世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/18 01:07
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  • Something's ringing. / Something's buzzing.

  • Something's going off.

  • Is that you?

If it is a ringtone-like sound, or a ringtone vibration, saying, "Something's ringing/buzzing" is common. You could also probably say this even if it isn't obvious that the sound is coming from a phone. "Going off" is a good translation for 音が鳴る in some cases. For example, "my alarm didn't go off, so I overslept!!" If you hear a phone, and you think it's coming from your friend's bag, you can ask, "Is that you?" or "Is that yours?"
着信音のような音や着信のバイブだったら、 Something's ringing/buzzing. と言うのが一般的です。またおそらく、その音が電話の音かどうかがハッキリしなくてもこう言うことができるでしょう。 Going off は、場合によっては「音が鳴る」の英語訳になります。 たとえば、 My alarm didn't go off, so I overslept!!(アラームが鳴らなかったから、寝坊しちゃったよ!!) もし電話の音が聞こえて、それが友人のかばんから聞こえていると思ったら、Is that you?または Is that yours? と聞くことができます。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Can you hear that?

  • I think your phone is going off.

  • Don't you want to get that?

Can you hear that? - Makes it obvious that you can hear something and either will get the person to check or listen. I think your phone is going off.- Prompts the person to check their phone. Going off is informal for ringing. Don't you want to get that? Makes it obvious their phone is ringing.
Can you hear that? - あなたが何かを聞くことができ、その人にチェックまたは聴かせることができることを促します。 I think your phone is going off.--人に電話を確認するように促します。 Going off は鳴っているという意味のインフォーマルです。 Don't you want to get that? 彼らの電話が鳴っていることを明らかにします。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Is that your phone ringing?

Is that your phone ringing? あなたの携帯の音じゃないですか? 携帯電話の可能性があるのであればハッキリと「携帯じゃない?」って言えば伝わりやすいと思います。 全く謎な音であれば… What's that noise? 何の音? Where's that sound coming from? この音どこから聞こえてきてるの? なんて聞き方でも良いかもしれません。
  • I think your phone is ringing.

  • I can hear something coming from your bag.

  • Is that your phone that I can hear?

In this instance it is ok to interrupt conversation with one of these expressions as it may be an important phone call and they may not want to miss it. If it is a friend you can simply say "I think your phone is ringing" however if it is a stranger or someone sitting close to you simply add "Excuse me, I think your phone is ringing". "I can hear something coming from your bag" may be used if you are not sure what the sound is and it may not be a mobile phone. "Is that your phone that I can hear?" makes the person aware that there is a phone ringing and it may possibly be theirs.
この場合、もしかすると大事な人からの電話かもしれないので、ご紹介したフレーズで相手の話を遮って問題ありません。 もし相手が友達なら "I think your phone is ringing" で大丈夫です。 もし相手が知らない人、近くに座っている人なら、 "Excuse me, I think your phone is ringing" と "Excuse me" を加えましょう。 「何の音かわからない、携帯でないかもしれない」という時は "I can hear something coming from your bag" が使えます。 "Is that your phone that I can hear?" は「電話鳴っているけど、あなたのですか」と尋ねる文です。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • Is that your phone ringing?

  • I think your phone is ringing

These sentences will alert the person to the fact that there is a noise coming from his or her bag.
Laura P DMM英会話講師
  • There is a sound coming from your bag.

  • Something is ringing in your bag.

In the first sentence the sound is the subject so we say it is 'coming from the bag'. In the second sentence the unknown ringing object inside the bag is the subject so we say 'in your bag'.
最初の文は、音が主語になっていて、「coming from the bag」と表現します。 2つ目の文章では、カバンの中から聞こえる知らない音が主語になっているので、「in your bag」と表現します。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Is that your phone?

  • I hear a phone.

You can ask them. "Is that your phone?" "I hear a phone." explains you can hear a phone and will prompt them to check.
「Is that your phone?」と尋ねることができます。 「I hear a phone.」は電話を聞いたので、それを確認するということを表現します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I think your phone's ringing in your bag.

  • 2. Something's happening on your phone.

  • 3. Your bag is making some sounds.

1. A noise is coming from the bag - like a phone. 2. You think the phone in the bag is making a noise. 3. You're not sure what it is, but something in the bag is making a noise.
1.携帯電話のように、バッグから音が出ています。そんなときの表現です。 2. バッグの中の携帯が音を出していると思ったら、この表現も使えます。 3. なんだかわからないけど、バッグの中の何かが音を出している、という表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is that your phone I hear ringing?

  • I think your phone is ringing.

You can alert someone that your hear something ringing by asking any of these two questions:- 1. Is that your phone I hear ringing? 2. I think your phone is ringing. Any of these two statements will prompt a person to listen and check their bag /phones.
何かが鳴っていると相手に知らせたいときには、次のように言えます。 1. Is that your phone I hear ringing?(あなたの電話鳴っていませんか) 2. I think your phone is ringing.(あなたの電話鳴っていませんか) どちらの文も、その音に相手の注意を向けて、バッグや電話を確認するよう促しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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