世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/08 00:21
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  • Today was my last day at work!

  • Today is my last day here!

  • I feel really sad today, after _____ years I am leaving the company.

*Today was my last day at work! * MEANING= this is a literal way of saying this is the last day you will work at a certain place. *Today is my last day here! * MEANING= this is another way of saying that it is your last day. As you are saying 'here' at the end, you can say this to your co-workers *I feel really sad today, after _____ years I am leaving the company.* MEANING= this is another way of saying that you are leaving, and that you feel really sad about it. In the blank you can say how many years you have been in that company. Hope this helps you! ^^
*Today was my last day at work! * 意味=仕事の最終日だという事です。 *Today is my last day here! * 意味= 仕事の最終日だという事です。'here' と言っているので同僚に伝えることができます。 *I feel really sad today, after _____ years I am leaving the company.* 意味= これは辞めるのが悲しいという意味です。 空白欄には何年間会社で働いていたかをいれます。 参考になれば幸いです。! ^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Today was my last day of work.

  • I leave this company today.

"someone's last day of 〜" で「人の〜の最後の日」となります。「最初の日」としたい場合は、"someone's first day of 〜" と表します。 "leave 〜" は、ここでは「〜を辞める」という意味になります。他にも、"quit"(途中で辞める) "resign"(自発的に離れる) "give up"(諦める) などの言い方があり、状況に応じて使い分けると良いでしょう。
  • last day at work

  • last day on the job

「最終出勤日」というのは、この言い方もよく使われます: last day of workは「仕事の最後の日」ですが、ofをatにすると、 「仕事場での最後の日」というニュアンスとなります。 例) Today is my last day at work. 「今日は仕事場での最後の日です」 last day on the jobはlast day of workと全く同じ意味です。 英語圏では使われるのが多いです。(逆の表現のfirst day on the jobもそうです) 例) It’s my last day on the job. 「今日は仕事の最後の日です」
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Last day at work

  • I will be cleaning out my desk because it's my last day today.

  • This is my last say, so my coworkers are throwing me a goodbye party.

You can say something like, "last day at work" or "last day." I think in general, people would just say that it's their last day and you can tell from the context that they mean it's their last day at work.
 "last day at work" や "last day."と言えます。一般的にits their last dayと言ったら仕事の最終日だという事が伝わります。 
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • This is my final day working here

  • This is my last day working for this company

  • I'll be working in pastures new tomorrow!

Pastures new - If someone leaves for greener pastures, or in British English pastures new, they may leave their job, possibly their their home, or the situation they are in for something they think will be much better. "Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons. The last day in any situation is also your 'final day.'
"Pastures new"(新しい活動/新しい生活) - 誰かがもっと緑の生い茂った牧場へ移ることを、イギリス英語では"pastures new"と言います。 彼らは仕事を辞め、家を去り、その他の事を置き去りにして、彼らが思うもっといい状況へ変わる、という意味になります。 【例】 "Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons." (マイケルは財政的な理由で新しい仕事へかわることを決心しました) どんな状況にせよ、最後の日の事を 'final day'(最終日)と呼びます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My final day at work...

  • I hate to leave all my colleagues behind... but today is my final day at work here...

Change is the only constant in the universe...and now and then we may find a job change or indeed, retirement may mean you are going to announce its your very "last day at work":-D "I hate to leave all my colleagues behind... but today is my final day at work here."
宇宙の中で「変化」は、唯一変わらないことで、時々仕事を変わることもありますし、実際に退職するということは、仕事の最後の日を知らせるということです。 例文 "I hate to leave all my colleagues behind... but today is my final day at work here." 同僚のみなさんとお別れするのは辛いですが、今日がここでの仕事の最後の日です
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Today was my last day at work.

  • Today was my final day working here.

You can use the words last/final. It means that after that day you will not be working at that company anymore. You can use the above sentences to tell your colleagues. For example: You:Today is my last day at work./Today is my final day working here. Colleague:Oh really. We will definitely miss you.
この'last/final'(最後)と言う言葉を使うことが出来ます。 これはその日を最後にその会社ではもう働かない、と言う意味になります。 上記の表現を使ってあなたの同僚に伝えることが出来ます。 【例】 You:Today is my last day at work./Today is my final day working here. (あなた:今日がここで働く最後の日になります) Colleague:Oh really. We will definitely miss you. (同僚:あら、本当。寂しくなるわ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Today was my last day of work.

  • My last day of work was today.

  • Today was my last day working.

Here we can use these three phrases interchangeably to have the same meaning. The first two phrases use the same words within a different order, either having, "today," be the subject or having, "my last day," be the subject of the sentence. We can also use the gerund, "working," to mean that it was the last day of our work.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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