Isn't it annoying when a group of friends each line up separately and then regroup in the fastest line?
Isn't it annoying when a group of friends each queue up separately and then regroup in the fastest queue?
I find it unpleasant when a group of friends each line up separately and then regroup in the fastest line.
「~ってうざくないですか?」= Isn't it annoying when ~ ?
「~は不愉快だと思います」= I find it unpleasant when ~ .
分散して並ぶ = (split up and) line up separately
列 = line (アメリカ英語);queue (イギリス英語)
合流 = merge; come together しかしこの文脈で regroup のほうが良いとおもいます。
I don't like it when a group of friends line up in different lines and join together later in the quickest line.
I hate it when people separate, line up in different lines, and move to the faster line later.
It's annoying when a group of people split up, line up in separate lines, then join each other in the quicker line later.
「(人が)~するのが嫌い」は、I don't like it when ...や I hate it when ...のように、接続詞 when を使うとうまく表すことができますよ。
英訳① line up で「並ぶ」、join together で「一緒になる」という意味です。
英訳② move to the faster line で「より速い列に移動する」ということ。
英訳③ annoying は「不快な」という意味の形容詞です。
split up は「分かれる」という意味です。