世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/04 18:01
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  • How do you like it?

  • Is it good?

  • Do you like it?

基本的に料理を「dish」と言うのか「food」と言うのか色々な観点がありますので、「it」とするとスマートに聞こえます。 1番は日本語に直訳すると「どのようにそれが好きですか?」と意味不明な意味になりますが、料理の感想を聞く時に良く使う言い回しです。 2番と3番はシンプルに「おいしいですか?」というような聞き方になります。
  • How is it?

  • How is this fish?

how を使って、そのまま「どうですか?」と 聞いてしまえばいいと思います。 (食べてくれた以上、大丈夫ですよ^^) How is it? それはどうですか? How is this fish? この魚はどうですか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • What do you think?

  • Do you like it?

When you offer someone something to eat, you can say, "here, try this and let me know what you think" or "let me know if you like it." If you want to ask them after they have already eaten the food, you can say, "do you like it" or "how does it taste" or "what do you think?"
誰かが、何かを食べたいとオファーしてきた場合、"let”を使いこれらのようにいうことができます。 また、すでに料理を食べ終わっていてそれがどうだったのか尋ねたいときは、"do you like it" や "how does it taste" または、"what do you think?"これらのように、感想を訪ねることができます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • How did you find the Ramen noodle soup?

How did you find?' = How did it taste. The question provides the opportunity to the taster to give an answer on the taste of the dish, without mentioning taste.
How did you find?'=どんな味? この質問は食べた人に、味について言及することなく、料理の味の感想を言う機会を与えています。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think about Japanese food.

  • Do you like it

This means that you would like to have their opinion on Japanese food. If they enjoy the taste or not.
これは、日本食に関してどのように思うか、 「好きな味であるかどうか」を聞く表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How did you find it?

  • Was it to your liking?

  • What did you think of it?

'How did you find it?' means 'Was it good/enjoyable/acceptable?' 'Was it to your liking?' means 'Did you like it?' Similarly, What did you think of it? means to ask someone their opinion on something. I hope that helps!
How did you find it? は、「美味しかったでしたか?/よかったでしたか?」という意味になります。 Was it to your liking? は、「お好みにあいましたか?」です。 同様に What did you think of it? と言うこともできます。ご意見を伺う聞き方です。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1. How do you find Japanese food?

  • 2. What are your feelings towards Japanese food?

  • 3. Do you miss your home cooking yet?

1. Phrase 1 is a very open and straightforward question enquiring about someone's impression of Japanese food. 2. A more psychological question about food would be this phrase which asks the listener to freely explain in their own words what they think about Japanese food. 3. This is a far more searching question which asks the listener to compare their fondness of home cooking with their desire to experiment with new cuisine.
1.例文1は、誰かの日本食への印象を尋ねる非常にオープンで率直な質問です。 2.聞き手が自分の言葉で日本食をどう思うかを自由に回答できるよう、よりサイコロジカルな聞方です。 3.これは、聞き手に新しい料理を試したいという気持ちと家庭料理とを比較して質問する、追求型の言い回しです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How do you like it?? Are you enjoying Japanese food?

  • How does it taste? Do you like it? Are you enjoying Japanese food?

Personal taste varies greatly when it comes to food... Europeans certainly have a different palate to asian people... But sometimes we just love "foreign food" and usually the face tells the story! One can simply ask do you like it? How does it taste? Are you enjoying it? PS if someone is "turning their nose up at a dish" and is grimacing...then its likely they do not like it ;-))
食べ物に対しての個人的な味覚はかなりばらつきがあります。 ヨーロッパ人は明らかにアジア人とは違う味覚があります。 でも、私たちは単に"foreign food"(外国の食べ物)が好きですよね。 そしてそれは大抵顔が物語っています! 単に"do you like it?"(好きですか?) "How does it taste?"(どうですか?) "Are you enjoying it?"(味わっていますか?) などと尋ねることが出来ます。 PS(追伸) もし誰かが"turning their nose up at a dish" (鼻をお皿から上にあげている/嫌がっているという意味のイディオム) そしてしかめっ面をしていたら、それはその人はそれが好きじゃないという事でしょう ;-))
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • How do you like Japanese food?

  • Are you enjoying food from Japan?

These would be great ways to ask the question. You could also refer to specific foods or places for example. Do you like this type of meal? What do you think of the food in this restaurant? They are also great conversation starters. Hope this helps
上記のように尋ねることができます。 また、特定の食べ物、料理について聞いてもいいですね。 例えば: Do you like this type of meal? (このタイプの料理は好きですか) What do you think of the food in this restaurant? (このレストランの料理はどうですか) 会話を始めるきっかけにもなりますね。 参考になるといいです。
Sylvia G DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think of local Japanese food here?

  • Do you like the local Japanese food here?

  • Do you enjoy the local Japanese food here?

The first question can be seen as a general statement to ask their opinion about the local food. In the second two we can either use the verbs, "to like," or, "to enjoy," to ask what they think about the food.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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