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2017/04/12 09:36
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  • You are not allowed to drink until you are 20.

  • You can't drink until you have reach the legal age.

  • You can only drink onceyou have reach the age of 20.

These are all ways of expression the alcohol restriction. not allowed to = to be forbidden to do something Legal age = the age at which a person enters into full adult legal rights and responsibilities to reach the age of = to turn a certain age.
These are all ways of expression the alcohol restriction.これらはアルコールの年齢制限に関する表現です。 not allowed to = to be forbidden to do something何かをすることを禁止されている、許可されていない Legal age = the age at which a person enters into full adult legal rights and responsibilities成人して大人としての法律上の権利や責任を負う年齢。 to reach the age of = to turn a certain age.~という年齢に達する
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • You mustn't drink until 20 years old.

must not = mustn't で禁止を表します。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • (1) You cannot drink alcohol until you get 20.

  • (2) People under 20 cannot drink alcohol.

(1)は「20歳になるまでは、アルコールを飲んではいけない」という意味になります。 (2)は「20歳未満の人はアルコールを飲んではいけない」という意味になります。 もし子供が「ビールがほしいな」と言ったようなときは、(1)は個人的に断る言い方、(2)は、一般的に行けないという言い方です。
(1)は「20歳になるまでは、アルコールを飲んではいけない」という意味になります。 (2)は「20歳未満の人はアルコールを飲んではいけない」という意味になります。 もし子供が「ビールがほしいな」と言ったようなときは、(1)は個人的に断る言い方、(2)は、一般的にいけないという言い方です。
Florin  翻訳・通訳
  • 1. You are not allowed to drink strong drinks like beer and wine until you are 20

  • 2. You have to be a really big boy/girl before you can drink mummy's and daddy's strong drinks!

  • 3. If you drink before you are 20 you will badly damage your brain!

There are various approaches to this and it depends exactly what age the child is as this may affect the language you use and the way you use it. Explanation 1 is a logical approach which gives examples of the kinds of drinks you can't drink and also the exact age you may start to sample these beverages. Explanation 2 is for younger children who may have little conception of when the age of 20 may be reached..or exactly which drinks fall into the prohibited category. Explanation 3 is designed to put the fear of god into the child so he keeps away from your wonderful bottle of vintage malt whisky!
色んな言い方がこれにはあります。その子が何歳なのかで、言い方を使い分けるべきでしょうね。 1は、理論的な言い方です。飲んではいけない飲み物の例をあげ、そういったものを飲める年齢を教えてあげる説明です。 2の説明はもっと若い子に使います。20歳という年齢の認識がまだうまくできない子たちに、どんな飲み物が禁止されているのかを教える言い方です。 3の説明は少し脅して、あなたの大切なウィスキーに子供が手を伸ばさないようにする言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You're not allowed to drink until you turn 20.

  • It's illegal for you to drink before the age of 20.

You can use any of these expressions. 1. You're not allowed to drink until you turn 20. If a person is not allowed to do something, it means that they don't have permission to do it. 2. It's illegal for you to drink before the age of 20. If something is illegal in a certain country, that means it's against the law.
"次のどちらの表現も使う事が出来ます。 1.You're not allowed to drink until you turn 20. もしnot allowed (何かをする事を認められていない)なら、許可されていないのでできませんという意味です。 2.It's illegal for you to drink before the age of 20. もしその国でillegal(違法)だったら、これは法律に違反していますという意味です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • You cannot drink until you are 20 years old.

  • It is illegal to drink if you are below 20 years of age

The above sentences can be used to tell someone that they are below the drinking age. May you please take not of the differences between 20 years old and 20 years of age.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You can't drink until you have reach the legal age.

  • It's illegal for you to drink before the age of 20.

Legal means established by or founded upon law. Illegal is something which goes against established law. Given two sentences will serve you when you are trying to express yourself.
Legal は「法律で定められた、法律で認められた」という意味です。 Illegal は「法律に反する」という意味です。 上のどちらの文も使うことができます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • The legal age for drinking here is 20 years old.

  • It is illegal to consume alcohol until you are 20 years old.

  • You're prohibited from drinking until you are 20.

The legal age for drinking here is 20 years old.' Every country sets an age at which we are legally allowed to drink alcohol. The age is different depending on which country you are in. We can tell someone that they are too young to drink simply by saying 'the legal age here is 20'. 'It is illegal to consume alcohol until you are 20 years old.' If something is 'illegal', it is not allowed by law. To 'consume' means to eat or drink something. By saying it is illegal to consume alcohol before the age of 20, we are making it clear that they will be breaking the law if they do drink alcohol. 'You're prohibited from drinking until you are 20.' If something is 'prohibited', it is not allowed. By saying that drinking alcohol before the age of 20 years old is prohibited, we are saying they are not allowed to do it.
The legal age for drinking here is 20 years old.'(この国の法定飲酒年齢は20歳です) どの国にも法律で定められた飲酒年齢があります。この年齢は国によって異なります。「まだお酒を飲むには若すぎる」と伝えるなら、シンプルに 'the legal age here is 20'(この国の法定年齢は20歳です)と言えます。 'It is illegal to consume alcohol until you are 20 years old.'(20歳になるまで、法律上お酒は飲めない) 'illegal' は「違法の」という意味です。'to consume' は「食べる」または「飲む」という意味です。 ここでは、「20歳未満でお酒を飲むのは違法だ」と伝えています。 'You're prohibited from drinking until you are 20.'(飲酒は20歳まで禁止されている) 'prohibited' は「禁止されている/認められていない」という意味です。 ここでは、「飲酒は20歳まで禁止されている」と伝えています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • A) You are only allowed to drink alcohol when you are 20 years old.

  • B) No drinking allowed until you're 20.

A) You are only allowed to drink alcohol when you are 20 years old. *Allowed - let (someone) have or do something. Example -"the dissident was allowed to leave the country" B) No drinking allowed until you're 20 - You are not allowed to drink until you are the age of 20 I hope this helps :-)
A) You are only allowed to drink alcohol when you are 20 years old.20歳になったときにだけお酒を飲んでもいいですよ。 *Allowed -誰かが何かをする、持つ、許可 例-"the dissident was allowed to leave the country"反対派は出国を許可された B) No drinking allowed until you're 20 20歳までは飲酒禁止です - You are not allowed to drink until you are the age of 20 20歳まではお酒を飲むことは許されていません。 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • You cannot drink alcohol as a minor until you are 20 years old.

  • You can only drink alcohol after you have turned 20 years old.

  • Please do not drink alcohol until you are 20 years old.

In the first sentence, you have used the noun 'minor', which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'a person under the age at which he or she legally becomes an adult'. So, you can tell a child that as a minor, he/she can not drink alcohol until he/she legally becomes an adult at the age of 20. The second and the third sentences give the same advice although slightly differently. The third sentence adds politeness to the advice by starting with the adverb 'please'.
最初の文章では、名詞'minor'を使用しました。これにはいくつか意味がありますが、この文脈では「合法的に大人になる年齢に満たない人」という意味です。ですので、子供には"as a minor, he/she can not drink alcohol until he/she legally becomes an adult at the age of 20."と言うことができます。 2つ目と3つ目の文章は少し違いますが、同じアドバイスをしています。3つ目の文章は、副詞'please'で始めることでアドバイスに礼儀正しさを加えています。.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The legal age for drinking alcohol is 20.

  • You are not allowed to drink alcohol when you're under 20.

Legal age-the age at which a person is considered competent to manage their own affairs. Allowed-the phrase implies that one is permitted to do something or let something happen
Legal age - 自分のことが自分でできるようになる年齢。 Allowed -「許可されている/許されている」という意味。
Kweena DMM英会話講師
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