世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/05 13:12
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  • Please stop calling me late at night.

  • Please refrain from calling me late at night.

「夜中に」と指定したい場合は Please stop calling me after midnight で良いんですが、それ以前に「夜遅く電話しないで」と伝えたいのであれば late at night を使います。 「Please stop calling me...」は一応「please」が入っているものの、「stop calling」は結構ダイレクトなので、少し気をつかって言いたい場合は Please refrain from calling me late at night. をお勧めします。 refrain from=控える
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • Please don't call me in the middle of the night

Please don't call me in the middle of the night =夜中に電話してこないで下さい 夜中 = middle of the night かしこまるつもりがなくてよPleaseを付けるとあまり角が立たないです。すぐ怒ってしまって慎重に扱わなければいけない人であれはわ冒頭に I don't mean to be rude, but と付け足しましょう。
  • Stop calling me in the middle of the night.

  • Don’t call me after midnight.

Stop calling me in the middle of the night.   夜中に電話をかけてこないで。 英語で夜中に電話がかかってくるんですか?いたずら電話でしょうか。 もし遠慮のない知り合いがかけてくるのでしたら Don’t call me after midnight. You’re disrupting my sleep! 夜中(12時以降)に電話するのは止めて。私の睡眠を邪魔してます。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Please stop contacting me late at night. Only call during the daytime.

  • Please refrain from calling me late at night.

  • Don't call me late at night!

1. You are simply asking someone to stop calling you when you do not want to be called. 2. Please refrain = please desist or please stop doing something. 3. This uses the imperative form. It is an order to stop calling at night. It is not a polite form but expresses strong feelings more directly.
1. 自分にとって嫌なタイミングでシンプルに電話をかけてほしくないと伝える表毛です。 2. Please refrain = ... をやめてください。と伝える表現です 3.これはDon't とすることで。夜に電話を止めるよう命令する表現になります。礼儀正しい形式ではなく、より直接的な感情を表しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please stop calling late at night, I would prefer it if you call during the day.

  • I am not available to take calls after 8p.m, please only call before that time.

1=By using this sentence you been polite but at the same time firm. You will be letting the person know your preference, which would be not to receive late night calls from them. At the same time you would not be seen as being rude, but doing so in a respectful manner. 2=In this sentence you are making it very clear which times are not appropriate to call after. You may set your own time preference. By using the word 'please' you still remain polite and respectful.
1=丁寧ですがキッパリと、夜遅くに電話をかけないで欲しいとお願いしています。 無礼に思われることはないでしょう、丁重な言い方をしています。 2=何時までなら電話をかけていいのか明確に伝えています。 "8pm" は好きな時間にして結構です。'please' を使うことで、丁寧さを保っています。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't disturb my sleep with your late night calls.

  • Please don't call me late at night.

In the first sentence, you are cautioning the other person not to disturb your sleep with his/her late night calls because at this time of the night, you are enjoying your sleep. You have used the verb to 'disturb' which in this context means 'to cause someone to stop what the person is doing, or to interrupt an activity'. In the second sentence, you have not given the other person the reason why you do not want him/her to call you late at night, but you have just politely asked him/her not to call you late at night.
最初の例文では、夜のこの時間には寝ていることから、深夜に電話をかけて睡眠を妨害しないよう相手に注意喚起しています。'disturb'という動詞を使用していますが、この文脈では 'to cause someone to stop what the person is doing, or to interrupt an activity'(人がやっていることを止めさせる、あるいは活動を中断すること)という意味です。 2つ目の例文では、深夜に電話をして欲しくない理由を述べていませんが、深夜に電話をしないよう丁寧にお願いしています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Please don't call in the middle of the night.

「夜半に電話してこないで」という言い方です。こちらの方言では「Please don't call at night」だけでも通じると思います。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • Please don't call me late at night.

夜遅くにかけるのはやめてください。 My bedtime is 9. 9時には寝るんで。
  • Please stop calling me at ungodly hours!

  • Please stop calling me at inappropriate times

  • Please stop calling me in the early am's.

"Please stop calling me at ungodly hours!" ungodly hour = a time of day when it is very early or very late, and not reasonable to speak to or see someone "Please stop calling me at inappropriate times." inappropriate times = These are times that fall outside of normal communication/interaction for humans.Not suitable or proper in the circumstances. e.g There are penalties for inappropriate behavior. "Please stop calling me in the early am's." am = From the Latin word ante merīdiem. Usage note. The abbreviation a.m. for Latin ante meridiem, meaning “before noon,” refers to the period from midnight until noon.
“Please stop calling me at ungodly hours!” ungodly hour = とても早い、またはとても遅い時間帯。 人に話しかけたり会ったりするのには不適切な時間。 “Please stop calling me at inappropriate times.” inappropriate times = 人間として、通常の連絡をとったり話しかけたりするのに適した時間外のこと。 適切な状況ではありません。 例 There are penalties for inappropriate behavior. (不適切な態度に対して罰則があります。) “Please stop calling me in the early am’s.” am = ante meridiem というラテン語から来ていて、before noon(正午前)の意味。夜中の0時から正午まで。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please try to avoid calling me late at night.

  • Can we stick to calls during the daytime please?

To tell a person to stop calling you late at night, you can say: "Please try to avoid calling me late at night." "Can we stick to calls during the daytime please?"
「夜遅く電話をかけてくるのはやめてください」は、次のように言えます。 "Please try to avoid calling me late at night."(夜遅く電話をかけてくるのはやめてください) "Can we stick to calls during the daytime please?"(電話は昼間だけにしてもらえますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Please refrain from contacting me during the night.

  • I would like to you stop calling me after....

Please refrain from contacting me during the night. This is a formal way of saying that someone should stop calling you in the middle of the night. When you use the word "Contacting" instead of calling you are including calling, texting, emailing and any other forms of communication that is available. "I would like to you stop calling me after...." This phrase tells the person that you would not like them to call you after a certain hour.
"Please refrain from contacting me during the night."(夜連絡してくるのはやめてください) これは「夜、電話をしてくるのはやめてください」のフォーマルな言い方です。 "Calling"(電話する)の代わりに "Contacting"(連絡する)を使うと、電話・電子メールなどあらゆる連絡手段が含まれます。 "I would like to you stop calling me after...."(...時以降は電話をかけてこないでもらいたいです) これは、ある時間を過ぎたら電話をかけてこないでほしいと伝えます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I don't appreciate receiving calls at such late hours.

  • Don't call me after 9 pm, you are welcome to contact me before then.

  • I don't take calls after 9pm, you can call me before then.

Use the sentences above to let someone know not to call at late hours. The last two sentences inform the individual of what time is best if they want to speak to you. Both sentences express that you don't take calls at after a specific time.
「夜遅く電話してこないでほしい」は、上記のように言えます。 二つ目と三つ目の例では、いつ電話をしてもらいたいのか伝えています(「9時以降に電話がきても出ない」と)。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you stop calling me at night.

  • Stop calling me in the middle of the night, please.

  • Stop calling me at night.

As you can see the first two are much more polite, however, the third is more direct. Hope it helps and good luck.
ご覧の通り、一つ目と二つ目は丁寧ですが、三つ目は直接的です。 参考になれば幸いです。頑張ってください。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please stop calling me in the middle of the night?

  • I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling so late at night.

If someone keeps disturbing you by calling you in the middle of the night and you would like to tell them off or tell them to stop doing so, you can say something along the lines of "Can you please stop calling me in the middle of the night?" or "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling so late at night." . These are polite yet stern ways of getting your message across.
深夜に電話をかけてくる相手にやめるよう注意したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Can you please stop calling me in the middle of the night?"(深夜に電話をかけてくるのはやめてもらえますか) "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling so late at night."(深夜に電話をかけてくるのはやめていただきたい) どちらも、丁寧かつ明確に伝えています。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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