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2017/04/20 00:16
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  • I would like to refresh myself by taking a nap just for three hours and then start studying again.

少し日本語で意味を足してから訳出してみました。 「軽く(xx時間)寝る」:take a nap(for xx hours) ご参考まで。
Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • I'm going to have a three hour nap then I'll resume studying.

  • I will have a three hour power nap before I continue studying.

To go to sleep for a short time can be referred to as: A nap A power nap. If you plan to start something again, you can say: Resume I'm going to have a three hour nap then I'll resume studying. This means after the nap, you will start studying again. I hope that helps!
短時間寝ることは、 a nap a power nap と英語で言います。 なにかを再開することは、 resume と言います。 I'm going to have a three hour nap then I'll resume studying. は、短時間寝たあとに、勉強を再開することを意味します。 役に立てば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I am going to take a 3-hour catnap and get back to studying.

  • I just need a 3-hour siesta to freshen me up so I can resume studying.

  • I am going to catch some z's for three hours then continue studying.

"I am going to take a 3-hour catnap and get back to studying." A catnap is a a short sleep during the day.When you use this word you don't need to specify the amount of hours you intend to sleep unless you are asked. "I just need a 3-hour siesta to freshen me up so I can resume studying" siesta = Is an afternoon rest or nap.Depending on the time of day you are planning on sleeping you could say you need a siesta. "I am going to catch some z's for three hours then continue studying." This is a casual way of saying you are going to sleep (the zzz in the word bubble over sleeper's heads in comics).
"I am going to take a 3-hour catnap and get back to studying." A catnap is a a short sleep during the day.When you use this word you don't need to specify the amount of hours you intend to sleep unless you are asked. Catnap=仮眠。「3時間の仮眠をとって、また勉強する。」Catnapと言えば、具体的にどのくらい寝るか言わなくてもOKです。 "I just need a 3-hour siesta to freshen me up so I can resume studying" siesta = Is an afternoon rest or nap.Depending on the time of day you are planning on sleeping you could say you need a siesta. Siesta=シエスタ、スペイン語で昼寝の事。Freshen up=すっきり、さっぱりする。Resume=再開する。「3時間昼寝したら気分がさっぱりして、また勉強できる。」Siestaは、お昼過ぎに取る昼寝のことなので、一日のどこで仮眠をとるかにも寄ります。 "I am going to catch some z's for three hours then continue studying." This is a casual way of saying you are going to sleep (the zzz in the word bubble over sleeper's heads in comics). Catch some z's=一寝入りする、仮眠をとる。「3時間仮眠をとってから勉強の続きをする。」Zは、漫画に出てくる眠っている時のマーク「zzz」から来ています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I'll have a power nap for 3 hours, wake, and then study.

  • 2. I'm going to study really hard as I'm only sleeping 3 hours.

1.You explain the sequence of your plan before the exam. 2.Explaining that you are going to study after a short sleep. A power nap is a short sleep 'which terminates before the occurrence of deep sleep or slow-wave sleep (SWS), intended to quickly revitalize the subject.' "I'm taking a power nap after lunch to recharge my batteries."
1.試験までの計画シークエンスを説明する言い方です。 2.ちょっと寝たらまた勉強する、という説明です。 A power nap は、SWSという深い眠りにつくまえに起きる浅い眠りで、パワーをすぐに回復するために利用されます。 "I'm taking a power nap after lunch to recharge my batteries." 昼食後にお昼寝してパワー回復するよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will take a three hour nap, then resume my studies.

  • I'll hit the sack for three hours then resume my studies.

1. I will take a three hour nap, then resume my studies. This means that you will sleep for three hours to give your body a rest, then you will start studying again. (The word "resume" means to start to do something again that you were doing before.) 2. I'll hit the sack for three hours then resume my studies. I'll is a contraction for "I will" The expression "hit the sack" is an English idiom. it means to sleep or to go to bed.
例文 1. I will take a three hour nap, then resume my studies. (3時間昼寝してまた勉強を再開します) 3時間寝て体を休めてからまた勉強を再開するという意味です。 ※ "resume"は「再び始める、再開する」という意味です。 例文 2. I'll hit the sack for three hours then resume my studies. (3時間寝てまた勉強を再開します) "I'll"は"I will"の短縮形です。 "hit the sack"は「寝る」という意味のイディオムです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I only got three hours of sleep before taking the test.

  • I only slept three hours before studying and taking the test.

"I only got three hours of sleep before taking the test." This is a way of expressing that you only had three hours of sleep, and then took your test. "I only slept three hours before studying and taking the test." Here you inform the other person that you slept for three hours, studied and then took a test.
"I only got three hours of sleep before taking the test."(テストを受ける前、3時間しか寝ませんでした) - テスト前3時間しか寝なかったと伝える言い方です。 "I only slept three hours before studying and taking the test."(勉強してテストを受ける前、3時間しか寝ませんでした) - ここでは、3時間寝て、勉強して、それからテストを受けたと伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to get three hours sleep before getting up to revise

  • I'll doze a bit before studying

To doze is a colloquial way of saying sleep/nap.
doze' は 'sleep/nap'(寝る/昼寝する)の口語的な言い方です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
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