世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 20:42
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  • Sorry, I can't eat this because I'm allergic to it.

  • Excuse me, but I can't eat this because I'll have an allergic reaction.

  • I'm sorry, I'm allergic to this so I can't eat it. / I'm sorry, can you take this out? I'm allergic.

例えば「卵」など、なにか1つの食材にアレルギーがあるなら、I'm allergic to eggs. のように言います。 もし、その食材を別のものに替えてほしいときは、Can you put A instead of B? I'm allergic to B.(Bの代わりにAを使ってもらえますか? Bアレルギーなんです)のような言い回しを使えるといいですね。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to this dish.

  • It looks delicious but my allergy prevents me from trying it - so sorry.

  • My apologies but I can't try this dish due to my allergy.

It is not really necessary to say that you can't eat something if you explain you have an allergy to the food. It is an obvious conclusion that you will not try it. However it depends more on how expressive you want to be. You could say, for example: 'I'm REALLY SO SORRY, but I'm allergic to this type of food.'
アレルギーだと説明すれば、食べられないということは明らかなので、食べれないということを言う必要はないですね。どう相手に表現したいかにもよります。例えば、 'I'm REALLY SO SORRY, but I'm allergic to this type of food.' といえば申し訳なさが伝わってきます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, but I have allergies and can't eat...

  • Apologies, but I'm allergic to...

「アレルギーで食べれません」 上記の表現を、二つのパートに分けると分析しやすくなります。 ①「アレルギーで」 ↓ 「Excuse me, but I have allergies...」 「Sorry, but I have allergies...」 ※せっかくの出された食べ物なので、「Excuse me」など、 申し訳ない気もちを含めた表現を使うと、より丁寧です。 ②「食べれません」 ↓ 「...and can't eat this.」 「this」などの「代名詞」よりも、「アレルギー反応を起こす特定の食べ物の種類」を教えてあげると、より丁寧な印象となります。 言い方にもよりますが、「this」ですと、「こんなもの」のような意味となってしまう可能性があり、失礼に値します。 そのため、可能な限り「具体的に説明すること」をお勧めします。 例: ----------------------- Excuse me, but I have allergies and can't eat strawberries. So sorry, but my allergies prevent me from eating peanuts. ----------------------- 「I'm allergic to」(「○○」アレルギーがあります)も覚えておくと便利です。 ----------------------- Apologies, but I'm allergic to bananas. Sorry, but I'm allergic to chicken. -----------------------
  • I'm sorry but I am allergic to . . .

  • Thank you but I can't eat this because I am allergic to . . . I'm sorry.

It is also polite to say thank you to your friend for serving you the food. For example, if you are allergic to fish, you can say, "thank you but I can't eat this because I am allergic to fish. I'm sorry."
それでも、ごはんを出してくれた友達にありがとうというのは丁寧で良いことです。 例えば、魚アレルギーの場合、"thank you but I can't eat this because I am allergic to fish. I'm sorry."ということができます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I will have a bad reaction if I eat this, can we have something else?

Bad reaction means physically you will feel ill or worse if you eat it.
Bad reactionとは、食べると身体的に具合が悪くなることを言います。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so sorry but I can't eat that. I am allergic to it.

  • Can we have something else please? I will have an allergic reaction if I eat this.

It is important that you let them know that you have an allergy to some or all of the ingredients provided so you can't eat it.
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I cannot eat it because I am allergic to ~

I am sorry - apologizing allergic - hypersensitive Example : I am allergic to seafood. I cannot eat strawberries because I am allergic to it.
I am sorry - 謝りの言葉 allergic - 何かに非常に敏感なこと、体が過敏に反応することを表します。 Example : I am allergic to seafood. :海産物に敏感なんです/アレルギーをもっているんです。  I cannot eat strawberries because I am allergic to it. イチゴが食べられないんです。アレルギー持っていまして・・・。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot eat this because of my allergies. I'm sorry.

  • I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to (name the allergen).

I'm sorry' is used to expressed an apology. Therefore, 'I'm sorry' and 'I apologize' can be used interchangeably. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I cannot eat this because of my allergies. I'm sorry. Example A: I cannot eat this because of my allergies. B: That's okay. A: I'm sorry. ________________________________________________________________________________________ I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to (name the allergen). Different allergens: Milk Egg Nuts Soy Fish Shellfish Example I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to egg. I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to nuts. I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to cow's milk.
I'm sorry' は謝罪 'I'm sorry' と'I apologize' は同じ意味で使える。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I cannot eat this because of my allergies. I'm sorry. 私はこれは食べられません。アレルギーがあるからです。ごめんなさい。 例 A: I cannot eat this because of my allergies. これは食べられません。アレルギーなんです。 B: That's okay. いいわよ。 A: I'm sorry. ごめんなさい。 ________________________________________________________________________________________ I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to (name the allergen). それを食べなくてごめんなさい。でも、私は~のアレルギーなんです。 Different allergens: Milkぎゅうにゅ Egg卵 Nutsナッツ Soy 大豆 Fish 魚 Shellfish 甲殻類 例 I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to egg. 食べられなくてごめんなさい。卵アレルギーなんです。 I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to nuts. 食べられなくてごめんなさい。ナッツアレルギーなんです。 I apologize for not eating the food, but I'm allergic to cow's milk. 食べられなく絵tごめんなさい。牛乳アレルギーなんです
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) This looks so delicious but unfortunately i won't be able to eat it because i'm allergic to .....

  • B) I am so sorry, i can't eat this i'm allergic to .....

A) This looks so delicious but unfortunately i won't be able to eat it because i'm allergic to ..... *Delicious -highly pleasant to the taste. Example -"delicious home-baked brown bread" *Unfortunately -it is unfortunate that. Example -"unfortunately, we do not have the time to interview every applicant" *won't be able - i can not *allergic -caused by or relating to an allergy. Example -"an allergic reaction to peanuts" B) I am so sorry, i can't eat this i'm allergic to ..... *So sorry - truly / apologizing dearly *can't - can not I hope this helps :-)
A) This looks so delicious but unfortunately i won't be able to eat it because i'm allergic to ..... これはすごくおいしそうなんですけど残念ながら食べられそうにありません。 実は、~アレルギーなんです。 *Delicious -おいしそう 例 -"delicious home-baked brown bread" おいしそうな手作りパン *Unfortunately -残念ながら 例 -"unfortunately, we do not have the time to interview every applicant" 残念ながら私はすべての応募者を面接する時間がありません。 *won't be able - i can notの代わりに使えます。 *allergic -アレルギーがある 例 -"an allergic reaction to peanuts"  ピーナッツアレルギー B) I am so sorry, i can't eat this i'm allergic to ..... 大変申し訳ありませんが、これは食べられません。アレルギーなんです。 *So sorry -大変申し訳ない *can't - can notの略 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I am really sorry but I have an allergy and I can't eat it.

  • Apologies, but I'm allergic to (put the food) and I can't have it.

My friend has an allergy and she always uses the first sentence I wrote here. Although, the second one can be used too, so don't hesitate to use it.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but I can't eat this due to an allergy.

  • I am allergic, so I am afraid I cannot eat it.

  • This looks very tasty, but I have an allergy which means I can't try any.

If we are keen not to offend, we can say that the food they have made looks nice, tasty or delicious before explaining our allergy.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I can't eat this because I'm allergic to ~.

  • Excuse me, but I have allergies and can't eat.

Sorry, I can't eat this because I'm allergic to ~. (ごめんなさい、私は~のアレルギーなのでこれは食べれません。) ~の部分にアレルギーの物の名前を入れて下さい。 例えば I'm allergic to eggs. (私は卵アレルギーです) I'm allergic to milk.(私は牛乳アレルギーです) Excuse me, but I have allergies and can't eat. (すみませんが、私はアレルギーなので食べれません) アレルギーの物が入っているかどうか聞く場合は Does this contain ○○? (これは~を含んでいますか?) Are there 〇〇 in this dish? (この料理に~は入っていますか?) 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
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