世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/16 21:51
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  • Could I just have the can?

  • I don't need a cup, just the can please.

  • No cup, please. Just the can is fine.

When the cabin attendant asks what you would like to drink, reply with something like "I'd like a Coke, but could I just have the can?" You still need to tell them that you want a Coke, so just add that you don't want the cup. You can also reply with, "Coke, please. I don't need the cup." You don't have to say much, to get the point across. You could keep it short and just say, "Coke. No cup, please."
客室乗務員が飲み物を尋ねた時「I'd like a Coke, but could I just have the can?」のように返答します。 コーラが欲しいといって追加でコップはいらないという必要があります。 また、「Coke, please. I don't need the cup.」と言うこともできます。 言いたいことを円滑に進めるためにまり言い過ぎる必要はありません。 「Coke. No cup, please」と短く言うこともできます。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Can I have a can of coke?

  • Can I have the whole can?

  • A whole can of coke, please.

We also often use the verb "get" in this case: Can I get a coke? Can I get a can of coke? When asking "Can I have a can of coke?", you could gesture the shape of a coke can with your hands to be extra clear about what you want.
この場合、 get という動詞を使うことも多いです。 Can I get a coke? Can I get a can of coke? Can I have a can of coke?とお願いするときは、コーラの缶の形を手でジェスチャーすると、さらに要望がハッキリするでしょう。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Can I have the coke in the can instead of a cup please?

  • I don't want the coke poured in a cup, thank you.

Many times on a plane drinks are poured into a cup. It is a common procedure. If you want the can without it being poured to cup, it would be good to say: Can I have the coke in the can instead of a cup please? I don't want the coke poured in a cup, thank you. I hope that helps!
飛行機で飲めるドリンクは、カップに入れてもらうことが多いですね。 カップではなく缶のままで欲しかったら Can I have the coke in the can instead of a cup please? または I don't want the coke poured in a cup, thank you. というといいですよ。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to keep the can please

  • Can I have a can of coke not just a cup

  • A cup is not enough I would like the can please

Be very clear about what you want. If they try giving you a cup just say "no the can please".
何が欲しいかはっきり伝えてください。もしコップでくれそうになったら、"no the can please" と言ってみてください。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • Can of Coke, no glass please

  • I don't need a glass with my Coke, thanks.

Usually it would not be necessary to say 'can' on a plane because there are not multiple ways of serving Coke on a plane. The only option is a can or possibly a bottle. So," Coke, no glass" would be adequate. Alternatively, just to specify, 'No glass' is quite sufficient as the Coke is handed to you.
缶(can)を付ける必要は決してないでしょう。なぜなら、飛行機の上で選ぶほどコーラの種類がないからです。缶かボトルかの違いでしょうか。" Coke, no glass" で充分だと思います。 また、少し詳しくいえば、No glassは、コーラを渡された時に言うと良いでしょう。 Alternatively, just to specify, 'No glass' is quite sufficient as the Coke is handed to you.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like a can of Coke, please.

  • A can of coke, please.

Note: 'Please' is used in both answers because it makes the request more polite. It can, however, be excluded when asking for a can of Coke. ____________________________________________________________________________ Coke is a shortened version of Coca-cola. The words can therefore be used interchangeably. Examples I would like a can of Coke. I would like a can of Coca-cola. ________________________________________________________________________ I would like a can of Coke, please. 'I' would let the air hostess know that the drink if specifically for you. 'Can' - This will let the air hostess know that you specifically want a can and not a cup/glass. ______________________________________________________________________ Examples A: What can I get you? B: I would like a can of Coke, please. A: What would you like? B: A can of Coke, please.
注意 「Please」は要求をより丁寧にするためどちらの回答でも使われます。 しかしながら、缶コーラを尋ねる時は除外する事ができます。 「coke」は「coca-cola」の省略系です。 その言葉は、相互に使われます。 例文 I would like a can of Coke. 缶コーラがほしいのですが。 I would like a can of Coca-cola. 缶コーラがほしいのですが。 I would like a can of Coke, please. スチュワーデスに自分が飲みたい飲みものを知らせます。 「缶」-スチュワーデスに自分が飲みたいのは缶であって、カップやグラスではないことを知らせます。 例文 A: What can I get you? 何かいかがですか? B: I would like a can of Coke, please. 缶コーラをください。 A: What would you like? 何かいかがですか? B: A can of Coke, please. 缶コーラをください。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a can of coke please.

  • I'd like to have my coke in the can please.

1. Can I have a can of coke please? This statement is a simple and direct request for a can of coke. 2. I'd like to have my coke in the can please. The flight attendant usually asks the passengers what they would prefer, but if they don't, you can always let them know by using this statement.
1. Can I have a can of coke please? これは、缶コーラを頼むときの直接的でシンプル文章です。 2. I'd like to have my coke in the can please. 客室乗務員は、通常、乗客に何がいいか、この表現を使う事によって知らせることができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Coke in a can please!

  • No cup for me... I prefer my coke in a can please!

If we want a drink served "minus the cup" we need only mention our "preference" in this case:-D "No cup for me... I prefer my coke in a can please!"
カップなしでドリンクを頼みたいときは、自分の好みを伝えたらいいでしょう。 "No cup for me... I prefer my coke in a can please!" カップはいりません。コーラを缶で頂くほうがいいのですが。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a can of coke please?

  • I don't need the cup, just the can please.

We can simply ask the question, "can I have a can of coke please," with the word, "can" representing the idea of what the coke comes in. We can also mention that we, "don't need the cup," to explain that we only want the can and not the cup.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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