especially the word practical gives the idea that something is suitable for your particular needs. So for example if you want to build your vocabulary and your whole lesson is focused on vocabulary that lesson is practical because it filled a particular need.
Thank you for a fruitful lesson. - Fruitful being productive & useful. Thank you just adds gratitude. As in; "Thank you for a fruitful lesson. I really learnt a lot".
Much obliged for all the information. - More sophisticated & business like. Obliged being appreciative & grateful. As in "I'm much obliged for all the information in regards to my pronunciation".
I really appreciate what you have taught me. - Just another way of saying thanks & that you have learnt something valuable in the lesson. As in; "I do really appreciate teaching these useful phrases".
Thank you for a fruitful lesson.
"fruitful"は「実のある、有意義な」という意味です。"Thank you"は感謝を伝えます。
"Thank you for a fruitful lesson. I really learnt a lot".
Much obliged for all the information.
- より洗練されていて、ビジネス調な感じです。"obliged"は「感謝する」という意味です。
"I'm much obliged for all the information in regards to my pronunciation".
I really appreciate what you have taught me.
- こちらも有意義なレッスンに感謝する言い方です。
"I do really appreciate teaching these useful phrases".
Thank you , i learn't some very useful things in today's lesson.
Thank you, today's lesson was very useful to me.
I really enjoyed the lesson today, i found it very useful.
"Thank you for today's lesson. I found it very useful."
"I found the lesson very helpful today, I learnt some useful things."
"I really enjoyed the lesson today, I found it very useful."
"Thank you for today's lesson. I found it very useful."
"I found the lesson very helpful today, I learnt some useful things."
"I really enjoyed the lesson today, I found it very useful."
I found the lesson very useful. Thank you very much.
I thought the lesson was very useful. I learned a lot.
When you want to express that you found a lesson very useful, then you may explain it in the following ways:
-I found the lesson very useful. Thank you very much.
-I thought the lesson was very useful. I learned a lot.
-I found the lesson very useful. Thank you very much.
-I thought the lesson was very useful. I learned a lot.