世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/05/18 21:36
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  • Are you ok? Do you need a drink?

  • I noticed you had a cough, are you ok?

  • Are you feeling ok with that cough?

It is nice to recognise that the person may not be feeling well and therefore asking them if they are ok is very polite. They may be struggling to have a conversation if their throat is hurting them so any of these expressions are useful to acknowledge the situation.
相手の体調が悪そうなのに気づくのはすばらしいことです。ですから、「大丈夫ですか」と尋ねるのもとても親切です。 喉が痛いくて話すのに苦労しているかもしれませんね。そんな時はこれらどの表現も使えます。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • You've been coughing a lot. Are you alright?

  • I've noticed you've been coughing a lot. Do you have a cold?

  • Are you okay? I noticed you've been coughing.

"You've been coughing a lot. Are you alright?" is an informal way to ask if someone is well after they have been coughing a lot. example: You: "You've been coughing a lot. Are you alright?" Person: "Yes, I'm alright. I just have something in my throat." "I've noticed you've been coughing a lot. Do you have a cold?" is a more formal way of asking if someone is alright, while also asking if they have an illness. example: You: "I've noticed you've been coughing a lot. Do you have a cold?" Person: "Yes, I have a little cough. I've been having allergies." "Are you okay? I noticed you've been coughing." is a more informal and natural way to ask if someone is alright, as you've noticed their cough. example: You "Are you okay? I noticed you've been coughing." Person: "Yeah, I'm okay. I've just had a cough these past few days."
"You've been coughing a lot. Are you alright?" これはフォーマルな尋ね方です。 例 You: "You've been coughing a lot. Are you alright?" ずいぶん咳込んでるけど、大丈夫? Person: "Yes, I'm alright. I just have something in my throat." ああ、大丈夫です。ちょっと喉に何かを感じるだけなんだ。 "I've noticed you've been coughing a lot. Do you have a cold?" これは相手の様子を気に掛けるフォーマルな言い方です。 例 You: "I've noticed you've been coughing a lot. Do you have a cold?" たくさん咳をしているようだけど、風邪ひいたの? Person: "Yes, I have a little cough. I've been having allergies." ああ、ちょっと風邪気味なんだ。アレルギーがあってね。 "Are you okay? I noticed you've been coughing." これは咳に気づいてから尋ねる、ナチュラルでかつ自然な言い方となります。 例 : You "Are you okay? I noticed you've been coughing." 大丈夫?ずっと咳き込んでるようだけど。 Person: "Yeah, I'm okay. I've just had a cough these past few days." ああ、大丈夫。ここ最近風邪気味なんだ。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Sounds like you have a bad cough.

  • Sounds like you might have caught something.

  • Is your throat alright?

Sounds like you have a bad cough. (咳が酷そうね。) Is your throat alright? (喉は大丈夫ですか?) 上記の2つで相手が咳の原因を説明する事を招きます。 Sounds like you might have caught something. (何かの病気をかかったそうですね。) Have you seen a doctor? (医者さんに診てもらった?) でフォローしたらグッド。
Bret Mayer 漢字教育士、言語文化スペシャリスト
  • 1. May I bring you a glass of water?

  • 2. Are you OK?

  • 3. Would you like to take a short break?

1, This is the usual response if someone is coughing a lot. 2. You are checking your coworker is alright - nothing serious. 3. If the coughing persists, it may be better to have a break so your coworker may compose themselves.
1.これは、たくさん咳をしている人への普通のレスポンスですね。 2.同僚が大丈夫なのか? 深刻ではないか確認する言い方です。 3.咳が持続する場合は、休憩を取って同僚が自分で調整できるよう取り計らってあげるのもいいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Should I get you some water?

  • That's a bad cough,do you need me to bring you anything for it?

  • Are you okay?

"Should I get you some water?" This is an appropriate way to offer to bring something to soothe their throat. "That's a bad cough,do you need me to bring you anything for it?" You are commenting on the cough and offering to bring medicine or something to help this person feel better. "Are you okay?" This question is a way of finding out if the person needs your help to feel better.
"Should I get you some water?" ①「お水を持って来ましょうか?」 喉の調子を緩和するために何かをオファするときの適切な聞き方です。 "That's a bad cough,do you need me to bring you anything for it?" ②「ひどい咳ですね。何かお持ちしましょうか?」 咳に対するコメントを述べて、咳が和らぐように薬または他の物をオファしています。 "Are you okay?" ③「大丈夫ですか?」 咳をしている人が良くなるように、何か出来ることはあるか聞き出している。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • You seem to be coughing a lot, would you like some water?

  • Are you OK? You are coughing a lot.

  • How are you feeling? you appear to have a nasty cough.

You seem to be coughing a lot, would you like some water? - The 'you seem to be coughing' part of the sentence is used to comment on the fact that the person is coughing, then offering some water is a good idea. Are you OK? You are coughing a lot. - This one is very simple and direct, you ask the person if they are OK because they have been coughing a lot. How are you feeling? you appear to have a nasty cough. - Asking the person how they are feeling can be good as it is an open question which can be answered with more than 'yes' or 'no'. The expression 'nasty cough' means that their cough is quite bad.
You seem to be coughing a lot would you like some water?   -「you seem to be coughing」とは、咳をしている人に対し、水を飲んだほうが良いという意味を含みます。 Are you OK? You are coughing a lot. - 咳をしている人に大丈夫かと尋ねるときのシンプルな表現です。 How are you feeling? you appear to have a nasty cough.   - 相手に気分を尋ねる表現です。「yes」や「no」だけではない答えを求めるオープン質問表現です。 「nasty cough」は重症の咳を意味する表現です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Are you okay? Would you like some water?

  • Sounds like you have a cough, are you okay?

"are you okay" asks if they are ok. "would you like some water?" Offering them water is a polite way of showing your concern.
「are you okay」は彼らが大丈夫かどうか尋ねることです。 「"would you like some water?」 水を提供するときの懸念を示す丁寧な方法です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry but are you feel okay?

  • Are you alright?

It is very polite of you to worry about others. The end of your sentence can be used to ask a question but you also can use my examples. There are no big differences between them, although, the first one is more polite version.
相手のことを気遣ってすごく丁寧ですね。 あなたの説明の最後部分も質問に使えます。もちろん、私が紹介した例を使っても大丈夫です。この二つに大きな違いはありませんが、一つ目の方が丁寧です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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