世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/03/21 16:31
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  • Where is this beer made?

このビールってどこで作られてるの? madeの代わりにbrewed(醸造される)も使えます。 ↓こういう言い方もできます。 What is the origin country of ... ? ...ってどこの国のものなの?
  • From where does this beer originate?

  • Where does this beer come from?

  • Where was this beer brewed?

To find out where the beer was from may seem like a simple query, but it is open to some misinterpretations! Some beers are brewed in one country and then bottled and sold from another country. Or some beers were originally brewed in one country, but are now brewed and bottled under licence in other countries. But generally, any of the above questions should encourage a reasonable response: "Excuse me, where does this beer come from?" "It comes from the cellar under the bar." "Sorry, I mean from which country does it originate?" "It was brewed locally and is distributed by the local brewery about 5 miles from here." "OK, many thanks!"
どこのビールか尋ねるのは簡単な質問のように見えるけど、色んな語弊を招きかねない表現だよね。ビールによっては一か国で醸造されて、そのあと違う国でボトルになるものもあるし、昔は一つの国で醸造されていたけど、今は権利をどこかが買って違う国で醸造してボトルにしているところもあるかもしれない。ただ、一般的に考えて上のような質問は、妥当な答えが返ってくるべきだけどね。 "Excuse me, where does this beer come from?" どーも、このビールはどちらのですか? "It comes from the cellar under the bar." そりゃバーの下の倉庫からきたものだよ。 "Sorry, I mean from which country does it originate?" ごめん、どこの国で醸造されたのか聞きたいんだ。 "It was brewed locally and is distributed by the local brewery about 5 miles from here.":ここから5分くらい離れた醸造所で作られた地元のお酒だよ。 "OK, many thanks!"ありがとう
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Where is this beer from?

  • Is this beer brewed elsewhere, or in house?

  • from which country does this beer come from?

these can all be used to ask someone where said beer comes from. "Is this beer brewed elsewhere, or in house" can be used when you are at a restaurant or brewery.
全ての例文は、ビールの産地を聞くときに使えます。 Is this beer brewed elsewhere, or in house? このビールは、他のどこかで、または自社で醸造されたのですか? 上記は、レストラン、または醸造所にいるときに使われる表現です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Is this a South African brewed beer?

  • Where was this beer brewed?

  • Is this beer home brewed?

"Is this a South African brewed beer?" "Where was this beer brewed?" "Is this home brewed beer?" You are inquiring where the beer was made. If it is a lager or a malt. Some people brew beer at home for traditional rituals and custom reason. The beer brewed by the Xhosa people is known as "Umqombothi". The batu speaking tribes call their own brewed beer "Sorghum. This brew of beer is used only when certain custom rituals are being performed.
"Is this a South African brewed beer?" (これは南アで醸造されたビールですか?) "Where was this beer brewed?" (どこで作られた・醸造されたビールですか?) "Is this home brewed beer?"(家で作られたビールですか?) ビールがどこで作られたのかを聞きたいのですよね。もしくは、ラガービール(低温で貯蔵されたもの)なのか麦芽ビールなのか、なども。 人によっては、家でビールを醸造する人もいます。 コーサ(Xhosa)の人々によって醸造されたビールを"Umqombothi"と言います。"Batu"を話す民族は自分たちのビールを"Sorghum"といいます。このビールは特別な慣わしを行うときに使われます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Where was this beer brewed?

  • In which country did this beer originate?

>Where was this beer brewed? *brewed=make (beer) by soaking, boiling. Beer gets brewed. >In which country did this beer originate? *originate=have a specified beginning
Where was this beer brewed? *brewed=水につけて沸騰させて(ビール)を作るという意味です。 ビールは醸造されます。 In which country did this beer originate? *originate=特定の起源をもつことを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Where is this beer from?

  • Where was this beer brewed?

If a person or company brews beer, they make it. I brew my own beer. The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery.
人や会社がbrew beer というと、ビールを製造しているという意味です。 例文 I brew my own beer. (私は自分でビールを製造します。) The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery. (このビールはthe Charles Wells Breweryで製造されています。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • What is the origin of this beer?

  • Where in the world does this beer come from?

The word origin means a place where something begins. What is the origin of.... (followed by something)? This can be used to ask where something is from. Example: What is the origin of this beer? Where in the world does this ...... come from? This is another way to ask the origin of something. Example: Where in the world does this beer come from?
originは、何かが始まった場所のことを意味します。  What is the origin of.... (followed by something)? ~はどこ発祥ですか? これは、何かがどこから来たかを尋ねるのに使うことができます。  例:What is the origin of this beer?  このビールはどこ発祥ですか? Where in the world does this ...... come from? この~はどこ製ですか? これもまた、何かの起源を聞く別の表現です。  例:Where in the world does this beer come from?  このビールは世界のどこ発祥ですか?
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
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