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2017/05/03 00:13
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  • best ... episode(s).

The best "South Park" episode(s):サウスパーク神回。 最後にeverをつけると、これまでで最高の回!という意味になります。 This is the best "South Park" episode ever. 今までで最高の回だった。 駄作の場合は、worstを使います。
  • the greatest episode

  • the best episode

  • an awesome episode

「神回」の「回」はテレビ番組ならepisode, インターネットの動画ならvideoと言います。 「神回」は英語での決まった単語はありませんが、 「すごくいい回、素晴らしい回」という意味でこのようにも言います: the greatest episode / the best episode --> 「最高の回」というニュアンスです an awesome episode --> awesomeはカジュアルな言い方です
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • A breathtaking episode

  • A marvelous episode

  • A fantastic episode

"A breathtaking episode" breathtaking = astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away "A marvelous episode" marvelous = Something that is extremely good or pleasing A fantastic episode fantastic= extraordinarily good or attractive. You can also use adjectives such as : -remarkable -splendid -terrific -outstanding -phenomenal
①"A breathtaking episode" Breathtaking=息をのむくらい凄いこと。 ②"A marvelous episode" Marvelous=非常に優れている、楽しいこと。 ③A fantastic episode Fantastic=素晴らしい。 他には、次の形容詞も使えます: Remarkable(並外れた)、Splendid(優れた、立派な)、Terrific(素晴らしい)、Outstanding(優れた)、Phenomenal(目を見張るような)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • An exceptional instalment

  • A brilliant storyline

  • A superb script

'Instalment' is an alternative word for 'episode.' The storyline is the general plot - what is happening and to whom. So in other words, the storyline is the content of the episode. If it is the words of the actors and the verbal interaction that impresses you, of course, you could say: "That was a superb script!"
'Instalment'は、episodeの代わりに使えます。 story lineとは作品の台本、何が誰に対して起こったかなど、話という意味です。つまりstoryineが、episodeの内容ということですね。 もし俳優のセリフや会話がかっこよかったら、もちろん"That was a superb script!":ということができます!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • an incredible episode (of a TV show, etc)

テレビ番組の場合では「回」は「episode」です。 野球の場合では「inning」
Tim Young 主催
  • A fantastic episode

  • An exciting episode

  • A mind blowing episode

The adjective 'fantastic' means 'extraordinarily good or attractive'. If you enjoyed watching the episode, it means that it must have been a 'mind blowing' one if it was an action movie. I have added 'mind blowing' to mean 'extremely exciting'. If you say it was an 'exciting episode', you are in fact saying it excited you a lot. It was an extremely good episode. In this case, it might have been a drama or a love movie.
The adjective 'fantastic' means 'extraordinarily good or attractive'. fantasticという形容詞は、素晴らしく良い、魅力的なという意味です。 If you enjoyed watching the episode, it means that it must have been a 'mind blowing' one if it was an action movie. それがアクション映画で、エピソード(話)を見るのを楽しんだのなら、その話は面白(mond-blowing)かったに違いありません。 I have added 'mind blowing' to mean 'extremely exciting'. mind blowingを加えることで、とてもワクワクしたという意味になります。 If you say it was an 'exciting episode', you are in fact saying it excited you a lot. it was an 'exciting episodeと言えば、実際はit excited you a lotと言っていることになります。 It was an extremely good episode. In this case, it might have been a drama or a love movie. ドラマのや恋愛映画の場合は、It was an extremely good episodeと言います。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • great episode

  • awesome episode

-->You use great to describe something that is important, famous, or exciting. -->An awesome person or thing is very impressive and often frightening. -->An episode of something such as a series on radio or television or a story in a magazine is one of the separate parts in which it is broadcast or published. The final episode will be shown next Sunday.
-You use great to describe something that is important, famous, or exciting. 重要な、有名な、ワクワクすることを表現する際にはgreatを使うことができます。 An awesome person or thing is very impressive and often frightening. 素晴らしい人や物を言う時はmpressiveやfrighteningをよく使います。 An episode of something such as a series on radio or television or a story in a magazine is one of the separate parts in which it is broadcast or published. ラジオ、テレビ、雑誌の話しのシリーズ物のepisodeは、放送又は出版されたシリーズの1話のことです。 The final episode will be shown next Sunday. 最終話は来週の日曜日に放送されます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • best episode

  • awesome episode - this means that you enjoyed a lot an was the best 2. awesome - this is also another describing word to describe how much you enjoyed it. episode -最も面白かったエピソード 2. awesome -素晴らしい。これもどれくらい楽しんだかを表現する言葉です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A very decent episode

  • A great episode

If you need to give a positive review to an episode, you can use these phrases. They both mean the same. Decent means conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour.
「素晴らしかった回」「面白かった回」は、上記のように言えます。どちらも同じ意味です。 'Decent' は「〔社会規範に照らし〕見苦しくない、適切な」という意味です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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