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A bookstore in my neighborhood? near the station? near my house? closed down. 自然になんといったらいいでしょうか? 最寄駅からいえまで歩いて20分くらいです。
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2017/05/11 19:52
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  • The bookstore just 20 minutes from (station name) shut down recently.

  • The bookstore close to my place closed down the other day.

In the first example, giving a reference point - the station name - would be good to clarify the location and the proximity of the bookstore to other locations. Saying "around the corner" or "close to my house" is good if it is very clear and there is only one bookstore, or you may need to give more details. Or, to express this in a very casual way you can use the second example, which assumes the person you are speaking with knows the neighbourhood quite well. Using the term "the other day" also gives a time frame of when, that it was recently, but you may not know the exact date.
一つ目の例では基準点(駅名)を示しています。これで、本屋の位置がより明確になります。 「around the corner」や「close to my house」は本屋が1件しかないときに使えます。そうでないときは、より具体的に言った方がいいかもしれません。 カジュアルに表すなら、二つ目の例が使えます。これは、相手がその地域のことをよく知っていることを前提とした言い方です。 「the other day(先日)」は時間を表します。ただ、正確な日付は分かりません。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • There isn't a bookstore near my house and station because it closed down.

  • The bookstore nearest to my house closed down.

  • I have to find a new bookstore because the one that was near me went out of business.

There isn't a bookstore near my house and station because it closed down. The bookstore nearest to my house closed down. I have to find a new bookstore because the one that was near me went out of business. The nearest bookstore to my house went out of business. There isn't a bookstore near me because it went out of business. I need to find a new bookstore because the closest one to my house went out of business. The bookstore closest to me is no longer in business.
There isn't a bookstore near my house and station because it closed down. (つぶれてしまったので、家と駅の近くには本屋はありません) The bookstore nearest to my house closed down. (最寄りの本屋がつぶれました) I have to find a new bookstore because the one that was near me went out of business. (近くの本屋がつぶれたので、新しい所を見つけないといけません) The nearest bookstore to my house went out of business. (最寄りの本屋がつぶれました) There isn't a bookstore near me because it went out of business. (つぶれてしまったので、家の近くに本屋はありません) I need to find a new bookstore because the closest one to my house went out of business. (最寄りの本屋がつぶれたので、新しい所を見つけないといけません) The bookstore closest to me is no longer in business. (最寄りの本屋はもう営業していません)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • A bookstore in my local station closed down

  • My local station bookstore has closed down

The bookstore at the station closest to your house closed down. You can explain this by using one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The bookstore at the station closest to my house closed down

  • The bookstore next to the station close to my house closed down

When you want to explain that the bookstore at the station closest to your house close down, then you may explain this in the following ways: -The bookstore at the station closest to my house closed down -The bookstore next to the station close to my house closed down
「最寄りの駅にあった本屋がつぶれた」は、次のように言えます。 -The bookstore at the station closest to my house closed down(最寄りの駅にあった本屋がつぶれた) -The bookstore next to the station close to my house closed down(最寄り駅の隣にあった本屋がつぶれた)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The station closest to my home had a bookstore that closed down.

  • The bookstore that was at the closest station to my house, shut down.

"Closed down" and "shut down" can be used to say something has closed, not opening anymore in the future.
"closed down" と "shut down" は、お店が廃業したときに使うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • The book store that is located at the station near my house has shut down.

"The book store that is located at the station near my house has shut down." A 'bookstore' is a term used to describe a shop that will sell and/or rent books, very similar if not the same as a library. this shop is located at the station, meaning it is within the station. the station is located near/close to ones house. The shop has 'shut down' which is implying that it has been closed permanently.
"The book store that is located at the station near my house has shut down."(家の近くの駅にあった本屋がつぶれました) 'bookstore'(本屋)は本を売ったりレンタルするお店をいいます。'library'(図書館)とよく似ています。 この店は 'located at the station'、つまり駅の中にあります。 この駅は話し手の家の近くにあります。 このお店は 'shut down' しました。これは「恒久的に閉店した」というニュアンスです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The bookstore which was around the nearest station from my house closed down.

「私の家から一番近い駅の辺りにあった本屋がつぶれた」 関係代名詞which以下で、本屋について説明しています。 "be around 〜" は「〜の辺りにある、〜の近くにある」ということを表します。 "the nearest A from B" は「Bから一番近い/近くにあるA」となります。
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