世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/18 08:35
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  • It's difficult to explain verbally. I can take you there if you like.

言葉で説明するのは難しいです。よかったらそこまで連れてきますよ。 explain verbally/explain in words:言葉で説明する。 if you like:もし良かったら
  • It's difficult to explain. I can go to the station with you.

「説明するのが難しいです。一緒に駅まで行きますよ」の意味です。 シンプルに言いたければ、上のように言うこともできます(^^♪ おっしゃられている状況では、verballyは省いても意味は伝わります。
  • It's difficult to explain in words, you have to see it for yourself!

  • Words can't explain it fully.

  • There are no words to express this place!

"It's difficult to explain in words." This simply shows that words are not key to understanding and that you have to see it yourself. "There are no words to express this place!" This is a great expression for you to describe an amazing place.
"It's difficult to explain in words." (言葉で説明するのは難しい) - シンプルに、言葉ではわからない、自分の目で見ないといけないということを表します。 "There are no words to express this place!" (この場所を表現できる言葉はない) - 素晴らしい場所(amazing place)を表す時に使えるオススメの表現です。
Arran DMM英会話講師
  • It's hard to explain

  • It's difficult to say

When something requires more than a verbal explanation, you can always say any of the phrases above. It might be better if you show them either on a map like Google Maps or take them there yourself.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • It's hard to explain. Let me show you.

  • It would be easier to show you.

You can say "it's hard to explain," meaning "words aren't enough" or "words won't help in this case," and follow it up with "let me show you" or "it would be easier to show you." At that point, you could show them a maps app or take them there personally.
"it's hard to explain,"(説明するのが難しい)ということが出来、「言葉が十分ではない」又は「この場合、言葉があまり役に立たない」ので、"let me show you"(案内します)又は "it would be easier to show you."(案内した方が簡単だ)と付け加えて言うことです。 この場合、地図のアプリを見せたり、その場所まで連れて行ってあげることが出来ます。
Alaina DMM英会話講師
  • I am better at giving written directions instead of spoken directions.

  • It is difficult for me to explain directions verbally.

  • Can I give you written directions instead of verbal directions? It's easier for me that way.

I will give a few examples of what you could say: "I can give you directions but can I write them down for you instead of explaining it out loud? Verbal directions are difficult for me." "Verbal directions are difficult for me to talk about" "I can write the directions down instead of saying it out loud." "Directions are difficult to explain verbally. Can I write them down instead?" "Directions are difficult for me to explain verbally."
例文を少し記載します。 I can give you directions but can I write them down for you instead of explaining it out loud? Verbal directions are difficult for me. 道順を教えることができますが、口で説明する代わりに書いてもいいですか?口頭で道順を教えるのは難しいです。 Verbal directions are difficult for me to talk about. 道順は、口で説明するのが難しいです。 I can write the directions down instead of saying it out loud. 言うのではなく、道順を書くことはできます。 Directions are difficult to explain verbally. Can I write them down instead? 口頭で道順を説明するのは難しいです。代わりに書いてもいいですか? Directions are difficult for me to explain verbally. 口頭で道順を説明するのは、難しいです。
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • It's easier to take you myself than to tell you how to get there.

  • It's really complicated to tell you how to get there. I'll take you there.

The first phrase shows that you're willing to take the person to their destination rather than tell them how to get there and they would understand that verbal instructions would be difficult to convey and that showing is easier. Complicated: is another word for difficult. Not a lot of people use the word "verbal" in the sentence when explaining they can't tell them the directions. Hope this helps!
はじめのフレーズでは、そこへの行き方を説明するより実際に連れて行った方がいい、口で説明するよりも案内した方が楽と伝えています。 Complicated: difficult(難しい)の別の言い方 口で行き先を伝えられないと言うときに、"verbal" という言葉を使う人はあまりいません。 参考になるといいです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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