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旦那さんが「ごめん、今日 飲みに行く事に成ったから、晩御飯いらないや。」と奥さんに、お昼休みくらいに 電話を家にかける シチュエーションです。
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2017/05/15 21:41
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  • I'm out tonight with the guys, don't worry about dinner for me.

Out with the guys means out with your coworkers.
I'm out tonight with the guys, don't worry about dinner for me. 今夜は仲間と出かけるから、俺の夜ご飯のことは心配しないで(晩御飯はいらない) 「Out with the guys」は同僚と一緒に外に出ることを意味します。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I will go out drinking, so i wont need dinner.

  • I'll go drinking with my colleagues, so i won't be back by dinner.

"I will go out, so i won't need dinner." This is simple and very blunt way of saying this. "I'll go drinking with my colleagues, so i won't be back for dinner. " This is slightly more polite phrase. There are a some variations you can use with this phrase. for example. "I'll go drinking with my colleagues, so i won't be able to be back for dinner." This is probably the most polite. Because of the use of "able" the nuance is it is impossible to come back tonight.
シンプルで飾り気のない言い方として下記のように言えます。 "I will go out, so i won't need dinner." (外出するから、夕食はいらないよ。) より丁寧に伝えたいなら次のように言えます。 "I'll go drinking with my colleagues, so i won't be back for dinner. " (同僚と飲みにいく予定だから、夕食には間に合わないから。) こちらの表現は幾つかのバージョンで下記のように使い分けることができます。 "I'll go drinking with my colleagues, so i won't be able to be back for dinner." (同僚と飲みに行く予定だから、夕食の時に戻れないです。) "able"(~できる)という言葉を使うと今夜の夕食に戻ることがほぼ不可能というニュアンスを伝えることになりますので、最も丁寧な言い方になると思います。
Christian D DMM英会話講師
  • I will go out with my colleagues tonight, so don't worry about dinner for me.

★【選択ポイント】①「飲みにいくことになったから。。。」ということは前々から予定を立てて(-ing)いたわけではないのでwillにします。(未来は3形から選びます) ②原文が「ごめん。。。」から始まっているので、事務的で用件だけを伝える印象よりも、「心配しないで」とした方が気持ちが伝わる→don't worry about dinner for me. が最適だと思います。 (お店で「袋いりますか?」と聞かれた時なども、I don't need ...というよりも、 No, don't worry. といえるといいですね) 参考にしていただけますと幸いです☺
  • I have to go out with my coworkers tonight, so I don't need dinner tonight.

  • I will be eating out tonight so I won't need dinner.

  • I don't need supper tonight.

  • I won't be eating at home tonight.

"supper". Is another word for dinner. I won't be eating at home tonight. Tells her you will eat somewhere else.
"supperはdinnerと同じ意味です。 I won't be eating at home tonight. どこか外で食事をすることを伝えています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I will be eating and drink out tonight with some of my colleges, so I won't be home for dinner.

  • Don't bother making me dinner tonight, I will be eating out with some colleges tonight.

It is important that you make it clear to your wife that she shouldn't be expecting you for dinner or she shouldn't bother making any dinner for you.
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be out with my workmates so please don't make me anything.

  • I'm out with my colleagues this evening so please don't prepare anything to eat.

  • I'm eating and drinking out with my coworkers. Don't make me a meal please.

Any of these sentences is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Don't leave dinner for me tonight. I will be eating out with my coworkers.

Don't leave dinner for me tonight. I will be eating out with my coworkers. - This is a nice way to tell our wife that they i no nee for the to leave dinner for you.
Don't leave dinner for me tonight. I will be eating out with my coworkers. これは、奥さんに夕飯を作り置きしておく必要はないと伝える良い表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You don't need to make dinner for me, I will be going out.

To let your wife know that you will be eating out and drinking with your coworkers, and that she will not need to cook dinner for you, you can say: "You don't need to make dinner for me, I will be going out."
「今日は同僚と飲みに行くから晩ご飯は要らない」と奥さんに伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 "You don't need to make dinner for me, I will be going out." (今日は出掛けるから、晩ご飯は要らない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I won’t be needing dinner today

  • I don’t require dinner today

  • No need for dinner today

依頼者の例文: Sorry, there is a drinking party tonight, so I won’t be needing dinner. Sorry, I will be going out for drinks today, so there is no need for dinner. Sorry, but I will be getting yucky with the boys tonight, so I don’t need dinner today. Getting yucky with the boys = 友達と飲みに行く (会社の飲み会で使わない)
  • i will eat out tonight

  • i will go for dinner with my coworkers tonight

to let your wife know that you wont be at home for dinner tonight you could say something like "i will not need you to cook me dinner tonight. i will eat out tonight with my work mates instead."
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Don't plate me up a dinner I'm staying out tonight.

  • Don't worry about dinner tonight, I'll eat out.

These expressions are used in the situation in which you want to inform someone like your girlfriend / boyfriend etc, that you will not need dinner for tonight (if they are cooking or ordering food) as you have already have dinner plans. "Plate me up" is an expression used when talking about food, referring to putting food onto a plate, a very casual term used among friends. "Eat out" is used when you will eat at a restaurant or bar, to eat outside of the house, not to cook.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I don't need dinner tonight because I'll be going out with my colleagues.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I don't need dinner tonight because I'll be going out with my colleagues. 」 =今日同僚と飲みに行く事になったから、晩御飯いらない。 (例文)I don't need dinner tonight because I'll be going out with my colleagues. // Okay! Thanks for letting me know. (訳)今日同僚と飲みに行く事になったから、晩御飯いらない。//オッケー。教えてくれてありがとう。 単語: colleagues 同僚 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • I don't need dinner tonight.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I don't need dinner tonight. 「私は今夜晩御飯を必要としない」 一番素直に直訳してみました。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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