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2016/01/06 18:08
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  • Would it be alright if I ask you to ....

  • May I ask you a favor?

  • Would you miind ...?

既に他の先生がアドバイスして下さっている内容をちょっと変えただけの例文となりますが、初めての人、そんなに親しくない人にお願いする別のパターンを幾つか挙げてみました。 ”Would it be alright” (大丈夫ですか?) ”if I ask you to" (もし尋ねても) などの二重構造の "超” がつくほどの低姿勢な聞き方に、 "help me out a bit here?" (手伝ってもらうことを) なんて付けて言うのもまたすごく丁寧ですね。ちょっと近寄りがたい人相の人や恐そうな人に声かける時のための表現としてとっておいてもいいかもしれません。 また、"May" から始めるパターンもフォーマルならではの聞き方。特にここまで丁寧に聞く必要もありませんので他の先生の通り、”can”, "could", "would" でも大丈夫です。ただ別のパターンですね。 最後もまた同じ、"would you mind" と言えば超丁寧に言うもう一つの表現方法です。 他の先生の内容と合わせて参考にしてみてください。
Hara Ken English teacher
  • Would you do me a favor?

  • Could you help me?

この二つをまずはしっかり押さえておけば大丈夫だと思います。 Would you do me a favor? ちょっとお願いできませんか? という感じで万能な表現です。 これは絶対に押さえておきたい表現です。 あとはシンプルですが Could you help me? 手伝っていただけませんか? も当然大事です。 同じ意味の言い回しをいくつも覚えるよりは コアになるキーフレーズを確実にものにしていくほうが 使える実感も感じやすく次につながりやすくなります。 ぜひ、今度何かお願いする時は使ってみてください!
  • Can I ask you a favor?

  • Could you do me a favor?

  • Could you help me with something?

These are friendly but polite expressions to use whether or not you know the person well. It can sometimes be tricky to answer a simple favor request, because we have to answer "Yes" or "No" before we know how difficult the favor is. For this reason I try to explain a bit about the situation before I ask for help. For example: I need to cut vegetables for dinner. Could you wash the rice? I have to write an English email for work. Could you do me a favor and check it for mistakes? I'm planning my summer trip to California. Would you mind taking a look and telling me if it's a reasonable schedule?
Beth Language & Culture Training
  • could I possibly ask you a favor?

This example shows politeness as you are asking someone in a careful way to not seem imposing, the use of possibly in the sentence shows this.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • May I kindly ask you to help me here?

  • Please help me with this

In the first request, you are kindly or politely asking the person to help you with something. When asking for help, it is extremely important to be polite. 'May I kindly ask you to help me here' is extremely polite. In the second request, You have started with the adverb 'please' which is 'used in polite requests or questions'. So you request: Please help me with this.
最初の依頼では、親切にまたは礼儀正しく何かについて助けてほしいと頼んでいます。助けを求めるときは、礼儀正しくあることが極めて重要です。"May I kindly ask you to help me here' は極めて礼儀正しい表現です。 2つ目の依頼は、礼儀正しい依頼や質問に使用される副詞'please'で始めています。ですのであなたは、Please help me with this.と頼んでいます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • May you please do me a favor?

  • Would you mind if I ask you to do something for me?

If you want to ask a favor of someone that you are not very close with, you can ask that question in any of the following ways:- 1. May you please do me a favor? 2. Would you mind if I ask you to do something for me? The expression 'would you mind' is a polite way to ask someone to do something that is not too much trouble.
"もし、あまり親しくない人にお願い事をするときは以下の表現を使って尋ねることができます。 1.May you please do me a favor? 2.Would you mind if I ask you to do something for me? この'would you mind'という表現はそんなに面倒ではないお願い事をする時に使う丁寧な表現です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please, help me with this

  • Could you help me, please?

It's not difficult to ask someone to help. Bare in mind the second sentence is a more polite version because of the using word "could"?
人に手助けを求めるのはそんなに難しくありません。 二つ目の例は "could" を使っていて、より丁寧です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I need your help.

  • would you mind?

  • Could you please?

would you is used to find out if some one will do a favor for you. Could you please is often used to ask for help in a specific situation. ex. Could you take me to work.
Would you' は、相手が頼みを聞いてくれるか確認するときに使います。 'Could you please' は相手に手助けを求めるときによく使われます。 例: Could you take me to work?(職場まで連れて行ってくれますか)
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • Could I possibly trouble you with something please?

Could I possibly trouble you with something please? “trouble” in this context isn’t negative. It is just another way of asking for help. By “could I and please” makes the sentence polite, which is what you need to be always but especially when talking to someone you are not so close with. Possibly – is it possible.
Could I possibly trouble you with something please? この文脈における“trouble”「トラブル」は否定的な意味合いではなく、何かを頼むときの言い方のひとつです。 “could I ~please” という言葉で、丁寧な文章を作っています。 常に礼儀を欠かないことは大切ですが、特にあなたとそれ程親しくない方と話すときに使うと良い表現です。 Possibly – もしかして可能か
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Could I ask you a favour?

  • Would you mind doing me a favour?

  • If you could help me with something, I would appreciate it.

We can ask someone to do something for us by saying 'Could I ask you a favour?' or 'Would you mind doing me a favour?'. If we want to be extra polite when asking this, we can use the word 'appreciate' to show how grateful we would be if they would do it. 'I would appreciate your help' is a good way of expressing this.
人に頼み事をするなら、 'Could I ask you a favour?'(頼みを聞いてもらえますか) または 'Would you mind doing me a favour?'(頼みを聞いてもらえますか) と言えます。 とても丁寧に言いたいなら、'appreciate' を使って「~をしてくれたらありがたいです」のように伝えることができます。 例えば:'I would appreciate your help'(手を貸してもらえるとありがたいです)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind doing me a favour?

  • Could I possibly ask you to help me with something?

  • Sorry to bother you but could you help me please?

You would like to ask someone that you are not so close to to do you a favor? In a polite way if possible. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. Using WOULD and COULD makes the question indirect and so, more polite. 'Would you mind....?' is an advance signal that you are going to make a request to the listener. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you do me a favor?

  • I know I don't know you that well but could you do me a tiny favor?

When you do not know someone well you may ask them favor's but it would probably only be appropriate if you ask them to do small/minor favors. Examples; - Could you pass me that pen please? - Do you mind doing me a tiny favor by telling me what the time is please?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry to ask you, but would you mind doing me a (huge) favour?

  • I was wondering if you could (....)

  • Would it be okay if I asked you a favour?

"would you mind" is a nice and polite way of asking someone if they could do something for you. It is not very invasive and gives the other person an easy way out if he/she does not feel comfortable. "Would it be okay if" can be used instead of "would you mind". The second sentence is not a question and therefore does not require a question mark. By saying "I was wondering if" you express the idea that you've given it some thought before eventually asking for the favour.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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