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2016/01/04 17:27
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  • Please put all your valuables in the safe at the hotel.

  • Please put all your valuables in the in-room safe.

valuable 貴重品 safe 金庫 in-room safe 部屋に備え付けられている金庫 Please を付けるだけでフォーマルな言い方になります。 Please come here. こちらへどうぞ。 Please have a seat. こちらへおかけください。 Please take one. どうぞおひとつお取りください。(試食やサンプルを渡す時など) Please close the door. ドアをお閉めください。 Please take all your valuables with you. 貴重品は各自で持ってください。
  • Please be sure to put any valuables in your room's safe.

  • Please be sure to put any valuables in the hotel's safety box.

これらの表現にbe sure toを入れると「必ず・忘れずに」という意味も付けられます。 anyは基本的に「何か」という意味ですが、 この場合に「ございましたら」というニュアンスとなります。 金庫のsafeは他にsafety boxやsafety deposit boxという言い方もあります。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Please make sure your valuables are kept in the safe at the hotel.

Always say "please" when being polite. This phrase is commonly used by hotels.
丁寧にいうときはいつも please を使いましょう。このフレーズはホテルでよく使われます。
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • Please remember to put any valuable items in the room safe.

  • There is a safe in your room, I recommend that you put any valuable items inside it.

The first expression is politely telling the customer to put there valuable items in the safe. The second expression is more of a suggestion and comes off as less strong than the first expression.
最初の表現は、金庫に貴重品を入れることを伝える丁寧な表現です。 2つ目の表現は、最初の表現より強い提案の表現になります。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Guests are advised to deposit their valuables in the safe.

  • It is recommended that clients secure their valuables in the safe.

  • For your own security, please place your items of value in the safe provided.

These are normal announcements that you may hear in this situation. 'The safe' refers to either, the safe in a hotel room, or, the hotel safe that is made available for guests.
そういった場面で聞くであろう標準的なよびかけとなります。The safeはこの場合ホテルのルーム内の金庫か、またはゲスト用に利用されるホテルの金庫を指します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please put you valuables in a safe.

  • May you please put your valuables away in a safe.

The sentences above are polite ways you can inform the customers without sounding rude. You:Hello sir/madam, Could you please put you valuables in a safe.
Tこれらの表現はすべてフォーマルなのでお客様の気分を害することなく伝えられます。:Hello sir/madam, Could you please put you valuables in a safe.こんにちは。貴重品は金庫にお入れください
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You are kindly advised to store all valuables in the safe.

  • Please ensure your valuables are locked in the safe that has been provided.

  • It is recommended for all clients to store all valuable possessions in a safe on the premises.

The first step would be to ascertain whether there is one particular safe or whether there are safes available in each room. If there is one to be used by everyone at the hotel you may say "the safe",assuming all guests know about its existence. When you say "a safe"it could be that the customers have to bring their own to store their valuables. "You are kindly advised to store all valuables in the safe." Be advised means "be informed or apprised. You are communicating a fact or situation. "Please ensure your valuables are locked in the safe that has been provided." To ensure means to make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. e.g.The client must ensure that accurate records are kept "It is recommended for all clients to store all valuable possessions in a safe on the premise" It is recommended : This is a way of making a strong suggestion.
まず最初のステップは、ある特定の金庫があるかどうか各部屋にあるかどうかをはっきりさせること。 ホテルの宿泊誰もが利用できる金庫があるならば、金庫の位置をお知らせする。 金庫にはお客様の貴重品を保管する。 "You are kindly advised to store all valuables in the safe." 貴重品は金庫に保管いただけますようよろしくお願いします。 Be advised は"be informed or apprised.という意味です。 通達されるという意味です。 "Please ensure your valuables are locked in the safe that has been provided." 用意された金庫にあなたの貴重品を保管するようにお願いします。 To ensure は、確かにするという意味。 例  The client must ensure that accurate records are kept. 顧客は、正確な記録を保管しておく必要があります。 "It is recommended for all clients to store all valuable possessions in a safe on the premise" すべてのお客様にすべての貴重品は金庫に保管することを推奨します。 It is recommended. 強い提案です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please lock up all your valuable items in your hotel room's safe.

  • Please store all your valuables in your hotel room's safe.

The phrasal verb 'lock up' can mean a number of things including 'enclosing or storing in a locked container' as in this case. In this case, the hotel rooms have lockable safes where guests' valuable items can be safely kept. In the second advisory, you are warned to 'please store all your valuables in your hotel room's safe'. The verb to 'store' has been used used here to mean 'deposit' all your valuables into your hotel room's safe for safe keeping.
lock upという動詞は、閉める、やコンテナの中に入れる、などいろんな意味があります。 この場合、ホテルの部屋に鍵で占められ、利用者の大切なものをちゃんと入れておける金庫はあるかどうかを尋ねる文になります。 二つ目は、 'please store all your valuables in your hotel room's safe'. 大切なものはホテルの金庫に保管しておいてくださいね。 'store'には、預ける、保管する、という意味があります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Put all your valuables in the safe at the hotel

  • Could you please put your valuables in a safe

Could you please put you valuables in a safe - the formal and the most polite option is this sentence, although, you can say just "put all your valuables in a safe" which is a fine sentence too.
Could you please put your valuables in a safe(貴重品は金庫に入れていただけますか) は、フォーマルで最も丁寧な言い方です。 シンプルに "put all your valuables in a safe"(貴重品は全て金庫に入れる)と言うこともできます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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