This is because, Japan has polytheism culture, we see deity in every nature.
Religious customs become usual in our daily life as some annual events in a year.
Please note that gods and goddesses in Japan are kinds of deities, and not exactly the same as God in Christianity.
Using the phrase "spiritual but not religious" is a good way to explain Japanese people as it shows that they have a respect for life and gods whilst not be linked directly to any one religion.
A spiritual person is one who is concerned about their soul or human spirit, they consider their relationships to people and things around them and think about mental and emotional issues not just gaining material or physical things. They recognise and respect other souls and gods. They do not have a specific set of rules to follow telling them when to pray or a specific place to worship.
A religious person has one faith and worships in a special building like a church or a mosque, they have a religious code to follow and do not recognise any other gods or deities.
spiritual but not religiousというフレーズは、日本人が生命や神様を敬うことを意味してます。一方で、1つの宗教と直接つながっているわけではないことの、良い言い回しです。
spiritual person(信仰心を持っている人)は、霊魂、または人間の精神に関心があります。彼らを取り巻く人間や物への関係を深く考え、ただ肉体的、または物質的なものを得るのではなく、精神的な、感情的問題について考えます。他の霊魂や、神様を敬い認めます。彼らには、お祈りの時間、または崇拝する場所など、従うべき特定のルールはありません。
religious person(神への信仰が深い人)は、1つの神を信仰し、教会、またはモスクのような建物で崇拝します。宗教的規約に従い、他の神様、または神々を認めません。
Japan is not such a religious place but we traditionally observe some ancient practices
Similarly in the UK, people are not very religious generally, but such festivities a s Christmas and Easter are traditionally celebrated by many.
Hatsumōde is the first Shinto shrine visit of the Japanese New Year.
Some people visit a Buddhist temple instead. Many visit on the first, second, or third day of the year as most are off work on those days.
"Is Japan a religious country?"
"Japan is not such a religious place but we traditionally observe some ancient practices."
Hatsumōde はthe first Shinto shrine visit of the Japanese New Yearということができます。
"Is Japan a religious country?"
"Japan is not such a religious place but we traditionally observe some ancient practices."
Practicing religion in Japan is not common, but in the beginning of the year a lot of people visit the shrine.
>Practicing religion in Japan is not common, but in the beginning of the year a lot of people visit the shrine.
*common=occurring, found, or done often.
*this is indicating that not a lot of people practice religion but most people go visit the shrine.
Practicing religion in Japan is not common, but in the beginning of the year a lot of people visit the shrine.
There are so many gods worshipped in Japan... its a polytheistic culture
Many Japanese people follow individual religous practices...Following a sensei or holy master. They also align strongly with nature and the endless variety of gods available at shines across the country. Many people visit shrines at auspicious times of the year...but they may not be religious!
they are more likely to be observing "traditions" ...followed to honor ancestors.
There are many shrines in Japan but they have more cultural significance than religious.
Japan is a polytheistic society but we do not diligently practice a religion.
There are many shrines in Japan but most Japanese are not very religious .
There are many ways to express that a society is not religious. Saying that religious practices are more cultural or traditional than religious is one way. You may also say that Japan is a polytheistic society but most Japanese do not diligently practice religion.
polytheistic-Characterized by a belief in more than one God.
「religious practices are more cultural or traditional than religious is one way.」や、
「Japan is a polytheistic society but most Japanese do not diligently practice religion.」とも言えます。