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2015/11/02 21:43
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  • I'm sorry, your father is not looking well and may not have much time left.

  • It seems that your father won't be able to hold on much longer

If you know an estimated time too, make sure to let the family know how long much longer they should expect their father to live. Example: "I'm sorry but it seems that your father is not looking well and may only have 2 weeks left to live" "Your father is in a critical condition and might not be able to live past this week" - which means he only has about a week or less. You can also say "It seems that your father won't be able to hold on much longer" - to "hold on" means to survive or to keep going so if he's in a weak or critical state then he "won't be able to hold on much longer".
推定時間も分かっている場合は、家族に、父親が暮らすのにどれくらいの時間を要するかを伝えるようにしてください。 例: "I'm sorry but it seems that your father is not looking well and may only have 2 weeks left to live" 「残念ですが、あなたの父親はよくないようで、2週間しか生きることができません」 "Your father is in a critical condition and might not be able to live past this week" - これは彼が約1週間以下しか持たないということを意味します。 また、"It seems that your father won't be able to hold on much longer"と言うこともできます。 "hold on"とは生き続けることを意味します。 弱い状態や批判的な状態にある場合は、 "won't be able to hold on much longer"ということもできます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • You don't have much time so be mentally prepared

  • You don't have much time so please prepare yourself mentally.

  • You don't have much longer so you better be prepared for the worst.

「覚悟しておいてください」を単純に訳すと「Please be prepared」でいいのですが、このシチュエーションでは「心の準備をしてください」という意味も含まれていると思うので「Please prepare yourself mentally / Be mentally prepared」がベターです。
  • I'm very sorry. His life is hanging by a thread.

  • I'm sorry, this is very serious. His life is in the balance.

  • I'm afraid he may not make it through the night.

The above phrases are a little cliche, but would be expected. They are totally appropriate for such a sad situation. 'Hanging by a thread' is a phrase full of strong imagery that clearly relates the gloomy outlook. Similarly, 'In the balance'.
上記はかなり使い古された表現ですが、こういった悲しいシチュエーションにはふさわしい言い方です。Hanging by a thread'とは、悲観的な見通しをはっきりと示す強いイメージでいっぱいのフレーズです。'In the balanceも同様の表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your father doesn't have much to live, so please be prepared.

Your father doesn't have much to live, →いろいろな表現ができますが、生きるための時間がそう長くはないという意味です。 so please be prepared. →オブラートに包んだ表現ですが、ゴさんのおっしゃる通り"prepare"だけで十分伝わります。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I'm sorry, your Mother is in a critical state.

  • I'm afraid your Father won't make it through the night.

  • I'm sorry, she doesn't have much time.

In such a sad situation, the doctor must take extra care and word his sentences with extreme caution so as not to upset the friends or family of a potentially dying patient. An apology should be said, to ensure the family that you can empathise with them. 'I am so sorry, your sister is in a critical condition, she may only have days left'.
このような悲しい状況の場合、お医者さんは言葉を慎重に選んで、危険な状態の患者の家族や友達を怒らせないようにしなくてはなりません。 残念な気持ちを述べ、家族へ共感していることを確かにすることが出来ます。 【例】 'I am so sorry, your sister is in a critical condition, she may only have days left'. (残念ながら、お姉さんは危険な状態です、数日しかないでしょう)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Please be aware he doesn't have much time.

please be aware' is asking the person to take heed, and acknowledge that the person has limited time.
’please be aware'は、その人に、用心を、そしてその人の時間には限界があるということを認めるように促しています。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry to bring you this sad news but it's time to make your peace and say goodbye to your father.

I'm sorry to bring you this sad news' This part of the sentence shows that you are concerned for the relatives and indicates that there is bad news to be expressed. "but it's time to make your peace and say goodbye to your father." This part of the sentence tells them that he doesn't have long to live and so it is necessary for them to say everything that they need to before he dies.
"I'm sorry to bring you this sad news" このパートでは、親族を思いやり、悪い知らせがあることを示唆します。 "but it's time to make your peace and say goodbye to your father." このパートは「もう長くは生きられません、言わないといけないことがあれば伝えておいてください」という意味になります。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I am afraid that the news is not good. Your father doesn't have much time left.

  • I know this is difficult to hear. Your father might not live for much longer.

患者様にとってショッキングな話になるので、前置きと事実に基づく言い方が大切です。 言い方にネガティブな否定的表現を入れない方がいいようです。 病気はわかっていて、残された時間がもう余り長くない、という場合です。 1文目 良くないお知らせで申し訳ございません。お父様はもう長く生きられません。 2文目 お聞きになりたくないと存じます。お父様はもう長くは生きられないかもしれません。 I am sorry that I have to tell you,.... お知らせしなければならないのがつらいのですが(恐れ入りますが、申しわけございませんが、などのように、聞き手が後ろに続く情報への準備のための前置き)
  • I am so sorry,there is not much we can do to help him/her anymore.

  • She/he won't be with us for much longer.

"I am so sorry,there is not much we can do to help him/her anymore." You have exhausted all forms of treatment and the patient is not responding well to any of them and so you are preparing the family member for the worst outcome. "She/he won't be with us for much longer." This is a good way to let the family know that the patient may pass on in the very near future.
"I am so sorry,there is not much we can do to help him/her anymore." 様々な医療を尽くしてきたが、患者さんの容態がかんばしくなく、最悪のシナリオを覚悟してもらうときに使われる表現です。 "She/he won't be with us for much longer." 患者のご家族に患者本人がもう長くないことを伝える表現となります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am so sorry to inform you that your wife is not improving and her condition is critical. Please start saying your goodbyes.

  • Your husband's condition is critical, he won't make it much longer, I am so sorry.

  • I regret to tell you that his condition is worsening, please prepare to say goodbye.

It is really painful losing someone you love and care for, whether it is through an accident or an illness. When sharing this information, it is important to be gentle as the people who are receiving this bad news will feel distraught as their world collapses. You may let them know more details of the condition and give them some advice where it is necessary. "Your husband's condition is critical, he won't make it much longer, I am so sorry. He has about one week to live."
愛する人を失うのは本当につらいです。それが事故であれ病気であれ。 これについて人に知らせるなら、相手が取り乱す可能性もありますから、優しく伝えることが大切です。 症状についてより詳しく伝えて、あるいは必要であればアドバイスを与えることもできます。 "Your husband's condition is critical, he won't make it much longer, I am so sorry. He has about one week to live." (旦那さんの状態は重篤です。残念ですがもう長くは持たないでしょう。あと一週間ほどの命です)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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