They found something unusual in the EKG during my checkup, so I went in for a complete work-up.
I had to undergo a complete physical exam because they didn't like the results of the EKG during my checkup.
Due to the results of the EKG during my checkup, they had me come in for a thorough examination.
EKG = electrocardiogram(心電図)
work-up = physical examination(健康診断)
英訳① something unusual は「普通でない何か」、go in for ...にはさまざまな意味がありますが「(検査など)を受ける」もその一つです。
英訳② undergoは「(検査や治療などを)受ける」という意味です。
they didn't like the results of ...の直訳は「彼らは…の結果は好きはなかった」、つまり「結果がよくなかった」という意味になります。
英訳③ due to ...は「…が原因で」、thorough は「徹底的な」という意味です。