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レッスンでご飯食べた?と言われることがあり、食べたときは、Yes.まだの時はNot yet.と回答するのですが、もう少し丁寧な言い方があれば教えて下さい。(でもニュアンスはあくまでもカジュアルです)
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2017/04/05 14:48
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  • I will have my breakfast after this lesson.

「はい食べた」の場合は、Yes, I had. と言います。 また、 「はい食べ終わった」Yes, I'm done eating. とか Yep, I've finished my breakfast/lunch/dinner. なども使えます。 このレッスンが終わったら朝ごはんです。I will have my breakfast after this lesson. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I'll have my breakfast after this lesson.

「朝ごはん食べた?」の質問が Have you had(またはeaten)breakfast? だったら ●食べた→ Yes, I have. ●食べてない→ No, I haven't. またはNot yet. と答えると、Yes. / No. だけより丁寧です。 食べてない場合、さらに続けて I'll have my breakfast after this lesson. このレッスンの後朝ごはんを食べます。 と言えます。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
yui 英会話講師
  • Not yet, but I will after this lesson.

  • No, not yet, I'll eat after the class is over.

Not yet - use this phrase to explain that you haven't done something, but you plan on doing it sometime soon A. Have you done your homework, son? B. No, ma. A. Ok, you're free now. Why don't you start it? B. No, not yet. I have to finish this level of Zelda or else I won't be able to concentrate on anything else. A. I said now! B. Ok, arghhh.
Not yet - まだです。 このフレーズを使って、まだしていないが、もうすぐそのことをする予定だということを説明します。 例文 A. Have you done your homework, son? もう宿題を済ませたの? B. No, ma. ううん、まだ。 A. Ok, you're free now. Why don't you start it? そう、今ヒマよね。今始めたらどう? B. No, not yet. I have to finish this level of Zelda or else I won't be able to concentrate on anything else. ううん、まだダメなんだ。ゼルダのこのレベルをクリアーしないと何にも集中できないよ。 A. I said now! 今だって言ったでしょう。 B. Ok, arghhh. 分かったよ。アーッ
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I will have breakfast after this lesson.

  • I am going to have breakfast after the lesson.

*I will have breakfast after this lesson. This means that you will have your breakfast when you done with your lesson. I am going to have breakfast after the lesson. This means that you are planning to have your breakfast once the lesson is finished.
例文 *I will have breakfast after this lesson. このレッスンの後に朝食を食べます。 レッスンが終わったら朝食を食べるということです。 例文 I am going to have breakfast after the lesson. レッスンの後に朝食を食べるつもりです。 レッスンが終わり次第朝食を食べる予定だということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I will have breakfast after this lesson.

  • I'll eat breakfast after the lesson.

When expressing that you will do something at a later time, a variety of expressions can be used. In this instance eating breakfast after the lesson can be used. You can also say you'll eat later on, after the lesson.
自分が後で何かをする予定であることを伝えるには、たくさんの表現が使われます。この場合、 eating breakfast after the lesson(レッスンの後に朝食を食べる)という表現を使うことができます。 また、eat later on, after the lesson.(後で、レッスンの後に食べる)というフレーズも使うことができます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • My breakfast is scheduled for immediately after this lesson

  • I'll have breakfast shortly

Shortly' is a great adverb of time when explaining something that is due to occur in the immediate future. The context of any situation will dictate exactly how immediate the activity may be. "The government will shortly be introducing a new law banning smoking in all public areas."
shortlyは、何かがごく近い将来に起こることを表す時間の副詞です。その「ごく近い将来」がいつを指すかは文脈によります。 例: The government will shortly be introducing a new law banning smoking in all public areas. 政府は、近いうちに全ての公共の場での喫煙を禁じる新しい法律を導入します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm having breakfast after this lesson

  • Not yet, I'll have breakfast after this lesson

  • Not yet, I'll have breakfast later.

You can place particular emphasis on the fact that you are going to have breakfast once the lesson has finished and so any combination of explanation before the word 'breakfast after this lesson' will do. I'm going to have, I will be having. I want to have. It is also useful to say thank you for asking or perhaps give your explanation in a polite way to show that you are grateful for the other person taking an interest in this.
レッスンが終わったら朝食を食べることを特に強調して言えます。ですから「breakfast after this lesson」の前の説明についてはどのような組み合わせにしてもいいです: I'm going to have ... I will be having ... I want to have ... また「Thank you for asking(聞いてくれてありがとう)」と言うといいですね。もしくは、丁寧に説明をして、興味を持ってくれたことへの感謝を表してもいいです。
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • I will eat my breakfast only after the lesson is over.

  • I have not had my breakfast yet. I will have it after the lesson is finished.

The expression 'after the lesson is over' means when the lesson is finished and not before. The future tense 'will' has been used here because the action of eating breakfast will be done in future, 'after the lesson is over', or 'will' have it after the lesson is finished. However, the phrase 'not had' is in the past, using the past tense of the verb to 'have'. So, you may answer your teacher as follows: I will eat my breakfast only after the lesson is over. or I have not had my breakfast yet. I will have it after the lesson is finished.
 'after the lesson is over' とは、レッスンが終わった後でという意味です。近い将来、つまりレッスンが終わった後で、朝食を食べるという行為が終わるので、ここでは未来形'will'が使われています。  しかし、 'not had'は'have'の過去形が使われています。ですので、以下のように伝えることができます。  I will eat my breakfast only after the lesson is over. レッスンが終わった後で朝食を食べます。 I have not had my breakfast yet. I will have it after the lesson is finished. まだ朝食を食べていません。レッスンが終わったら食べます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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