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2015/11/03 23:02
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  • Can you please make it a little bit extra spicy?

  • Can you please make it a little bit spicier than usual?

レストランで注文する際、「料理を少し辛くしてください」を英語で言いたいなら: Can you please make it a little bit spicier? Can you please make it a little bit extra spicy? Can you please make it a little bit spicier than usual? となります。 上記の英語で、「料理」に相当する言葉の代わりに「It」を使っていました。さっき自分の注文した後に言うなら、文脈で分かりますので。けれども、注文の中にどんなものを辛くするを指摘するなら: Can you please make the _______ a little bit spicier? Can you please make the _______ a little bit extra spicy?* Can you please make the _______ a little bit spicier than usual? *「extra」か「than usual」を入れたら、「普通の注文より」見たいな意味を現します。 例えば: Can you please make the vegetable curry a little bit extra spicy? Can you make the tacos extra spicy? 少し:a little bit 辛くして:make it spicier ください:please Good luck!
  • Would you mind making it a bit more spicy?

  • I'd like it medium-hot, rather than mild.

外で食べるとき、丁寧な英語を使うことをおススメします。 ①Would you mind making it a bit more spicy? 少し辛くしていただけますか? ②少し辛い、中辛は→medium-hot →I'd like it medium-hot, rather than mild. はっきりというとわかりやすいですね。甘口ではなくて中辛でお願いしたいです。 甘口、辛くない→mild 辛口→hot ただしhotだけですと時々辛いじゃなくてあついと勘違いされることがあるので辛くして欲しい時→hot and spicy又はspicyを使うといいですね。 ちなみに私もmedium-hotがいいです。 ブリットをイメージします。食べたいわ。。。 英語頑張ってね❤️
  • Could you make my food a little spicier please?

  • I like this dish extra spicey please!

  • I'd like a hot one please!

In the UK, people often specify how 'hot' they like their curry prepared. Very hot, hot, medium, mild. With other dishes, you may refer to the 'heat' of the meal in the same way. If it is the degree of spice flavour, then if you want more flavour and can identify the spice or flavour, it would be great to mention that. Extra chili for me please!" "Could you please add more garlic than usual?"
UKではどれくらいカレーを辛くしたいのかみんな言います。Very hot, hot, medium, などですね。その他の料理においては、heatで表されることもあります。辛味の度合いの場合や、そして特定の何かをもっと欲しいのであれば、以下のような表現がよいでしょう。 Extra chili for me please! 辛味もっとください。 Could you please add more garlic than usual?"にんにく多めでお願いします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please make my food extra spicy?

You can ask the waiter how spicy you want it to be whether mild,medium, hot or very hot. So it depends with how spicy you want it to be.
どれくらい辛さを入れて欲しいのか伝えることができますね。mild/medium/hot/very hotなど、どれくらいかはあなた次第!
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I would like my meal to be extra spicy please.

  • Hot and spicy please!

I would like my meal to be extra spicy please. Hot and spicy please! -------------------------------------------------------- Spicy food is strongly flavoured with spices. Example : Thai food is hot and spicy. Will you make it spicy or sweet? It comes as sweet and peppery or as hot and spicy as you like. Spicy food is full of flavour so we reckon that it helps you to feel more satisfied.
I would like my meal to be extra spicy please.(ちょっと辛めにしていただけますか) Hot and spicy please!(辛くしてください) -------------------------------------------------------- "Spicy food" とは、スパイス(香辛料)をきかせた食べ物。 例 : Thai food is hot and spicy.(タイの料理は辛い) Will you make it spicy or sweet?(辛くするの、甘くするの?) It comes as sweet and peppery or as hot and spicy as you like.(お好みで「sweet and peppery(甘くしてコショウをきかせた)」にも「hot and spicy(辛い)」にもできます) Spicy food is full of flavour so we reckon that it helps you to feel more satisfied.(スパイシーな食べ物は風味がきいているので、満足感があるんだと思います)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) I would like my meal extra spicy please!

  • B) Extra spicy please!

In South Africa many refer to the turn HOT when wanting something extra spicy :-) However above i have given a few examples on what to say when wanting a spicy meal. You could us any one :-) I hope this helps :-)
南アフリカでは、何かをさらに辛くしてほしい時には多くの人がturn HOTと言います :-) ですが、辛い食事が欲しいときの表現の例をいくつか上に挙げました。どれでも使えます :-) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I would like my flavor to me hot please.

  • Do you have spicier than hot? like extra hot? Can my food be extra hot then please.

>I would like my flavor to me hot please. *Flavor= lemon & herb; mild; mild to hot; hot. >Do you have spicier than hot? like extra hot? Can my food be extra hot then please. *Example Me:Do you have spicier than hot? Hi:Yes we do. Me: like extra hot? Him:Yes sir Me:Can my food be extra hot then please.
>I would like my flavor to me hot please. (この料理の味を少し辛くしたいです。) *Flavor=レモン&ハーブ、マイルド、ピリ辛、辛い >Do you have spicier than hot? like extra hot? (あなたは普通の辛さよりも辛いですか?激辛のような辛さですか?) >Can my food be extra hot then please. (それでは私の食事は激辛をお願いします。) 例) 私::Do you have spicier than hot? (普通より辛くしたいですか?) 彼:Yes we do. (そうです。) 私:like extra hot? (激辛ですか?) 彼::Yes sir (はい) 私:Can my food be extra hot then please. (それでは私の食事は激辛にしてください。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could I ask you to made my food a bit spiecier than usual?

  • Could you make my food a little spicier please?

If you want to ask the waiter about it, you should ask any of these two sentences. Bare it in mind they are a very polite version of the question.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I would like mine extra spicy please

  • Please could you make mine extra spicy

There are a few different ways to say this. The first option is telling them what you would like and then leaving it to them to know what they have to do. The second option is more specific, you are telling them what they should do. You can include the words 'please' and 'thank you' to both of these to make them more polite.
これはいくつか言い方があります。 一つ目の例では、希望を伝えて、それをどのようにするかは相手に委ねています。 二つ目の例はより具体的で、相手に何をしてほしいかを伝えています。 どちらの例も、'please' や 'thank you' を加えるとより丁寧になります。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
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