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2015/12/30 12:19
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  • What's your New Year's resolution?

新年の抱負は"New Year's Resolution"といいます。 相手の答えに対してのリアクションの例: Sounds good! Good luck! 良いね!がんばって! 答え方の例: 私の新年の抱負は健康的な食生活と毎日運動することです。 My New Year's Resolution is to eat healthy and work out every day. <ボキャブラリー> new year = 新年 resolution = 抱負 good luck = 頑張って、幸運を祈る healthy = 健康的 work out = 運動する
  • What are your New Year's resolutions?

(1) What are your New Year's resolutions? (新年の抱負は何ですか) (2) Do you have any New Year's resolutions? (新年の抱負はありますか) ★(1) What are your New Year's resolutions? と resolution を複数形にして尋ねることもあります(意味は同じ)。 ★(2) 二つ目の文はニュアンス・意味が少し原文と違います。 「新年の抱負があるかどうか」を尋ねます。 A: Do you have any New Year's resolutions? B: Yeah, I'm going to give up smoking.(ええ、タバコをやめようと思っています) ( 4, 2017 より) <ボキャブラリー> New Year's resolutions = 新年の抱負 参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • What is your New Year's resolution?

  • Do you have a new Year's resolution?

>What is your New Year's resolution? >Do you have a new Year's resolution? New Year's resolution is to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. You can also ask: a. What is your aim for the new year. b. What is you plan for the new year.
What is your New Year's resolution? Do you have a new Year's resolution? 新年の抱負は、個人的な目標を達成することと生活をよりよくすることです。 下記のように尋ねることもできます。 a. What is your aim for the new year. 新年の目標は何ですか? b. What is you plan for the new year. 新年の計画は何ですか?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What are your goals for the new year? What have you decided to do better in the coming year?

  • What are you hopes & plans for the NEW YEAR?

Many people make promises to themselves around the end of the year...With the firm intention to make their lives better. This is a kind of global tradition. However most of us fail to live up to our new year's aspirations and fall short of our set goals and targets!
例:What are your goals for the new year? 「新年の抱負は何?」 例:What have you decided to do better in the coming year? 「来年に向けて何を決意したの?」 多くの人が年末に来年の抱負を決意しますね。来年は良くしよう!という願いが多いですよね。 これは世界中で見られる伝統ですが、その抱負を達成できる人がほとんどいないのも世界共通ですね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What's your New Year's resolution?

  • What do you want to achieve this year?

他のアンカーの方も挙げてらっしゃるように「新年の抱負は何ですか?」の定番の訳はWhat's your New Year's resolution?ですが、 もしresolutionという単語に馴染みがなければ、 What do you want to achieve this year?「今年は何を達成したいですか?」のように言い換えても意味は伝わるでしょう。 ご参考までに(^^)/
  • What's your New Year's resolution?

  • Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

Well, not everyone actually decides to have a New Year's resolution, so it would be more to the point to firstly ask: "Do you have any New Year's resolutions?" If they do have a resolution then they will Invariably tell you immediately: "I've given up smoking and drinking," or possibly: "I never have a New year's resolution because I'm hopeless at depriving myself of the things I like."
全員が全員新年の抱負を決めているわけではないので、まずは以下のように尋ねると良いでしょう。 "Do you have any New Year's resolutions?" もし相手が抱負をもっているのなら、このように教えてくれるでしょう。 "I've given up smoking and drinking," または、もしかすると "I never have a New year's resolution because I'm hopeless at depriving myself of the things I like."  と答えるかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you make New Year's resolutions?

新年の抱負を立てない人もいると思うので、 "Do you make New Year's resolutions?" 「新年の抱負を立てられますか?」 とまず先に聞いてもいいかもしれません。 「新年の抱負」は、"New Year's resolutions" "My new year's resolution is to have a successful career and a fulfilling personal life." 「私の新年の抱負は仕事もプライベートも充実させることです。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • What are your New Year resolutions?

  • What are your goals for the New Year?

  • What would you like to accomplish this new year?

Resolution is a firm or solid decision to do something. Goal is something that you are working toward or something you want to achieve. Accomplish means to finish something or achieve something you were working towards. The most common thing you can say to someone when asking about their resolutions is "What are your New Year resolutions?" You can also say, "What are your goals for the New Year?" One more phrase that is fairly common is, "What would you like to accomplish this new year?"
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • What's your New Years resolution?

  • What is your goal for the New Year?

You can ask "What's your New Years resolution?" or "What is your goal for the New Year?" A : What's your New Years resolution? B : I don't really make resolutions. What is your goal for the New Year? A : I want to buy a new car and house. B : Sounds great! Good luck.
"What's your New Years resolution?"(新年の抱負は何ですか?) 又は、 "What is your goal for the New Year?"(新年の目標は何ですか?) と尋ねることが出来ます。 A : What's your New Years resolution?(新年の抱負は何ですか?) B : I don't really make resolutions. What is your goal for the New Year?(あまり抱負は立てないんです。あなたの新年の目標は何ですか?) A : I want to buy a new car and house.(新しい車と家を買いたいです) B : Sounds great! Good luck.(素晴らしいですね。うまく行くといいですね)
Kels DMM英会話講師
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