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2018/09/22 18:46
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  • Thank you for the really great two days!

  • I appreciate the two wonderful days we had together.

1) Thank you for the really great two days! 「本当に[素晴らしい](日間をありがとう!」 シンプルに上のように言えると思います。 Thank you の代わりに Thanks を使うとよりカジュアルな印象になります。 2) I appreciate the two wonderful days we had together. 「一緒に共にした素晴らしい2日間に[感謝しています。](」 appreciate を使って感謝を表すこともできます。「感謝する」という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • These 2 days are the best time of my life. Thank you!

  • Thank you for the wonderful time.

  • I spent a great time with you in these 2 days.

These 2 days were the best time of my life. Thank you! 【訳】この2日間は人生最高の時間でした。ありがとう! なるべく忠実に訳すなら、上のような言い方があります。 そのような状況でしたら、 Thank you for the wonderful time. 【訳】素晴らしい時間をありがとう。 I spent a great time with you in these 2 days. 【訳】この2日間で、あなた(方)とすごく良い時間を過ごせました。 などの言い方もあります。
  • Thank you for an amazing two days.

こんにちは。 「最高の2日間をありがとう」は英語で下記のように表現できます。 ・Thank you for an amazing two days. 「最高の2日間をありがとう」 他に下記のような表現もいかがでしょうか? ・These two days were amazing. 「この2日間、本当に最高だったよ」 ・I had an amazing time. 「最高の時間を過ごせたよ」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • These 2 days have been amazing. Thank you for making them so enjoyable.

  • Thank you for a very enjoyable couple of days.

  • These 2 days have been amazing, I'm looking forward to visiting again.

There is an extensive vocabulary that you could use here to say you have had an 'amazing' time. The sentences I have written above are informal and should be used when thanking somebody that you didn't meet on business terms. If you are talking to somebody that you worked with over these 2 days, replace the word 'amazing' with 'productive' - this makes the sentence more formal and specific to the work achieved on your business trip. Also when we are referring to 2 days we also say, 'a couple of days'.
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the amazing two days!

  • These two days were amazing, thank you!

  • I had an amazing two days, thank you!

Here are three different ways we can show our appreciation to the people we met on a trip. Notice that the main different is not the words that we are using, but the structure in which we put these words. You can use the, "two days," as the subject head or, "I," as the subject head and still have it come out to the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you all for the best two days!

  • Thank you for making this trip amazing.

  • I've had the best time thanks to you all.

Thank you all is referring to more than two people. If you were only with two people, you would say 'Thank you both'. I've had the best time thanks to you all. - This is saying that the reason you had a good time was because of the people more than the place.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Literally translated it means "Thank you for the best two days."

Though it is translated like this in English, you will not hear this expression a lot, if at all. What you will hear a lot would be this same expression broken up in two sentences, such as: "These past two days have been amazing.! Thank you so much!" OR "These two days were awesome! Thanks a lot!" The first one would suggest a more formal atmosphere when you are getting to know your American or British clients personally for the first (or maybe second time). For repeat visits, the second expression might be useful as it is a more familiar or informal structure that would be had among friends. "Amazing" and "Awesome" are synonyms indicating that extremely good times were had, and thus can be used interchangably. Good luck with your business trips!
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the amazing two days!

  • Thanks for the best two days of my life!

When you've had a really enjoyable time on a trip and want to show your appreciation to the people who made it all possible for you, you can say it two ways: 1)Thank you for the amazing two days! or 2)Thanks for the best two days of my life! To describe a day (in this case the days of the trip) as being really good, you can use the word 'amazing' or ' the best'. Number 2 is a bit more friendly and casual, since we say 'thanks' instead of 'thank you', but both are appropriate.
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for an amazing two days

  • Thanks a lot for a wonderful two days. You made my trip worthwhile.

When you were on a business trip for two days and want to thank the people you met for an amazing two days; then you may express this in the following ways: -Thank you for an amazing two days -Thanks a lot for a wonderful two days. You made my trip worthwhile.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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