Is this your opinion, or the opinion of your group?
Is this your opinion, or the opinion of your group? =これはあなたの意見?それともグループの意見?
opinion =意見
Is this your personal opinion, or the opinion of your group as a whole? =これはあなたの個人的な意見?それともグループ全体の意見?
personal =個人的
as a whole =全体的
Is that your personal opinion, or does everyone in the group think the same way?
Are all of you in agreement? / Does everyone agree with this?
「agree」は「賛成する」や「同意する」と言う意味であり、「皆が賛成するのか?」または「部全体の総意なのか?」を英語で言うために「Does everyone agree with this?」とか「Are all of you in agreement?」と言います。