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飲食店で働いてます。 失礼します?Excuse me 済んでいたら下げていいですか?といいたいです フォークはこの中にあります。なんて言えばいいですか?
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2017/04/05 19:48
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  • "Is it ok to take this away if you're done with it?

  • "May I put this away if you are done with your/the meal?

  • Forks are in it.

例文1がカジュアル・例文2の方がフォーマルに作っています。 食事が済んでいたら は  ”if you are done with your/the meal" (the meal=食事 は 状況的にわかりますので it でも可) お下げしてもよいですか は あちら式にカジュアルに言うのであれば ”Is it ok to take this away?" 丁寧に言うのであれば、”May I put this away?" take~ away (~を持っていく)put ~away (~を片づける)はどちらの文でも 入れ替え可能です。 なお、「フォークは、この中です」は Forks are in it. なお、「スプーンやフォークなどはこの中です」 でしたら、 Eating utensils are in it. です。 (eating utensil フォークやナイフ・スプーンなど) ご参考になりましたら、幸いです。
  • May I take your plate?

  • May I clear the table?

Some customers knows how to place their cutlery, when they are finished eating. Fork on the left and knife on the right, next to each other on the plate. This is called restaurant etiquette. If you are working in an Asian restaurant where you mostly use chopsticks, the same rule should apply. "May I take your plate?" "May I clear the table?"
食べ終わったらどこにナイフやフォークを置くかを知っているお客さんもいます。フォークは左でナイフは右、お皿の両側に起きます。これは レストランのエチケットです。もし通常おはしをつかうアジア料理のレストランで働いていても、同じルールが適用されるでしょう。 "May I take your plate?"(お皿を下げてもいいですか?) "May I clear the table?"(テーブルを片付けてもいいですか?)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Have you finished with your meal yet?

  • Am I okay to take the plates away?

  • Is it okay to clear the plates now?

Have you finished with your meal yet? MEANING= polite way of asking have they finished their meal? Therefore if they have you are ready to take their plates away. Am I okay to take the plates away? MEANING= have you finished is it okay to clear the table? Another way of saying this. Is it okay to clear the plates now? MEANING=Another polite way of asking is it okay to take the plates away. All of these expressions are very polite. I have worked as a waitress in the past, I know how strange people can be when waiters take their plates away so I thought I could help you out with some polite phrases
Have you finished with your meal yet? 食事が終わったかどうかをたずねる、丁寧な聞き方です。 もし彼らが食べ終わっていれば、お皿を下げることができます。 Am I okay to take the plates away? Have you finishe?と同じ意味です。 Is it okay to clear the table?もまた同じ意味の聞き方です。 Is it okay to clear the plates now? お皿を下げてもいいですか?と聞く丁寧なたずね方です。 これらの表現はすべてとても丁寧です。 私は過去にウェイトレスとして働いたことがありますが、ウェイターがお皿を下げるときに変な言い方をする人もいると知っていますので、こちらでは丁寧な言い方をご紹介しました。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Are you finished, sir/madam?

  • Can I clear your plates?

Are you finished, sir/madam? - You can simply ask the customer if they are finished and then proceed to clear the plates. Add sir or madam to make it more polite. Can I clear your plates? - We use the verb 'to clear' when we want to remove all the items from an area. In this case we are asking if we can remove the plates. You can replace 'clear' with 'take' or 'remove'.
Are you finished sir/madam? - お客さんに食事終わっているか、片付けてよいかということを聞く表現です。 sir or madamということでより丁寧な表現になります。 Can I clear your plates? -全ての皿を下げてしまうことを表現するために「to clear」動詞を使うことができます。 他にもお皿を下げる表現として「clear」の代わりに「take」を使うこともできます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like me to take your plate away?

  • Excuse me, have you finished with your plate?

  • If you have finished do you mind if I clear your plate away?

Asking the customer if they have finished with their plate and also if they would like it to be taken away is polite and good customer service. Adding the phrase excuse me shows extra manners and is well recieved by the other person.
お客さんに、食べ終わったかどうか、またお皿を下げていいかどうか尋ねるのは丁寧で、良い接客です。 "excuse me" を加えると、とても礼儀正しい言い方になり、相手から好感を持たれます。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, are you done with your meal?

  • I can take your plate away if you are finished eating.

  • I will bring you a fork as well.

The first sentence is a polite way to get someone's attention and see if they are finished eating, then you can use the sentence afterwards if they say yes. Or you can start with the second sentence, if they nod or say yes, then you can take their plate. If someone requests a fork for their meal, all you have to say is "I will bring you a fork" and they will know that you heard and understood them.
一つ目の文は、まず相手の注意を引き、食べ終わったかどうか丁寧に尋ねています。 もし「食べ終わった」なら、二つ目の文が言えます。 あるいは、二つ目の文から始めてもかまいません。 相手がうなずいたり「お願いします」と答えたら、お皿を片付けてオッケーです。 もしお客さんに「フォークが欲しい」と頼まれたら、"I will bring you a fork" と言ってください。 「フォークを持ってきてくれるな」と相手に伝わります。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Are we all done here?

  • Can I clear your plates away?

  • Is it okay if I clear the table?

Are we all done here? We all – referring to everyone at the table. Done here – have you finished eating your meal? This question is normally used when you approach the table when it looks as though they have finished eating. Can I clear your plates away? Clear your plates – remove from the table. Is it okay if I clear the table? A polite way to ask if they are finished eating.
Are we all done here? We all - テーブルの全員を示します。 one here - 食事を食べ終わりましたか? この質問は通常、食べ終わったように見えるテーブルに近づくときに使います。 Can I clear your plates away? Clear your plates - テーブルを片付ける。 Is it okay if I clear the table? 食べ終わったかどうか尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Is it OK to clear up the plates?

  • May I take the plates?

  • Has everyone finished?

When all the diners have finished consuming that particular dish, you may ascertain that it's alright to clear up the used dishes. A quite normal way of saying this is just to ask if everyone has finished. "Is it OK to...? We use this construction when checking with someone that we may do something.
食事をする人全員がその特定の料理を食べ終えたら、使用済みのお皿を下げることができます。これを伝える通常の表現は、単純に全員が終了したかどうかを尋ねることです。 "Is it OK to...? 何かをするかもしれない場合、相手に確認をするのにこの表現を使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, can I take away your plates?

This is a polite way to ask if you can remove the plates from the table. The expression "excuse me" is a way to get their attention.
"こちらは、テーブルからお皿を下げる時に使う丁寧な表現です。 ""excuse me""とは、話しかける時に使う表現です。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • May I clear your plates away?

  • I always have to signal the waiter ... to clear the plates away!

A good server will always have one eye on the customers table...has food been finished with? is it time to clear away the used dishes? A good waiter will always ask first to be sure that its ok, "before clearing plates:" "May I clear your plate away?"
良い接客係は常に食事は済んでいるか、皿を下げるタイミングかどうか、お客さんのテーブルの状態に気を配っているものです。 良いウェイターは皿を下げる前に、そうしても良いかどうかまず確認するでしょう。 例文: "May I clear your plate away?" (お皿をおさげしてもよろしいでしょうか?)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Pardon me, would you mind if I clear the plates from your table?

  • Excuse me, please let me remove your plates.

Pardon me, would you mind if I clear the plates from your table? "Pardon me" is sometimes used in place of "excuse me." This request means that you only want to clear the table and not that you are necessarily rushing them from the table. Excuse me, please let me remove your plates. This makes it clear that you only want to take the used crockery from the table but that they are welcome to continue sitting at the table.
【例】 Pardon me, would you mind if I clear the plates from your table? (すみません、お食事をおさげしてもよろしいでしょうか?) "Pardon me"(すみません)とは時々 "excuse me"(すみません)の代わりに使われます。 この依頼はお客さんを急がせているわけではなくただ食事がすんでいるお皿を下げてもいいですか、という意味になります。 【例】 Excuse me, please let me remove your plates. (すみません、お皿をおさげしてもよろしいでしょうか) これは食事が終わったお皿をかたずけたいだけなので、 そのまま席にいても構いませんよ、という意味になります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Can I take away the plates for you?

  • Can I clear the plates for you?

  • May I clear the table.

We can interchangeably use the verbs, "to take away," or also, "to clear," the plates to ask if we can clean the table for them a little. In addition we can also ask, "to clear the table," which means the same in regards to cleaning or clearing the table a little bit for them so they have more table space.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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