"Yeah! You got it!' and "correct!" show that your friend has answered correctly to the quiz game.
"Wrong!" shows that your friend has answered incorrectly and you could also add "ok, my turn now" to continue the game.
"You're back in the game!" is a positive response when your friend has answered correctly and has a chance of winning the quiz game.
友達がクイズに正解した時は "Yeah! You got it!" や "correct!" と言えます
"Wrong!" は不正解の時です、この後に「ok, my turn now(じゃぁ次、僕の番ね)」と続けてもいいですね。
"You're back in the game!" は「positive(前向き)」な表現で、友達がクイズに正解してゲームに勝つチャンスが残った時に使えます。
1 and 2 are appropriate comments if your friend answers the question correctly.
3. This is appropriate if your friend answers the question incorrectly.
A: "Oh, no, I got the answer wrong!"
B: " Bad luck."
You could also say, "Better luck next time!"
A: あれー間違えちゃった
Better luck next time!ということもできます。
You can also say:
*That's the right/wrong answer
*Nope that's wrong!
*Yes that's right
*Okay, one point/move etc to you (when its right)
*Awesome that's right
*Ding ding, another point to you (when you get it right)
*Sorry that's wrong!
*Sorry that's not correct!
Hope this helps! ^ ^
*That's the right/wrong answer
*Nope that's wrong!
*Yes that's right
*Okay, one point/move etc to you (when its right)
*Awesome that's right
*Ding ding, another point to you (when you get it right)
*Sorry that's wrong!
*Sorry that's not correct!
If your friend got the correct answer you can say:-
1. You got it!
2. Yes!
However, if your friend got the incorrect answer, you can say:-
1. Sorry, try again.
Since this a friend you can be informal about how you communicate since you are just having fun. You can also say you nailed it when they get it correct. This means that you were so brilliant.
Quizzes are lots of fun and a great way to pass the time.
There are quizzes in every topic you can think of that will also help boost your knowledge on different topics.
When your partner answers correctly or incorrectly, use the phrases above.
Right answer:
Great job!
Well done!
You got it!
Nice one!
Wrong answer:
Not right!
Better luck next time!
"Aah, you got that wrong, sorry."
"Well done, that is correct!"
Great job!
Well done!
You got it!
Nice one!
Not right!
Better luck next time!
"Aah, you got that wrong, sorry."
"Well done, that is correct!"
There are many different ways to tell someone they are right or wrong. "That's right!", "You got it!", "That's it!" are all way to be excited that a person got the correct answer. "That's wrong", "That's not correct" or "That's not it" are ways to tell someone that their answer is wrong.
"That's right!", "You got it!", "That's it!"はすべて、相手が正しい答えを言ったことにうれしく思うときに使うフレーズです。 "That's wrong", "That's not correct" や "That's not it" は、すべて答えが間違っていることを伝えるフレーズです。
"Spot on!" (for a correct answer) "Good try or nice try!" (for a wrong answer)
"Perfect!" for a correct answer
"Better luck next time!" for a wrong answer.
"Spot on!" means perfect or accurate answer.
"Good try!" or "nice try!" is generally used when the person tried really hard to succeed but failed. It's a nice way to appreciate their effort.
"Perfect!" is another way of praising a correct answer.
"Better luck next time!"is said when the person does not get the answer, but are still in the game and has another try.
"Spot on! (right answer)" and "You hit the nail on the head(right answer)" are two expressions used to say that someone has provided an answer that is accurate and correct.
"You're a bit off -target.(wrong)"
This is a common expression to say that someone has not provided a correct answer."A bit " is a polite phrase even when the person has missed the target completely.
"Spot on! (正解)" と "You hit the nail on the head(正解)" の2つは、誰かがズバリ正解を言った時に使う表現です。
"You're a bit off -target.(不正解)"
"A bit " 「ちょっと」は、その人の答えが完全に的外れの場合でも使う少し丁寧なフレーズです。
A mixed result I shout good on you! more than I said better luck next time;-)
Its great to encourage our friend in victory and support them also in defeat...
When they are correct we would call out good on you! Well done!
However we should not disparage a wrong answer...
or be very negative if a wrong answer turns up!
We should still be supoprtive...Good try better luck next time!
相手が当たると、"Good on you!"や"Well done!"と言います。
間違ったときも温かく応援しましょう。"Good try!や"Better luck next time!"などが言えます。
"You got it!", "That's the one!" and "Bingo!"
These commonly used expressions, mainly used when playing a game with a friend or friends and they say or get the answer correct.
you got it! implying you got the answer, the answer you got is correct.
That's the one, again implying that 'one' the one you have chosen is correct.
Bingo! is derived from another game called bingo, where you would shout bingo if you have one, shouting bingo has been now used in many games when winning or getting something correct.
"You got it!", "That's the one!" "Bingo!"
you got it! は、あなたの答えが正しいという意味です。
That's the oneは、 'one'(あなたが選んだ答え)が正解であるということです。
Saying "You got it in one" is the way you would use to tell your friend or relative that they answered correctly.
If they however answered the question wrong that the second phrase would be a good way of saying it.
"You got it in one" は友達や家族が正解を言ったときに使えます。