世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/17 23:51
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  • My eyes are bigger than my stomach

"My eyes are bigger than my stomach"- this is a fun expression or idiom used to explain when you order too much or eat too much and eat until you are too full. It means that when you see all the food, you want to eat eat it all, even though your stomach cant fit all the food in. Eg: I ate too much. My eyes were bigger than my stomach. Eg: I don't know why I dished so much food. I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach. I hope this helps :)
"“My eyes are bigger than my stomach”(私の目は私の胃よりも大きいです)とは欲張って食べきれないほどの料理を注文したり満腹になるまで食べすぎたりすることを説明するために使われる面白い表現または熟語です。 満腹でそれ以上食べられないのに目の前にある全ての食べ物を食べくなるという意味です。 例: “I ate too much.(食べすぎました) My eyes were bigger than my stomach.” 例: I don't know why I dished so much food.(なぜ自分がこんなに食べ物を皿に盛ったのか分かりません) I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach.” ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I always over-order.

  • My eyes are bigger than my stomach!

  • I'm like a child in a candy shop - and then I'm stuffed!

1. Order more than is required 2. This expression may be used whenever someone has taken/ordered too much food 3. 'Like a child in a candy shop'. This comparison is because a child is always fascinated by a great choice of sweets in a sweet shop and obviously, cannot buy or eat them all, though would probably like to try. Stuffed = totally full
1. 必要以上に注文してしまうこと。 2.誰かが食べ物を取りすぎてしまったり、注文しすぎてしまった時に使う表現です。 3. 'Like a child in a candy shop'. 子供というのは甘いモノには弱いものですよね、食べられないような量にも手を出してしまうことからの隠喩です。 Stuffed = 満腹。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I always get carried away and order too much.

  • I always get too carried away and order too much.

「調子に乗る」→「To get carried away, to get too carried away」 「頼む」→注文をする場合は「To order」 「頼みすぎる」→「To order too much」 まとめて言いますと、 「I always get carried away and order too much.」 「I always get too carried away and order too much.」 と表現できます。 どちらでも使えます。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • My eyes are bigger than my belly

  • I always end up overdoing it at restaurants.

  • I always end up ordering more than I can eat.

My eyes are bigger than my belly Belly is another word for stomach (informal, comical) This funny idiom can be used to describe someone who orders too much food. They see what they like but their stomach cannot eat that much. I always end up overdoing it at restaurants. 'To overdo' something is to do something too much. In this case it would be to overeat. I always end up ordering more than I can eat. This is a simple expression stating that you order too much food and you are not able to eat it. I hope that helps!
My eyes are bigger than my belly Bellyはおなかのことを表します。(カジュアルでコミカルな表現です) この面白いイディオムは、食べきれない量を注文してしまう人を表すのに使います。料理はいくらでも見られるけど、それを食べようと思ったらそんなに食べられませんよね。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes are bigger than my stomach.

  • I always order to much.

"My eyes are bigger than my stomach." is an English expression that explains you order more than you can eat because you like the look of it. "I always order too much." means you order too much food.
"My eyes are bigger than my stomach." はあなたは大きい見た目が好きなので、あなたが食べることができるもの以上に注文してしまうことを説明する英語の表現です。 "I always order too much." あなたが食べ物を注文しすぎてしまうことを意味します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I order too much and end up with a food baby.

  • I always stuffing my face.

  • I overeat.

a food baby - this is when you're so full that your stomach looks like it's pregnant with a "food baby." to stuff your face - this means to shove food into your mouth; basically to eat more than you should overeat - this means to eat more than you need
"a food baby" -これはお腹一杯食べて妊婦さんのお腹の様になってしまった時に"food baby"と言います。 "to stuff your face" - これは口に無理やり食べ物を詰め込む事を言います。 基本的に必要以上に食べる事です。 "overeat" - これは食べ過ぎと言う意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I always struggle to finish my food at a restaurant.

  • I have a habit of ordering something and not finishing it.

*I always struggle to finish my food at a restaurant. If you struggle to do something it means you having trouble to do something. *I have a habit of ordering something and not finishing it. Habit is a way you always do something. For example :"He has an annoying habit of interrupting me."
*I always struggle to finish my food at a restaurant. (私はレストランでいつも食べきるのに苦労します) "struggle to( 何かに)do something"とは何かに奮闘する、と言う意味になります。 *I have a habit of ordering something and not finishing it. (食べ物を食べきれないほど注文してしまう癖があります) "Habit"とはいつもやってしまう事、癖などです。 例: "He has an annoying habit of interrupting me." (彼には私の中断をするイライラさせる癖があります)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I usually order excess food at restaurants and do not finish eating it all.

  • When at a restaurant, I always order too much food and always have leftovers to take home.

The phrase 'excess food' stated in the first statement means 'more food than one can eat'. So, you usually order 'excess food' which you never finish eating, thereby leaving what we call 'leftovers'. Some people do take the 'leftovers' home to be eaten the following day as breakfast. For some people, this is usually a planned activity. So, you may say: I usually order excess food at restaurants and do not finish eating it all. or When at a restaurant, I always order too much food and always have leftovers to take home.
'excess food' (十分すぎる食べ物)は'more food than one can eat'.(食べられる量より多い食べ物)を指しています。多すぎる食べ物 'excess food' を頼んだ場合、食べきれずに残り物 'leftovers'が発生します。残り物を持ち帰り、翌日の朝に食べる人もいます。計画的にそうしている人もいます。 I usually order excess food at restaurants and do not finish eating it all. (いつもレストランでは料理を頼みすぎてしまい、全部食べられません。) When at a restaurant, I always order too much food and always have leftovers to take home. (レストランではいつも食事を頼みすぎてしまい、残り物を持ち帰っています。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I always tend to over order and end up wasting a lot of food.

  • I seem to always order too much food and can never finish it.

If you would like to explain to someone that you always oder too much at a restaurant and have leftovers, you can say something like "I always tend to over order and end up wasting a lot of food." or "I seem to always order too much food and can never finish it.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I always end up ordering too much.

・「I always end up ordering too much.」 (意味)いつも頼みすぎてしまいます。 <例文>I always end up ordering too much because I'm starving. <訳>いつもお腹が空きすげて頼みすぎてしまいます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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