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いつも決まって チェスみたいなボードゲーム と説明して終わる なんかもっと説明にバリエーションが欲しい 「交互に指す」とか「王を積ませたら勝ち」とか「取った駒を使える」とか
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2017/02/21 02:23
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  • Players take turns making their move.

  • The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s King.

  • You can use the pieces that you capture.

「交互に指す」Players take turns making their move. 「王を積ませたら勝ち」The object of the game is to checkmate* the opponent’s King. 「取った駒を使える」 You can use the pieces that you capture. *チェスでキング(王)を詰むことを「チェックメイト(checkmate)」と言います。アメリカでは、チェスの遊び方に詳しくない方でも「チェックメイト」の意味は、知っている方が多いと思います。 将棋を全くまたは、あまり知らない人に将棋の説明をする場合に使えそうな英語表現を他にも紹介しますね。 ◆ Shōgi means general's board game. = 将棋は、将軍のボードゲームという意味です。 ◆ The player making the first move is called ‘sente.’ The other player is called ‘gote.’ = 最初に指す人を「先手」、あとから指す人を「後手」と言います。 ◆ The shogi board is 9 rows by 9 columns. =将棋盤は、9x9マスです。 ◆ When you move your piece and it lands on the same square as the other player’s piece, you can capture that piece. = 自分の駒を移動した時に、相手の駒に重なれば、その駒を取ることができます。 ◆ You can capture the other player’s pieces and use them as your own. = 相手の駒を取って、自分の駒として使えます。 ◆ Draws are not as common in shogi than in chess. = 将棋では、チェスに比べると引き分けは発生しにくいです。 少しでもお役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • The way you play shogi is very similar to playing chess

  • Shogi and chess are very similar games

'Similar' - when two things are a lot like each other but not exactly the same. You can use both of these sentences to explain that these two games are a lot like each other but not exactly the same. I hope this helps :)
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Just like in chess, your main objective is to target the opposing player's king.

  • Unlike in chess, shogi can be played on different board sizes like a 25*25 board or most commonly a 9*9 board.

As the two forms of games have similar traits and at the same time there are differences that can be seen, you can choose to explain both or simply choose how similar of different they are. This can help the person understand a bit better.
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Shogi is a variation of the board game chess.

Shogi is a variation of chess/Shogi is like chess. It is a strategy board game played between two players. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponents King.
Shogi is a variation of chess/Shogi is like chess. これは2人用の戦略ボードゲームで、相手の王を取ることが目的のゲームです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A Japanese chess variant

"What's shogi?" "Its a board game like chess which is popular in Japan and has a few distinctive differences to chess." "But basically, it's just a chess variant.?" "Yes, I suppose so." Shogi, also known as Japanese chess or the Generals' Game, is a two-player strategy board game in the same family as Western (international) chess, chaturanga, makruk, shatranj, janggi and xiangqi, and is the most popular of a family of chess variants native to Japan.
"What's shogi?" 将棋って何? "Its a board game like chess which is popular in Japan and has a few distinctive differences to chess." チェスみたいなものさ、日本で人気でチェスと一線を画す違いがいくつかある。 "But basically, it's just a chess variant.?"けど基本的にチェスの派生形って思えばいいんだろ? "Yes, I suppose so." ああそう思う。 将棋は、Japanese chess、Generals' Gameといい、西洋のチェス、chaturanga, makruk, shatranj, janggi、 xiangqi,などといった二人のプレーヤが競うボードゲームと一緒です。日本では最も人気なボードゲームのひとつと言えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • shogi is sometimes called Japanese chess

  • shogi is a two-player board game

The name Shogi means general's board game. just like chess, Shogi is played as a strategy game with the goal for one of the players to checkmate the other's king. the main difference between the two games is the pieces with which to play. shogi doesn't have a queen but rather has a gold general, silver general and a lance which chess doesn't have.
Kwasi DMM英会話講師
  • Shogi

  • Boardgame like chess

  • Boardgame

Names usually remain constant through different languages. The name Shogi is a game that is similar to chess. This allows persons to understand because many persons are already familiar with the game of chess. It has similar rules for playing chess with slight differences. It shouldn't be confused with Checkers or other boardgames.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Shogi

  • Very similar to chess

The Japanses game of Shogi is very similar to the worldly popular chess. "Similar" is the phrase given to two or more things that are almost the same, they share 'similarities'. Shogi is almost another variation of chess. A variation is an expression for something that has been changed or altered in some way.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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