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2018/11/14 22:13
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  • Can I have a blanket

「すみません。少し寒いのですが毛布をもらえますか?」 "Excuse me. I'm a little cold. Can I have a blanket *please?" など *願いする場合は please をつけるように。
  • Could I please have a blanket?

  • Can I have a blanket?

毛布はblanketといいます。 もらう - to receive, to get もらえますか? - Can I get, can I receive, could I get でももらうの時“Can I get, Could I get“方がいいです。 もちろんpleaseも言ってください。 Could I please get a blanket Could I get a blanket please Can I get a blanket please Can I please get a blanket
  • Excuse me. May I please get a blanket?

  • Could I please trouble you for a blanket?

どちらも「毛布をもらえますか?」という聞き方です。 1) Excuse me. May I please get a blanket? 2) Could I please trouble you for a blanket? Could I trouble you~? で「〜していただけませんか?」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • "I feel a little bit cold, do you have a blanket I could use please?"

  • "Could I please have a blanket?"

  • "If possible, could I please have a blanket?"

If you were on an airplane and you feel chilly and would like to ask the flight attendant for a blanket, you could ask any of the following: "I feel a little bit cold, do you have a blanket I could use please?", "Could I please have a blanket?" or "If possible, could I please have a blanket?".
飛行機で機内が寒いときに「毛布をください」とフライトアテンダントにお願いしたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "I feel a little bit cold, do you have a blanket I could use please?"(少し寒いので、毛布をいただけますか) "Could I please have a blanket?"(毛布をいただけますか) "If possible, could I please have a blanket?"(可能なら、毛布をいただけますか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • May I have a blanket? It's quite cold.

  • I'm really cold. Could you bring me a blanket?

  • It's really cold in here. Is there a blanket I could use?

There are several ways you can ask for a blanket on an airplane, especially in a polite manner. 1) "May I have a blanket? It's quite cold." (Using 'may I' is the formal way of asking someone for permission. Here, you are asking permission to use a blanket, while explaining the reason you need it.) 2) "I'm really cold. Could you bring me a blanket?" (This is a simple, yet polite way to ask. You first tell the flight attendant your problem, and you politely ask for assistance.) 3) "It's really cold in here. Is there a blanket I could use?" (This is also a simple, yet polite way to ask. By asking 'is there a blanket', you are making sure that the flight attendant has an extra one that he/she can give you.)
「毛布をください」の言い方はいくつかあります。 1) "May I have a blanket? It's quite cold."(毛布をいただけますか。寒いです) ※ 'may I' は許可を求めるときの丁寧な言い方です。ここでは、毛布がほしいということをその理由と合わせて伝えています。 2) "I'm really cold. Could you bring me a blanket?"(すごく寒いです、毛布を持って来ていただけますか) ※ これはシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。まず始めに「問題」を伝えて、それから手助けを求めています。 3) "It's really cold in here. Is there a blanket I could use?"(すごく寒いです、毛布をいただけますか) ※ これもシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。'is there a blanket' と言って、使える毛布があるかどうか客室乗務員に確認しています。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I am feeling really cold, may I please have a blanket if you have any to spare?

  • Please lend me a blanket if you have any, I am really freezing.

  • Excuse me, do you have a blanket to spare by any chance?I am feeling very cold.

When asking for something from someone, it is always courteous to be polite by adding or starting with the adverb 'please'.This has been emphasized in the first and second requests.The expression 'if you have any to spare' used in the first request, emphasizes the fact that you are not sure if the attendant has an extra blanket to help you with.The verb to 'lend' used in the second request means to give something to someone on the understanding that he/she will give it back. In this case, if he/she has any blanket, even if it's the only one he/she has, as long as it is not in use, will he/she lend it to you?The phrase 'by any chance' used in the third request is an inquiry emphasizing the fact that you are not sure if he/she has a blanket to spare or not. So, you may say: I am feeling really cold, may I please have a blanket if you have any to spare? or Please lend me a blanket if you have any, I am really freezing. or Excuse me, do you have a blanket to spare by any chance?I am feeling very cold.
人に何かをお願いするときは、副詞の 'please' を加えて丁寧に伝えましょう。一つ目と二つ目の例をご覧ください。 一つ目の例の 'if you have any to spare' は、「使える毛布があるかどうか分かりませんが...」という気持ちです。 二つ目の例の 'to lend' は「貸す」という意味の動詞です。ここでは「余りの毛布があれば貸していただけますか」と伝えています。 三つ目の例の 'by any chance' は「使える毛布があるかどうか分かりませんが...」という気持ちを表します。 次のように言えます。 I am feeling really cold, may I please have a blanket if you have any to spare?(すごく寒いです。毛布があれば貸していただけますか) Please lend me a blanket if you have any, I am really freezing.(毛布があれば貸してもらえますか。すごく寒いです) Excuse me, do you have a blanket to spare by any chance? I am feeling very cold.(すみません、毛布は余っていますか。すごく寒いです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • May I have a blanket, please?

  • Excuse me, could you bring me a blanket?

  • I would like a blanket. Thank you.

You can ask for something in a variety of ways. "May I" is usually a very polite way of beginning a request, especially when dealing with people who work in hospitality. "Excuse me," is also a polite way of addressing someone with whom you are not familiar. The first two examples are presented as questions and the last is a polite request followed by "thank you." All three would be acceptable when interacting with a flight attendant.
頼み事をするときの言い方はいろいろあります。 "May I" はとても丁寧な表現です。店員に何かを頼むときなどによく使われます。 知らない人に声をかけるときはまず "Excuse me" と言うと丁寧です。 一つ目と二つ目の例は質問で、三つ目の例は「要望からの "Thank you"」という形です。 どれも、客室乗務員に対して使って問題ありません。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a blanket please?

  • May I have a blanket please?

Here are two questions that you can ask that have the same meaning with the only difference being the modal verb usage, "can," and, "may," which are both used to ask for permission of something. Example sentences : - It's very cold in here, may I have a blanket please? - I'm very cold, can I have a blanket please?
二通りの言い方をご紹介しました。意味は同じです。唯一の違いは法動詞の "can" と "may" 。これらはどちらも許可を求めるときに使われます。 例文: - It's very cold in here, may I have a blanket please? - I'm very cold, can I have a blanket please? (とても寒いです、毛布をいただけますか)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a blanket please?

  • Excuse me, can I have a blanket please?

  • May I have a blanket please?

May I have is more formal and more polite than 'can I have'. However, it is also okay to say ''Can I have'' if it is followed by please. Example: Can I have a blanket, please? It is important to be polite. Always say please and thank you. :)
May I have' は 'Can I have' よりもフォーマルで丁寧です。 ただ、'Please' を使えば、'Can I have' でも大丈夫です。 例:Can I have a blanket, please?(毛布をいただけますか) 丁寧に伝えることは大切です。必ず 'Please' と 'Thank you' を言うようにしましょう。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Excuse me, could I have blanket please?

  • Would you have a blanket by any chance?

  • Could you bring me a blanket please?

If you are on an airplane and would like to ask the attendant for a blanket, you could try one of the above requests. Using 'would you..' or 'could you...' is very polite - indirect forms of making a request.
飛行機の機内で、フライトアテンダントに「毛布をください」とお願いしたいということですね。上の文のどれか一つを使ってみてください。 'would you..' または 'could you...' は、人に何かを頼む時の丁寧(遠回し)な言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible to have a blanket please? I’m really cold.

  • Are there any blankets I could use please?

  • Please could I have a blanket? I am freezing.

When asking anyone for anything, it is always respectful to use the adverb ‘please’ in your question. ‘Please could I have a blanket? I am freezing.’ This is a polite way of asking for a blanket, using the word ‘freezing’ elaborate’s to the person who you are asking that you are very cold.
人に何かを頼むときは、副詞の ‘please’ を使うと丁寧です。 ‘Please could I have a blanket? I am freezing.’(毛布をいただけますか。とても寒いです) これは「毛布をください」の丁寧な言い方です。 ‘freezing’ は「とても寒い」という意味です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • May I have a blanket or throw? I'm feeling a little chilly

  • Could I please get a blanket? I'm a bit cold

When you want to ask a flight attendant for a blanket or throw because you feel chilly; you may say it in the following ways: -May I have a blanket or throw? I'm feeling a little chilly -Could I please get a blanket? I'm a bit cold -I'm a bit cold. I was wondering if I can get a blanket or something.
「毛布をください」とフライトアテンダントに伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 -May I have a blanket or throw? I'm feeling a little chilly(毛布をいただけますか。少し寒いです) -Could I please get a blanket? I'm a bit cold(毛布をいただけますか。少し寒いです) -I'm a bit cold. I was wondering if I can get a blanket or something.(少し寒いので、毛布をいただけますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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