世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/01/03 22:12
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  • Have a family quarrel

  • Have a brother (sister) fight

  • Have a fight together

英語では“兄弟[ケンカ](”という決まった言い方は私の知る限りではないと思います。 したがって文で説明するしか無いのかな、と思いますね。 ということは言い方にも大幅に変わってくると思います。 ちなみに、”もう[冬休み](は[子供たち](家でケンカばっかりしてて” となると、 “Kids were fighting in the house all the time during the winter holidays" とか、 "Kids were fighting in the house throughout the winter holidays" などと言えば通じると思います。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • Sibling rivalry

  • A family fall-out

  • A family argument

Sibling rivalry is the most common phrase for brother or sisters arguing or fighting in any way.
Sibling rivalry は、[兄弟](間、[姉妹](間のどんないさかいを表すのにも使えます。 A family argument = 家族の争い(喧嘩) sibling は男女年齢関係なく使えます。 brother = 兄・弟 sister = 姉・妹
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My kids fight a lot

Haraさんが書いたように、決まった言い方はないと思います。 普通に「喧嘩する」という"fight"を使ってもいいと思います。 My sister and I fight a lot. 私とお姉さんはよく喧嘩する。
  • Boys will be boys.

  • They are always at each others throats.

These are common expressions to use when your sons misbehaving with each other.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • sibling rivalry

sibling - a brother or sister rivalry - conflict ------------------------ Sibling rivalry is the jealousy, competition and fighting between brothers and sisters.
sibling - きょうだい rivalry - 争い ------------------------ "Sibling rivalry" は、きょうだい間の嫉妬、競争、けんかのことです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A family quarrel.

  • A falling out.

  • A fight between siblings.

You are at home and you want to watch something else on TV but your sister won't give you the remote and won't turn it over. So, you start to fight. For example. Give me the remote. No, I am watching this. But, I want to watch something else. I will hit you. (Mum) stop it you do, don't fall out over this, it is pointless. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • A) Sibling rivalry

  • B) Argy-bargy

A) Sibling rivalry - Sibling rivalry is a type of competition or animosity (Bitterness) among sibling. Example - My parents say it is just sibling rivalry, and we should sort it out between us. B) Argy - bargy -noisy quarreling or wrangling. Example -A bit of argy-bargy between Sam and Tom I hope this helps :-)
A) Sibling rivalry - Sibling rivalryは兄弟間の競争や敵意(恨み)の一種です。 例 -My parents say it is just sibling rivalry, and we should sort it out between us. (私の両親はただの兄弟げんかだから私たちの間で解決すべきだと言います) B) Argy-bargy -騒々しい口論や争い 例 -A bit of argy-bargy between Sam and Tom(サムとトムの間の少し騒々しい口論) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Sibling rivalry

*Sibling rivalry. - Siblings mean Brother/sister relationship. Rivalry it's like a competition. Example Sentences: Their parents gave up, the sibling rivalry in their family is uncontrollable. When their father passed away the siblings fought a lot for the estate.
*Sibling rivalry.という単語について Siblingsとは、兄弟関係のことを意味します。 Rivalryとは、競争のようなものです。 例文 Their parents gave up, the sibling rivalry in their family is uncontrollable. 「両親は諦めました。兄弟げんかは制御できないと。」 When their father passed away the siblings fought a lot for the estate. 「彼らの父親が亡くなると、兄弟たちは財産をめぐって大いに争った。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sibling Rivalry

  • A quarrel between siblings is quite normal...its just a case of sibling rivalry

Brothers and sisters are programmed by nature "to compete" with each other... This is part of our evolutionary development and helps us to "practice life" and set "the pecking order" within the family group...who is "the dominant" personality. We should not get too upset..." family is a complex dynamic" and "squabbling is unavoidable;-D
兄弟姉妹はお互い"to compete"(競い合う)ように自然にプログラムされていますよね。 これは私たちの進化の過程の一つで私たちが "practice life"(実際の生活)を助け家族やグループの中で"the pecking order"(人間関係の序列)を学ぶことを手助けします。 家族やグループの中で誰が"the dominant personality"(優勢個人)なのかを… そんなに怒ることはないですよ、 "family is a complex dynamic" (家族とは複雑学)で、 "squabbling is unavoidable" (もめ事は避けることは出来ません);-D
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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