If you mix blue and yellow, it will be green. This one is blue so can you paint it yellow?
If you mix blue and yellow, it will be green. This one is blue so can you add yellow?
If you mix blue and yellow, it will be green. This one is blue so can you paint it yellow?
If you mix blue and yellow, it will be green. This one is blue so can you add yellow?
「もうちょっと黄色塗って。もっともっと。」は、Can you paint it more yellow? Keep going!というといいですね。Keep goingは、「そのまま続けて」と伝えたいときに便利な表現です。
例:Do you know which colors make green? どの色とどの色が緑色になるか知ってる?
If you mix blue and yellow, it turns into green. This is blue, can you paint it with yellow?
- "If you mix blue and yellow, it turns into green. This is blue, can you paint it with yellow?"
- "Can you add a little more yellow? More and more!"
「Can you add a little more yellow?」は「もう少し黄色を加えてみて。」という意味で、少しだけ色を足してほしいときに使います。「More and more!」は「もっともっと!」と子どもに対する励ましの言葉として使われます。
- Mix: 混ぜる
- Paint: 塗る
- Blue: 青
- Yellow: 黄色
- Green: 緑